chapter fourteen

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  2.02 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

'whilst you go round sniffing everyones asses like the dog you are, i'm gonna grab a good seat on the bleachers, see you out there'


Sitting in her house alone, Lottie was on Skype to her uncle, her uncle who was still living at his house an hour away.

"You really don't mind living alone? You're only young. I mean I'm pretty sure it's not even legal." Damon told the girl who smiled gently.

"Uncle D, I've basically been living alone or living at Stiles' house since I was nine. I'll be fine. In fact I'd rather have the house to myself. If I get spooked, I'll just go to Stiles' or Scotts'."

"If you sure, I-" Damon was cut off by the door being pounded on, Lottie glanced to the door from her seat on the couch before turning back to her uncle.

"Speaking of the devil's, that's probably them now. I'll check in with you everyday Uncle D. Love you." She called out, cutting him off and cautiously making her way to the front door which was being beaten so hard she was worried it was gonna fly off the hinges.

"Lottie! Please let me in! It's me!" She heard a voice cry out, terrified.

"Isaac?" Lottie muttered as she opened the door to the boy. Standing, soaking wet on her doorstep was a very scared looking Isaac. She pulled him into her house, grabbing a blanket and wrapping him in it as she brought him to the couch. "What happened?"

"You said I could always come to you if I needed help? Did you mean it?" Isaac asked, staring directly into her eyes.

"Of course. Isaac, what's going on?" She pressed gently.

"Do you- do you think I could stay here for a few days? My dad he- he-" Isaac broke into tears before he could tell Lottie, but judging by the way he shook and flinched as Lottie reached over to hug him, she had an idea of what his father did to him.

"Isaac, you don't even need to ask. You're going to stay here for as long as you like. Come on, I'll get you some spare clothes and you can have a shower whilst I set up the spare room. Okay?" She soothed as he nodded shyly.

As Lottie left him in the shower with a pile of her dads old clothes, she struggled to contain her rage at the thought of Isaac being hurt, especially when the hurt was caused by his own father. Setting up the spare room she glanced at herself in the mirror, only to drop the bed sheets as she caught sight of her eyes. They were pure white.

Blinking furiously to make the colour go back to normal, Lottie tried to calm herself down, knowing that when Scott transformed, he had to be calm to return to normal. Breathing deeply and counting to six, Lottie closed her eyes and released the breath, sighing in relief as her eyes had returned to normal. The bite had done something, she just didn't know what.

"Hey. You okay?" Isaac asked as he stared at the bedsheets on the floor.

"Yeah, sorry I got distracted. Are you okay?"

"Ye-" He started to lie, until he saw Lottie's stern glare. "No. I'm not okay. But- but I will be. Here let me help." Isaac replied with a shy smile as he helped Lottie make the bed.

"Well I'm not gonna push you to tell me. But if you ever and I mean ever, want to talk about it. I'll be here okay? Always. Now try and get some sleep." Lottie smiled at him, tucking him in as he buried himself in the sheets like a child.

"Thank you Lotts." Isaac smiled sleepily as the girl reached down and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead, hoping to give him some semblance of comfort.

Lottie made her way back to her room, trying to control the shakes in her hands as she thought about her friend in the other room and her mind ran riot with thoughts about his father and exactly the kind of man he was.

Standing in front of her bedroom mirror, she willed her eyes to change, determined to make sure it wasn't a trick of the light. And as she felt herself become more furious, they flashed. Bright white staring back at her. Reaching a hand up to her face, Lottie gently touched the spot under her eyes as blue veins grew slightly, stretching to her cheeks.

She let out a soft gasp as she felt the raised veins, she certainly wasn't a werewolf. She needed to research but she had little to go off. White eyes and blue veins. Sighing deeply, she closed her eyes and thought about her eyes returning to normal, she slowly opened her eyes, calming when she saw they'd once again returned to normal.

She knew she should tell the boys, especially Stiles, he'd be so helpful with research and he'd be there for her no doubt. But Scott needed him. This was just one thing she'd figure out herself, at least for now anyway. After all, the full moon was tomorrow night.


"Is it clear to enter?" Lottie called out as she entered the locker room, lazily covering her eyes with her hands, peeking slightly as she tried to find her boys.

"Lottie. You're peeking. It's safe." Stiles deadpanned as he reached over to hug the girl, Scott smiling as he heard not one, but two sets of heartbeats raise.

"I can neither confirm nor deny that statement. Anyway, what are we talking about?" She asked as she hugged Scott before returning to Stiles' side, tucking herself under his arm.

"Scott here is adamant he doesn't have the urge to maim and kill us this moon." Stiles told the girl who looked at the werewolf with a raised brow.

"No maiming?" Scott shook his head. "No killing?" He shook his head again. "What about not forcibly kissing your best friend?" She asked finally, smirking at the boy.

"I've already apologised a million times. I'm so sorry. But no, I definitely don't have the urge to kiss anyone not anyone- Allison is an exception." He replied, a smirk appears on his face at the thought. Turning back to Stiles, he gave his best innocent face. "I swear I don't have an urge to maim and kill you."

"You know, you say that now and then the moon goes up and out come the fangs and the claws and there's howling and screaming and running and it's all just way too stressful. So, yeah. Still locking you up." Stiles was refusing to budge on the whole locking Scott up ordeal.

"I have to agree with him on this one." Lottie smiled sympathetically, avoiding the thought of what was going to happen to her that night.

"Fine. But I do think I'm more in control now. Especially since things are good with Allison." Scott agreed.

"I'm aware of how good things are with Allison."

"I'm not, what's happening?" Lottie asked innocently.

"Things are just good. They're really good." Scott smirked mischievously. "I mean like really–"

"I know!" Stiles groaned. "Now shut the hell up before I have an urge to maim and kill myself."

"Oh, leave him be. Scotty's in love." Lottie teased, poking the boy in the stomach as he rolled his eyes with a smile.

"Well, do you have something better than a pair of handcuffs this time?" Scott asked, remembering last time, handcuffs weren't enough to hold him.

"Much better." Stiles grinned as he opened his locker to put his bag away, only for his idea of 'something better' to start falling out of the locker loudly. Lengths of industrial chains fell out, clanging to the floor loudly, gaining the attention of everyone in the locker room as Stiles tried to catch the chains. Lottie glanced between the boys, struggling to contain her laughter, her face turning red as she clutched her hands to her mouth as Scott and Stiles looked horrified. As the final chain hit the ground with a clink, Coach Finstock made his way over.

"Part of me wants to ask." He started, looking at the chains with horror decorating his features. "The other part says knowing will be more disturbing than anything I can imagine. So I'm going to walk away now." He walked backwards, not taking his eyes off the chains.

"Wise choice, Coach." Stiles smiled as he crouched down with Scott to pick up the chains as Lottie finally burst, her laughter filling the room.

"Oh, there's Isaac, I'll be back." Lottie told the boys as Stiles frowned watching her walk away. "Isaac? Hey, you okay? You were gone this morning."

"Yeah, I- I went back home. Sorry I was gonna leave a note but I couldn't find any paper." He explained, not meeting her eye. Lottie sensed he wasn't telling the truth, but as much as she wanted to push she held back.

"You went home? But- Next time text me okay? And I mean it, you're welcome to stay at mine for however long you like. No strings attached, I just want you to be safe okay?" She just wanted him to know he had a safe space, but she wasn't going to force him if he didn't want to, he would when he was ready. "But Isaac?" She asked as the boy nodded. "If your dad is- if he's causing an unsafe environment, you need to report it." She chose her words carefully as she reached up and whispered to the boy.

"I- I am fine okay? Just- I'm grateful and everything but I don't need your help. I'm figuring it out." Isaac said coldly as he walked away, leaving Lottie to sigh sadly as she made her way back to Stiles and Scott.

"Another werewolf." Scott muttered as he stood. Lottie froze, thinking Scott had figured her out. But she wasn't a werewolf, surely he couldn't smell her.

"Who?" Lottie asked, making the boys jump.

"I can't tell, it's like I can smell them but I can't pinpoint it."

"Well whilst you go round sniffing everyones asses like the dog you are, I'm gonna grab a good seat on the bleachers, see you out there." Lottie teased, laughing as she walked away.

"How does she have an endless supply of dog jokes?" Scott mumbled.

"She's brilliant." Stiles answered with hearts in his eyes.

"Come on Cupid. We've got a wolf to catch." Scott laughed, slapping his friend on the back as they went to the field, determined to figure out who the new wolf is.

Lottie made her way out to the bleachers and found her favourite frenemy. She made her way over to him and plopped herself on the seat next to him with a smile.

"Jackass. How are you? And stranger, how are you?" She asked, turning to the boy whose name she didn't know with a kind smile as opposed to the sarcastic one she'd been giving Jackson.

"Lotso, lovely as ever. Anyway, I need something that can record in low light and all night long." Jackson turned back to the boy.

"Jackson, are you recording a sex tape? Cos that shit is illegal since you're a minor and I don't think someone so pretty would do so well in prison."

"Lotso, please be quiet for just two seconds. I'll give you all my attention in precisely three minutes." Jackson groaned, turning his back to the girl, effectively blocking her out.

"All YOUR attention? Wow how lucky am I?" Lottie mused sarcastically.

"I'm Matt by the way." The boy introduced himself, waving around Jackson before answering his previous question. "What ARE you recording?"

"Something in low light. All night long. You got a camera or not?"

"You got a hundred bucks?" Matt asked.

"I drive a Porsche. What do you think?" Jackson sassed as Lottie rolled her eyes.

"I think your parents have a hundred bucks." Lottie snickered at Matt's comment, reaching around Jackson and high-fiving the boy as he grinned at her.

"Just get me the camera." Jackson told the boy as he got up and left the lacrosse player and Lottie. "So, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Pleasure? I knew you liked me. And there's no reason, just saw you and thought I'd keep you company. Are you worried about tonight? Is that why you want to film it?" Lottie asked quietly.

"I'm not worried. I just want to be able to watch it back. See what happens." Jackson shrugged unconvincingly.

"Okay, well you have my number. If you want company or just someone to talk to, ring me okay?" Lottie offered with a smile. Anything to distract her from herself at this point.

"Aww, I knew you had a little crush on me." Jackson teased as Stiles walked past with a frown.

"In your dreams Jackass. Anyway, best go check on my boys." She grinned and blew him a kiss before making her way over to Stiles and Scott. "Why is Scott covered in goalie pads? He hates being in goal."

"Why do you have a crush on Jackson?" Stiles retorted, causing Lottie to flinch slightly, taken aback by his tone.

"Uh, I don't? It's a running joke he has. Anyway," She explained as Stiles looked embarrassed, "Why the goalie pads?"

"Remember the part where I said I had a plan? This is the plan." Stiles explained.

"I don't get it." Lottie and Scott mused at the same time.

"I seriously don't know how you'd survive without me, Scott. Lottie, you'd manage just fine."

"Fuck yeah, hear that Scotty?" Lottie teased as the boys made their way onto the field. Lottie spotted Isaac and waved at him slightly, only to sigh sadly as he ignored her.

Coach Finstock blew the whistle and tossed the ball to the first player in the line up. Scott was supposed to be standing in goal but as the player ran forwards towards the defender, Scott ran past said defender and slammed into the player. They both landed in a heap on the ground. As Scott helped the player he had knocked down, Lottie saw him lean in and sniff him - so this was Stiles' plan. Have Scott tackle everyone until he sniffed out the werewolf. Lottie groaned lightly, this was not his best plan.

"McCall, usually the goalie, stays somewhere within the vicinity of the actual goal." Coach shouted at Scott.

"Sorry, Coach!"

This continued for several players, they would run at the defender but Scott would run around the defender, tackle his teammate and sniff them, only to turn to Stiles and shake his head disappointedly. Lottie couldn't help but be amused by the events. It would have made more sense for Stiles to have got Scott in a defensive position, then he wouldn't constantly be getting scolded by Coach.

"McCall! You come out of that goal again and you'll be doing suicide runs until you die. You'll be the first ever suicide run to actually end in suicide. Got it?" Lottie chuckled at that one. She looked up to see Jackson tap out before his turn, she already knew he'd been bitten after overhearing his conversation with Derek. Smiling at him again, she patted the spot next to him as Isaac went up for his go. Turning away from the boy she faced Jackson.

"You don't strike me as the type to tap out Jackass. You're not actually intimidated by little old Scotty are you?" She asked with a teasing smile as he rolled his eyes returning the smile.

"My shoulder hurts. remember ? The shoulder that your friend injured."

"Best friend- important distinction. And besides-" She was cut off by the brutal sound of plastic colliding as she glanced over to see Scott and Isaac having a face-off in the middle of the field. Lottie sensed a presence next to the bleachers and smiled when she saw Sheriff Stilinski.

"Hello Sheriff." She beamed as she made her way over.

"I thought I told you to call me Noah?" He grinned back at the girl.

"Well I thought since it looks like you're on duty it'd be unprofessional." She replied.

Across the field, two young werewolves faced each other, their yellow eyes beaming. Coach blew the whistle gaining their attention as the team had begun to notice the Sheriff and his two deputies. Isaac turned panicked to Scott as their eyes both returned to normal.

"Don't tell them." Isaac whispered, frightened, before glancing back at Lottie. "Please don't tell them. Don't tell Lottie either. Please." He begged.

"Why-" Scott began to ask but Coach had called Isaac over and taken him towards the Sheriff, where Lottie had just left as she walked over to Stiles.

"What do you reckon all that's about? Your dad wouldn't tell me?" She asked Stiles as Scott made his way to the pair.

"Can you hear them?" Stiles asked Scott who nodded before focusing on the teenage boy being questioned by the police.

"His father's dead." Scott explained as Lottie gasped.

"You're kidding me?" Stiles breathed out.

"They think he was murdered."

"Did they say he's a suspect?" Lottie grew worried, he was with her last night, he couldn't have done it, could he? It would have been self defence surely?

"I don't think so, why?"

"Because they can lock him in a holding cell for 24 hours."

"You mean like overnight?" Scott asked, growing worried as Lottie looked confused between the boys.

"Why is that a problem?" She asked, all too aware of the looks they were sharing without her. When she received silence she huffed angrily. "Fine. Don't tell me. I need to follow your dad anyway."

"Why?" Stiles asked as the girl walked away.

"Because Isaac was at my house last night." She told him, not noticing how his face crumpled at the statement, completely misreading what she'd said.

"She was- But I-" Stiles muttered to Scott.

"I'm sure she didn't mean it like that. Come on, that holding cell won't be good enough for a werewolf." Scott slung an arm around Stiles' shoulder and ruffled his hair.

"She could've been hurt. He could've hurt her. I'm not letting that go." Stiles fumed quietly.


Lottie was sitting outside the principal's office, waiting for her turn to speak to Sheriff Stilinski when Scott and Stiles plopped into the seats next to her. Rolling her eyes, she crossed her arms at the boys, turning slightly away from them. The boys looked between each other worriedly.

"Lotts. Come on. We didn't mean anything by it." Scott started.

"Didn't mean anything by what? Keeping me out? Ignoring me?" She sassed, being a complete hypocrite as she kept the details of her bite hidden.

"Until we know more, it's not safe." Stiles tried, immediately knowing it was the wrong thing to say.

"Safe? Where was that logic when you dragged me out to see a dead body? Or every time you take me out to the woods in the dead of night?"

Stiles glanced over at Scott who shook his head, determined not to tell Lottie but it was too late, Stiles had already turned back to the girl. "It's Isaac. We didn't tell you because he begged us not to. That's why we are panicking, it's a full moon and they can hold him overnight. Don't tell him I told you." Stiles pleaded. Lottie's jaw dropped, how did she not notice? She went to reply when her name was called.

Standing, she made her way into the principal's office as Jackson left. She froze in the doorway as she spotted Allison's grandfather whose name she'd learned was Gerard.

"Lottie. This should be quick since you aren't a witness to the fight that occurred but first, can you tell me what happened last night?" Sheriff Stilinski asked, pointing for her to take a seat. Shaking her head lightly to snap herself out of her daze she sat.

"Well it was around ten-thirty last night and Isaac just showed up at my house, banging on the door, soaked through. He said that his father had done something to him but wouldn't tell me what and I didn't push it. I thought something might be going on but didn't have any evidence and he was adamant nothing was happening when I'd asked him previously. I would've come to you but I didn't have any evidence." Lottie kicked herself for letting it get this far.

"It's not your fault Lottie." Stilisnki told her. "Then what happened?"

"Well I'd told him previously, if he ever needed anywhere to stay, he was always welcome at my house. I have a spare room set up for him. So he stayed over." Lottie shrugged.

"And he stayed the whole night?" Lottie gulped, he was gone when she woke up.

"No." She muttered. "He was gone when I woke up. I didn't see him again until just before practice."

"Okay. That will be all from me. Thank you Little Lotts." Sheriff smiled as Lottie made to stand as he left.

"Now, now. You stay right there." Gerard called out to Lottie as she went to leave. Pausing mid air she turned back to the man.

"I don't believe you've introduced yourself principal." Lottie accused.

"Oh I will. First of all I'm going to call in your friends." He smiled in a way that made Lottie feel dirty.

"Boys, come in." He greeted them as they sat on either side of Lottie who shared an uneasy look with them. "Scott McCall. Academically not the most accomplished, but I see you've become quite a star athlete." He said before turning to Stiles. "Mr. Stilinski. Perfect grades but little to no extracurriculars. Maybe you should try lacrosse."

"Actually I am on-"

"Ms Bailey. Also perfect grades, a borderline pro gymnast, specifically in tumbling. Very impressive."

"Eh. The gymnastics is on pause these days. And what about you?" Lottie asked, interrupting the man.


"What are your accomplishments?" She asked, raising a brow bravely as Scott and Stiles gulped. Lottie never was one to back down.

"I'm afraid I don't have enough time to list them all. I will however say I'm a collector of things. Unusual things shall we say?" He grinned somewhat evilly. "Now hold on. McCall. You're the Scott who was dating my granddaughter." Gerard changed the topic, taking his gaze off of Lottie and turning it to Scott who stared like a deer caught in headlights.

"We were dating. But we're not anymore. Not dating. Or doing anything. With each other. At all." Lottie sighed internally, he couldn't be more obvious.

"Relax, Scott. You look like you're about to crack a cyanide pill between your teeth." Gerard chuckled.

"It was a rough breakup." Scott mumbled.

"Well, that's too bad. You seem like a pretty nice kid to me. Maybe you could come over for dinner sometime. I'm a very good cook." Gerard was playing a game. One Lottie was determined to win. She wouldn't let him harm her friends. His family had done that enough already. "Who knows, maybe we can re-spark that romance. Listen guys, yes, I'm the Principal but I really don't want you to think of me as the enemy."

"Is that so?" Stiles asked, sarcasm seeping into his tone as Lottie nudged his knee with hers.

"I plan to be outside of my office as much as possible. I want to be visible, accessible. Always keeping an eye on my students. Like an older brother keeping a protective eye on his sibling."

"We'll just call you Big Brother." Stiles remarked.

"Our much older, big brother." Lottie added with a smirk.

"Clever, Mr. Stilinski. I think I'm going to like you. I'm not that strict, though. However, being that it's my first day, I do need to support my teachers. Unfortunately, someone's going to have to take the fall and stay for detention." Gerard replied to Stiles, ignoring Lottie's dig. Scott, Lottie and Gerard all turned to Stiles, deciding that he was the one that was going to take the fall.

"Why- why me?" He groaned as the three left the office.

"Well, I didn't get detention. Also, consider this your way of making it up to me." Lottie grinned at the boy. Over the situation now that they had bigger fish to fry. A hunter was in the school. And another of her friends was a werewolf.

"Okay, sold!" Stiles grinned back at her, tugging her into his chest, muffling her laughter.

"I wanna join in!" Scott laughed as he wrapped his arms comically around the two of them.

"Wait guys? What are we gonna do about Isaac? He has no idea what he's signed up for." Lottie sighed, pulling away.

"Well me and you are gonna have to catch him before he's taken so let's go!" Scott told her, tugging her hand and pulling her through the doors of the school's exit.

"Fuck!" She groaned as she saw Isaac being put into a cop car. Only her frustrations begin to find a new victim when she saw Derek pull up. "DEREK! I'm going to kill you so painfully I can't even find the proper words to articulate it."

"Look I messed up. Get in." Derek sighed, knowing he was in trouble as she'd called him by his actual name.

"You did that. That's your fault." Scott argued.

"I know. Now get in and help me."

"I've got a better idea. I'm going to call a lawyer. Because a lawyer might actually have a chance of getting him out of there before the moon goes up." Scott refused as Lottie nodded in agreement.

"Not when they do a real search of the house." Derek argued.

"What do you mean?" Lottie asked.

"Whatever Jackson said to the cops? What's in the house is worse. A lot worse... Now get in." He said as Lottie climbed in the front seat and Scott got in the back.


"If Isaac didn't kill his father, who did?" Scott asked as the three of them slunk into the Lahey household.

"I don't know yet." Derek replied.

"Then how do you know he's telling the truth?" Scott continued his questions.

"Because I trust my senses. And it's a combination of them. Not just your sense of smell." Derek said pointedly making Lottie chuckle, thinking back to Scotts display earlier in the day.

"You saw the lacrosse thing didn't you?" She asked.


"Was it as bad as I think?" Scott asked.

"Worse." Derek mused, smiling ever so slightly as Lottie burst out laughing.

Derek led the two teenagers down into the basement, a horrible dank cave of a place, that reeked of horror, even to Lottie who had noticed her sense of smell or hearing hadn't really changed. All she had noticed was that the closer to the moon reaching its peak she began to feel like her skin was tight, like it was stretching to fit over her bones. It was uncomfortable but bearable for now, she'd need to make an excuse and leave soon.

"What happened down here?" Scott asked nervously, glancing at Derek who looked troubled.

"The kind of thing that leaves an impression."

Lottie began to examine the room, listening in on Derek's instructions to Scott. She wished she'd known how savage Isaac's reality was before she'd gone down there, it was so much worse than she could've imagined.

"Think about how the sound of screaming can leave tiny impressions in the wood. Sweat left from fear. Saline from tears. In the walls, the floor..." Derek guided as Scott crouched to the floor, Lottie walked over and joined him running her fingers along the marks in the floor with a tight feeling in her chest

"Claw marks?" Scott asked.

"Scotty, these were done by someone's fingernails. Isaac's fingernails." Lottie gulped, blinking back tears as she stood quickly. She made her way around a support beam, retreating from the marks only to stumble into a freezer. A small open padlock hung from the hinges. Scott made his way over, going to open the lid gulping nervously.

"Open it." Derek instructed.

Scott opened the lid and stepped back in shock. Lottie held her hand to her mouth, trying to contain the vomit that had risen up her throat. Inside the freezer were scratch marks, desperate scratch marks, everywhere. Dried blood filled every crack and crevice showing that whoever had been in there had been terrified fighting for their life. Isaac had been terrified and fighting for his life. Sweet Isaac. Lottie turned away, closing her eyes tightly as they burned. She could feel her anger levels rising and the last thing she needed was her eyes to fuck about.

"This is why he said yes to you." Scott said, turning to Derek.

"Everyone wants power. Some of us have better reasons. That padlock won't keep him in now." Derek mused.

"I'm glad he's dead." Lottie spat as she turned to face the boys. Her rage barely being contained. "Because if he wasn't? I'd do it myself." She finished, leaving both Derek and Scott looking after the girl in shock.

She exited the room leaving the two boys to plan Isaac's escape. The tight feeling was almost unbearable now, it felt like it was fusing together, she needed a plan and she needed one fast. Setting her phone to ring, she asked her Uncle to ring her quickly. She acted out a very well-scripted conversation, all too aware that the two werewolves downstairs might be listening, all about how her father was home and wondering where on Earth she was. So when the boys came upstairs her story was ready.

"I need to go. My father is back in town and stressing about where I am. I'll come to the station to help out as soon as I can. Just don't let anyone hurt Isaac okay? Or Stiles. God knows he'll be there." Lottie told the boys as Scott looked at her confused, glancing up to Derek who just nodded. "Stay safe. Both of you." She instructed as she left.

"She'd never leave us when one of us needed help. Also she's never cared about her father or his wants before. Why now?" Scott thought aloud.

"We don't have time for this. We need to go now. We have about an hour until the moon hits its peak." Derek sassed, neither of them noticing the footprints leading to the woods behind Isaacs house or the fact that on the drive they didn't spot Lottie at all.


Lottie was in a sort of trance as she left the Lahey household. She had no idea where she was going, only that her feet knew the way. She was making her way through the woods all the way through the Beacon Hills reserve, moving at a speed that was unnatural. A sound echoed in her mind, leading her through the muddy terrain, she couldn't help but follow it. She woke from her daze as she reached her destination. The lake she drowned in. She fell to the floor in agony as the moon hit its peak, her skin felt like it was on fire, burning from the inside out. She crawled to the lake, desperate for some relief. As she did, she noted she wasn't alone.

"Come in, Charlotte." The voice said. Lottie couldn't even lift her head properly to see where the voice came from, all she knew was that it was coming from the lake.

"Agh!" Lottie let out a scream as her pain levels hit their max. Unable to bear the pain anymore she continued her crawl to the lake, no longer caring about the voice calling her in.

She tried to fight the urge to dunk herself in the lake but the decision was made for her as a webbed hand with long claws pulled her in.

As Lottie went under she clawed at her clothing, peeling it off herself as the water began to soothe the burning but did nothing to ease the pain as her body began to morph. Her hands began to web and her nails began to extend into claws.

The skin across her chest began to fuse together, forming a scaly like top. Fins snapped out of her back and gills sliced into her sides. She felt her gums ache as she reached a webbed hand up to her mouth, only to pull away when she felt fangs instead of her usual teeth. Looking down at her legs she finally let out a panicked scream underwater as she saw her legs fuse together and grow a tail.

She was so panicked that she didn't even notice that she was breathing underwater completely unaffected. She swam around trying to see her tail properly noting the pearlescent colour of it, caught between admiring the new addition or between pure fear. She stopped her circling when she saw she wasn't alone.

"Charlotte Bailey. It is a pleasure to meet you at last."

"Who are you? What's happening to me?" She asked. "Why can I breathe right now? WHY DO I HAVE A TAIL?"

"I will answer all your questions. I am Mayalila. I am a siren. And so are you." Mayalila explained as she swam over to Lottie.

"What- How-"

"Sirens are extremely rare these days. We used to be a force to be reckoned with but now? You and I are all that exist. I have been alone for many years, searching for a sister, and here you are." Mayalila smiled. Lottie smiled awkwardly back, whilst she didn't agree with the creature, she needed to learn all that she could from the siren.

"It is a common misconception that a werewolf bite reflects what is on the inside, however that is not entirely true. A bite can also affect you based on your circumstance. You were bitten and left in a body of water, drowning, the bite fought to keep you alive. Because of the water in your system and the bites venom mixing, it aided in making you a siren. Plus you most likely had the characteristics of a siren in your human life anyway. Did you ever notice, you got your own way more often than not? Did you lie your way out of things easily?" Mayalila asked, causing Lottie to pause and think of all the times she'd done both of those with ease. As she nodded Mayalila continued.

"I'm sure you have lots of questions, I will remain in the lake for the foreseeable future and will aid you in your transition. But tonight, you have a lot to get your head around."

"But I have so many questions- I need some answers please." Lottie pleaded, she was petrified.

"Of course Charlotte, follow me."

The two swam slowly as Lottie tried to get used to her new body. They eventually reached a small cave where they lifted their heads above the water, keeping their bodies submerged. Lottie took a minute to really take in Mayalila's appearance. She was beautiful. There was no other way to describe her. Something drew you to her which must have been the siren aspect. She was otherwordly. Looking down, Lottie could see her tail, glistening a bright blue and orange. Noticing Lottie's gaze, Mayalila flicked her tail playfully, splashing the girl.

"Sorry. I'm just... fascinated. This is all new to me." Lottie apologised as looked at her own chest in fascination. In all the films she'd watched with mermaids and sirens in, they wore a bikini top of some sorts to cover their chest, but Lottie did not need to. Her chest had fused over, keeping her decency intact. "That is so cool." She muttered.

"I will say it's best to take your clothes off before you get into the water next time. Now you're going to have to walk home naked..." Mayalila chuckled behind her hand as Lottie realised her clothes were in fact ruined.

"Fuck my life..."

"So, I'm sure you have an eye-watering amount of questions and we still have some time before the full moon moves on from its peak so ask away."

"Am I stuck like this?"

"No. You may choose when to transform much like a werewolf, however the longer you go without transforming the more uncomfortable it will be when you do transform, or you can begin to transform out of water which is not something you want to do. I'd recommend spending your time in the water when the moon is full and at it's peak though. However, when you are fully submerged in water, like the lake or the bath or a pool, you will begin to transform until you have that under control. "

"So when I get out of the water I'll be human again? And until I learn to control my transformations in water, I'll always grow a tail and everything?"

"I'd strongly advise transforming before you leave the water. If you transform out of water or against your will, it's excruciating. The pain you felt before you transformed will seem like heaven compared to that pain. And yes, essentially." Mayalila warned.

"So no transforming out of water. Got it. My eyes have been transforming when I've been angry, is it possible to transform partially?" Lottie thought aloud.

"That is possible. Most of the time, out of water your transformation is limited to your eyes changing to white and your under eyes become veiny as well as your claws and fangs. Your claws are incredibly sharp so be careful. Oh and your powers work out of water too." Mayalila clicked her fingers as she thought of the powers.

"What powers?" Lottie asked cautiously.

"Well it's like I mentioned. You noticed you get your own way and can lie easily? Well the rumours about siren songs are true in most aspects. We don't sing sailors to their death though. I mean we did but now it's only me.  Essentially you can seduce the mind. Manipulate it to get your own way. At first you'll only be able to compel one person at a time but eventually when you learn to control it? You'll control the masses. I wouldn't recommend singing anymore though." Mayalila smirked.

"Mind control? Isn't that kind of violating?" Lottie thought, although the more she thought about it the more she realised it would probably be quite helpful given her life outside of the water.

"It can be if you misuse it. Just keep good morals and you'll be fine. You'll also be able to manipulate water."

"Fucking hell. Does it end? This is too much to remember."

Mayalila swam over to Lottie and rested a hand on her shoulder. Smiling softly at the girl, she leaned over and hugged her.

"It'll be okay. I'm here to help and you know where to find me now."

"Why do you stay in the water?" Lottie asked as she hugged the woman back.

"The water gives me peace. I have no family anymore. I haven't walked on land in so long I wouldn't even know what to do anymore." Mayalila laughed.

"Am I safe?"

"Well I would stay clear of the hunters, they'd have a field day with you-"

"No, I mean, am I safe to be around my friends?" Lottie asked sadly.

"As much as you are safe around your werewolf friends." Mayalila shrugged. "If you lose your temper anything is possible. You need to try and stay calm, control your mind controlling too. But yes, generally it is safe. It's probably safer for them to know too."

"I'll tell them, eventually. We have a lot on our plate right now."

"You're taking this much better than I thought you would."

"I'm just grateful I know what's happening to me. And I have a helpful guide." Lottie smiled. "So how often should I fully transform?" She asked as Mayalila guided her to swim again.

"At least once a month. It'll help with the control. Or if your bath is big enough, submerge yourself fully and practice. Nearer the full moon, until you've mastered control, everything can go a bit haywire. And the most important thing to remember is: DO NOT TRANSFORM OUT OF WATER. Always and only transform when your body is fully submerged. I cannot explain the pain that takes over if you transform out of water okay?" Lottie nodded in response, gulping slightly. "Right now, it's time for you to transform back. Whilst you don't have to transform during the moons peak, it's certainly easier your first few times. I'll guide you through it okay?"

"Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Don't panic, even when you're human, you'll be able to breathe underwater." Lottie inhaled deeply. "Now think about your legs unfusing, don't panic,  the fin attached to your feet will fall off, it will every time as you grow a new one. That's it. Just think about returning to your human self and you'll turn." And Lottie did, looking down she didn't know what to cover first. Covering her chest and her lower half, she kicked her way to the surface.

"Thank you Mayalila. Truly. I'll come back as soon as I can." Lottie promised as she climbed out of the water. Wishing she hadn't stripped underwater. "How the fuck am I going to get home like this?"

"Now would be a good time to call your friends." Mayalila suggested as her head bopped out of the water.

"Yeah no. Hard pass. I'll tell them another time, when my titties aren't glowing in the dark." Lottie mused. Looking at her phone she saw she had seven missed calls from Scott, thirteen missed calls from Stiles and one missed call from Derek. Ignoring them all, she dialled the one person she knew wouldn't judge or ask questions.

"I'll see you soon Charlotte." Mayalila waved before diving back into the water. Lottie listened to the dialling tone, biting her lip as she crouched over herself to hide her naked figure.


"Hey Lydia. I need your help."

sibongile mlambo as mayalila

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