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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*interlude *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

'it's not often in this life i am left speechless... but i have no words.'


summer holidays

"Stiles," Lottie moaned, "We've been at it for hours."

"Don't stop!" Stiles panted.

The two had been enjoying their rare alone time, sweaty and breathless as they lay on Lottie's bed.

"It's not hard." Lottie complained, sending a glare to the boy.

"Lotts, what part of the 'Boys Are Back' choreography are you missing? There are lifts and jumps and twirls and I am not the most co-ordinated." Stiles retorted as he rolled onto his side, looking down at the girl with a smile. They'd spent the morning watching the High School Musical trilogy and Lottie had decided that they just had to learn the 'Boys Are Back' routine. "Why couldn't we have learnt the dance from 'Can I Have This Dance'?"

"Like you'd be able to learn the waltz in two hours." Lottie laughed. "Come on, get up. Scott and Isaac will be back soon with the last of Isaac's things and I want this to be perfect!" Lottie took Stiles' hand and pulled him up, standing in the centre of her room as she played the music again. "Five, six, seven, eight." And so it continued. And that is exactly how Scott and Isaac found them an hour later.

"What in the actual hell are you two doing?" Isaac asked as he walked into Lottie's room, Scott standing beside him with an open mouth as they looked on at the scene before them. Lottie was on top of Stiles' back with her arms out wide, being a 'superhero'. "You know what? I don't wanna know." He answered, beginning to turn around.

"Wait! Wait!" Lottie called out, jumping off Stiles and running over to the two werewolves. She grinned up at them as she grabbed their hands and pulled them over to her bed, sitting them down. She held out her hands, miming for them to wait and be patient. Turning back to Stiles, she held her smile as he nodded at her very seriously.

"What on Earth is happening?" Isaac whispered to Scott.

"Haven't you learnt by now, not to question these two? I tried to figure that out myself for like eight years before giving up." Scott whispered back, reaching over to Lottie's snack drawer and taking out some popcorn, knowing it was about to be a show.

"You ready Catwoman?" Stiles asked, becoming very serious as he turned his back to the werewolves as she did the same.

"Always, Batman. Let's do this." Lottie grinned, pressing play on her phone which was connected to her surround sound, throwing her phone back to Isaac, who caught it instantly.

The music began booming out and the two began their routine. It's important to note that at this point, both Stiles and Lottie had matching bandanas on. Lottie was taking on the role of Troy and Stiles, Chad.

They successfully managed to do the first 'acrobat' with Stiles rolling on Lottie's back and Lottie then moving to stand on Stiles' legs. It wasn't as neat as they thought it was in their head. Isaac and Scott hid their laughter behind their hands as the two dancers began jumping off Lottie's furniture as they lacked the vehicular apparatuses to do the full choreography. It was going relatively well until they had to do a jump and jumped into each other, collapsing in a heap on the floor.

"Nice one, Batman." Lottie smiled, looking at Stiles, grinning bigger when she realised he was already looking at her.

"Personally I think we smashed that. Best attempt yet." He held out a hand as he stood, letting Lottie grab his hand and use him to stand.

"It's not often in this life I am left speechless... But I have no words." Isaac sat with his jaw on the floor as he glanced between the two, who were in the middle of doing their over-complicated handshake. "I was all for them getting together, in fact I declared myself their biggest supporter. But this? Might be too much to handle. I'm going to be third-wheeling forever."

"Welcome to my world." Scott chuckled, beaming at his friends, happy they had finally confessed their feelings.


When they told Scott, they'd all been to the cinema and Scott could sense something in their air was different, lighter - happier. He lasted all of five minutes before he asked the question.

"So I am the best man right? I mean, now you two are finally together, a marriage is gonna be on the cards right? Like you're not allowed to split up now." He grinned, laughing at the two as they looked at him in shock. They were planning on telling him straight away but he'd just broken up with Allison and they didn't want to rub their happiness in his face. They'd obviously forgotten that this was their best friend and biggest fan.

"Of course. Like that was ever up for debate." Stiles grinned, patting Scott on the back, the two boys sharing a celebratory hug until they looked back at Lottie who had her hands on her hips and a mocking frown on her face.

"Um, that is up for debate. What if I want Scotty as MY best man? I mean have you ever considered that?" Lottie asked as Stiles scoffed at her.

"Not a chance. He's my brother. My best man." Stiles replied, wrapping his arms around Scott tighter as Lottie approached. "MINE."

"But I want Scotty." Lottie pouted. She flashed her best puppy dog eyes at the boy who laughed.

"Lotts as beautiful as those baby blues are... They aren't gonna work on me." Stiles sassed, making sure to compliment the girl who paid no mind as she grinned mischievously. Her eyes slowly changed from their puppy-like state to her siren eyes. "SCOTT!" Stiles shouted as he jumped up into Scott's arms as he laughed. "SHE'S USING HER SIREN POWERS!" Stiles squeezed his eyes shut as Lottie and Scott laughed at his expense.

Lottie silently walked up to her boys and went up on her tiptoes, leaning to Stiles' ear. "Stiles," She whispered, her voice carrying along the breeze like a calm water stream, "I don't need to use my powers to get my way with you." She grinned as he opened his eyes.

"Fuck my life. You're right." Stiles mumbled from his place in Scott's arms. "Scott, I think you should put me down. It feels wrong to have the thoughts I am having whilst being in your arms." As Stiles told the young werewolf, he assumed he'd be put down gently. He assumed wrong. Scott dropped the boy as quickly as anything and pulled a grossed out face.

"Stiles. I never needed information like that before. And now you're dating Lotts - who is basically a sister to me - I really don't need to know." Scott stuck out his tongue at Lottie who was helping Stiles up off the floor, laughing at his expense. "But seriously. I am so beyond happy, my two best friends are in love and even better they are in love with each other. Like whilst you two were grabbing drinks earlier, I ordered a new t-shirt. Wanna know what it says?" Scott asked, pulling out his phone and scrolling. When he received a nod, he turned his phone to his best friends with a goofy grin on his face as they looked at him in shock. "'Official Proud Third Wheel!' And look at what it says on the back! 'Number one STOTTIE fan!'"  Scott was grinning so hard his face was starting to hurt as Lottie and Stiles looked at each other.

"WE LOVE IT!" They shouted in sync, wrapping Scott up in a group hug.


Back in the present time the quartet were discussing the imminent return of Lottie's father. The boys - specifically Isaac - were anxious for his return.

"But what if he's not okay with me staying here? I can't live with Derek a second longer, he's too moody and the new loft he's bought is freezing." Isaac complained as Lottie laughed, dragging the boys to the living room.

"Isaac, you're living with a siren who has compelled her dad to leave her home alone for the past how many months? Trust me, he doesn't get a choice. You're living here. End of discussion." Lottie told the boy, catching a gummy bear in her mouth that Stiles had thrown at her. He wasn't too thrilled about the werewolf living with his girlfriend. But let's be honest, there was no way Lottie was budging or taking back her offer.


"But nothing. I'll compel him to adopt you before I let you live anywhere else. Now shush. Glee is on and I need to fangirl over Santana."

The quartet had been watching for a couple of hours when the door opened and in walked James Bailey, looking exhausted but happy to be home. He grinned when he saw Lottie sleeping in between Stiles and a boy he didn't recognise. "Hello boys." He whispered.

"Mr Bailey." They all chimed as Isaac stood, wiping his palms on his trousers, waking Lottie with his movements.

"Dad? How was San Jose?" She asked, standing and walking over to the man who wrapped her up into an awkward looking hug.

"It was great. Tiring but great. Where's Damon? I was hoping he'd still be here?" James replied looking around for his brother - the brother that Lottie had told not to bother coming. She'd need to tell him to pretend he'd been here the entire time.

"Oh he left this morning, long day and all that." She grinned, lying so flawlessly that no compulsion was necessary. "Onto more important things. Dad, this is Isaac." Lottie introduced, smiling as Isaac cautiously held out his hand for the older Bailey to shake. Which he did, smiling at the young werewolf as he did. "He's been living with us, and he'll be staying here for as long as he wishes. I hope you don't mind." Lottie told her father, who looked down at her in utter confusion. He'd just come home and now had another teenager to look after? He went to question Lottie but when he saw the pleading look on her face he just sighed and smiled at the boy.

"Welcome to the family then Isaac. I'm James." He smiled. James Bailey was an absent father, he wasn't there, he knew virtually nothing about Lottie and her life but my God did he love her. She was his ray of sunshine, and if this made her happy then so be it. She needed company around the house, even though she got more than enough from her other boys.

"Thank you Mr Bailey. I will earn my keep. Chores, groceries, whatever you want me to do, I'll do it and really-"

"Isaac, it's James." The older man corrected with a smile, much like how Lottie had corrected Isaac when he called her Charlotte. "Look, don't worry about any of that. Just make yourself at home. Just like those two have done." He laughed, pointing at Stiles and Scott who were currently wrestling on the couch.

"I- thank you. So much." Isaac thanked again, still in shock at how smoothly that went.

"Of course." James smiled before looking fondly at his daughter who had joined in on the wrestling, tag-teaming with Scott as they pinned Stiles to the ground and tickled him as he yelled out his surrender. "Go on- get in there and save the poor boy." He laughed before making his exit, walking to his room with a smile on his face. His Little Bee was safe and had the most loving friends he could ask for.


Lottie was sitting with Lydia in the Martin Mansion as they were painting their nails getting ready for school in the upcoming week. They had yet to address the giant Allison and Jackson sized elephants in the room.

"We're gonna talk about it aren't we? Because I've kept it all from you for so long. I don't want secrets between us again." Lottie asked tentatively. She hated how Lydia found out in all the chaos but was happy she finally knew.

"I'm not mad. Stop being awkward." Lydia smiled and pulled the brunette in for a hug, laughing lightly as they fell back on the bed. Lydia kept and arm wrapped around Lottie as they lay looking at the ceiling. "So... you're a?" Lydia asked.

"A siren. Bit random. Still don't really understand how it happened, something to do with the bite venom reacting with the fact I was drowning for hours? I don't really know." Lottie sighed, she thought she'd be some sort of hybrid at least but alas, she was not.

"Is that why you were naked that time I picked you up from the lake? I know I didn't ask questions at the time but to be honest I was too shocked and worried about you to care." Lydia chuckled as she picked up Lottie's hand and began to blow on her nails, drying them.

"Yes, that was the first night I changed. It was... something." Lottie grimaced, thinking back to how traumatising that really was. "I'm just glad you picked up, my next option was Stiles and I really don't relish the idea of him seeing me naked."

"He's your boyfriend. He's gonna see all of you and more one day." Lydia grinned, poking Lottie in the side. Lottie rolled her eyes and grinned back.

"Well obviously, but I would prefer that to be at a time when I haven't just had my skin torn apart and been in agony? Mild mood-killer, don't you think?"

"You may have a point. Although I don't think he'd complain seeing you naked in any capacity. That boy has got it bad." Lydia joked, dragging out the word as Lottie blushed. "You two are sickeningly sweet, and I've not even really been around you as an official couple."

"It's not really been that different. I mean we've always been close, now it's just become more intimate I guess?" Lottie tried to explain. "Speaking of relationships and taking the spotlight off me, how are you doing?"

"You mean, how am I coping with my ex-boyfriend moving to London? Or the fact that my ex-boyfriend was a homicidal lizard that died and came back to life?" Lydia deadpanned as Lottie rolled onto her side and looked down at her friend. "I'm amazed I'm still sane if I'm being honest."

"Well, I don't think you've ever been completely sane, Lydipad." Lottie joked as she was hit by a pillow Lydia threw at her. "No, but seriously, are you doing okay? It's okay if you're not, you've got me to help you through it."

"I'll be okay, me and Jackson talked it out and whilst I know you didn't think he was a good boyfriend - which I can agree with - he wasn't always that way. Him and I will always share something special and I'll always have a place in my heart for him, but his place isn't Beacon Hills anymore. His place is far away from this madness. And to be honest? I'm kinda glad he's escaping it. Because I have a horrible feeling this is only the beginning." Lydia sighed.

"Oh Lydipad. You know I'll do whatever it takes to make everything okay right? Got to protect my favourite girl. And we've also gotta figure out what that nasty old bite has done to you. Because it's done something." Lottie held out her pinky, smiling when Lydia laced her own with her.

"I know. You do too much as it is though." Lydia smiled sadly. She shook herself slightly before plastering a smile on her face. "Spotlight change. You and Ally? Am I gonna have to ping pong between you two? After all, it wasn't left on the best note."

After the night Gerard was defeated and Jackson became - whatever it was he became - things had been a bit tense between Allison and Lottie. After all they'd been on opposite sides and to Allison, it seemed like Lottie was defending the man who killed her mother. To Lottie it looked like Allison had been brainwashed by her grandfather and manipulated into attacking her friends. After all Allison had shot Lottie multiple times and although they healed - the betrayal hadn't quite finished stinging.

"I'm planning on keeping my distance for a little while. I love Allison - I really do, but she shot me. With arrows. Multiple times. And hasn't apologised. I know we'll be okay eventually but maybe more time is needed." Lottie sighed.

"Ok-ay. So ping-ponging it is." Lydia chuckled. 'I get it. I'll speak to her. I understand she was hurt but it was beyond unreasonable."

"As far as I see it, Allison's mother had a choice. She chose to end her life prematurely. Chances are she'd have survived the bite, but she chose to abandon her daughter instead of just adapting to the change. That isn't Derek's fault. He was protecting Scott and I. Of course she doesn't know that because Scotty doesn't want to tarnish her memory of her mother - which I also get. It's such a tough situation."

"Well, you'll always have me. And I'm never gonna shoot you." Lydia chuckled.

"Love you, Lydipad."

"Love you, Lo."


"Stiles I'll be back later, I haven't seen Mayalila in forever, I miss her, now shush and I'll see you at mine later." Lottie laughed down the phone as she hung up, ignoring his protests and took her shoes off before diving in the lake. She quickly tore her clothes off ignoring them as the floated to the surface, as her body began to morph into her siren form.

The transition was uncomfortable as always, painful to be perfectly honest, she didn't think she'd ever get used to the pain. It was a mixture of burning and stinging which Lottie found ironic since it was happening whilst she was submerged in water. However it was all worth it when she heard a musical giggle from behind her. Spinning quickly, Lottie beamed when she saw her favourite siren waiting with open arms for her.

"Mayalila!" Lottie exclaimed! "Oh I've missed you!" She cried out, happiness seeping in her tone as she clutched the woman in her arms. "I'm so sorry it's been so long."

"Charlotte Bailey. You do not apologise. You are wrestling with the world of the supernatural. Besides I'd see you a lot more if I didn't choose to stay in these murky waters." Mayalila grinned as she held Lottie at arm's length. "Now, tell me you have a big swim in you, I have a new cave I am dying to show you."

"For you? Always. Need to get used to this." Lottie smiled. She dropped her smile when Mayalila sped off, laughing as she did. "No fair, I don't have that much control yet!" Lottie shouted after her. She smiled before attempting to speed after her. Lottie began to take in her surroundings, colourful fish and coral lay amongst her as she slowed down, brushing her fingers along the scales of a fish that didn't flinch from her touch.

"You don't just attract humans you know, fish are friends when you're a siren. I would recommend going off eating fish if you do, though. They can sense it." Mayalila explained. Lottie pulled a face.

"I've never liked fish."

"You were born to be a siren." Mayalila smiled fondly at the young girl.

"I don't know about that. It has its perks though." Lottie grinned.

"It's up ahead." Mayalila grabbed Lottie's hand and dragged her into a dark alcove. Only it wasn't dark when they entered, it was bioluminescent. The water was glowing bright blue, luminous even. And there were fish everywhere. It was like a school for fish. "Beautiful right?" Mayalila smirked at the look of awe on Lottie's face.

"There aren't any words in the dictionary to describe this." Lottie brushed her hand against bright pink coral, smiled as fish swam up against her, tickling her scaled skin.

"I thought you'd like it. It's so fun to have a sister again. I've missed it. There were only a handful of us left when I turned." Mayalila remincised as she floated on her back.

"I just wish I could be around more. I hate the idea of you being lonely." Lottie sighed.

"But I'm not, the water and the world beneath it are enough. It would take an awful lot to get me on the surface." Mayalila smiled, flipping her tail at Lottie who smiled softly.

"One day. One day." Lottie smiled. "Can you tell me about the siren war?" The young girl asked quietly. It had been bugging her for a while, why were they the only two sirens left? How was she even a siren? Why weren't there more? However Lottie knew she wasn't going to get an answer that day when she saw Mayalila flinch at the question.

"Another day, perhaps." A silence hung in the water, the sounds of fish swimming by the only sounds heard.

"So," Mayalila began hesitantly, "How's Stiles?"

"Where do I begin?" Lottie laughed, before updating Mayalila in detail about everything that had happened in recent weeks.

The older woman couldn't hold back her smile, she was overwhelmed with happiness for Lottie. When she called Lottie her sister, she truly meant it. The siren's bond was indescribable. They were sisters. In every sense of the word, the bond would only get stronger as Lottie grew more powerful - which was inevitable. Mayalila wasn't lying when she said Lottie was born to be a siren.

But that explanation was best saved for another day.

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