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Our main protagonist was getting an handful of lectures from her classmates, about what happened to yesterday's event.

"Well, calm down everyone. Angel only said what we couldn't say in front of the students in the main campus, Don't be so angry at her." The class 3-E's male representative calmly said, as the class silence down.

"We always get that kind of treatment and force to endure it, that's the rules in this school." Isogai told her.

"T-That's...so unfair." she said.

✦ ✧ ✦

Time Skip

The octopus teacher opened the door to the staff room as he spotted a new face inside.

"We meet at last, Koro-sensei." He greeted him with a smile on his lips, a forced smile.

"He says he's the principal of this place." Karasuma said. "As teachers, he's our boss."

Koro-sensei speedily massaged the man who claims himself as the principle of this school.

"My, my—you've come all this way. Say, might I receive a little bump in my salary?" Koro-sensei asked.

A blue and black haired students walked together through the hallways but to stop when they overheard the staff's discussion.

Koro sensei weak point

6) Subservient to higher-ups

"I've added a few more doubles, you see, and I'm sure it's in your power to—"

"—I must apologize, I'd meant to come pay my respects."

A tall, handsome man, with purple orbs and chocolate brown hair, named Gakuho Asano came all this way to discuss an important matter.

"The Ministry of Defense and Karasuma-san have told me all about you. I can't claim to understand everything, but...How very sad you are. Looking to become the savior of the world, only to fall into the role of the great villain who would destroy it all."

Angel and Nagisa looked at each other, confusion was written all over they're faces.

"Hey Nagisa, what is this old fart talking about?" she asked.

"I don't know, Angel." he answered.

They whispered to each other as they continued to eavesdrop in their conversation.

"But let's put that aside for now, struggle as I might, I cannot hope to save the planet from its crisis. I'll stay out of your assassination altogether." He began to take a few steps forward before stopping.

"If someone did kill you, what is this school's future? Frankly, we need the Class E to remain as it is." The principal said.

"As it is? You mean, with rock-bottom grades and treatment, like now?" Koro-sensei asked.

"Yes. Are you familiar with the worker ant principle? In any group, 20% will be lazy, 20% will work hard, and the remaining 60% will be average." He looked to Koro-sensei with his eyes that were full of demonic goals, as his eyes glowed light red.

"My goal is a group with 5% slackers and 95% hard workers. My ideal ratio is attainable."

"I see, how logical. Then the 5% in the Class E must be kept weak and pitiful."

"The partial reason I am here is about that girl who bashed the assembly yesterday...I would like to give her an expulsion myself."

The staffs of Class 3-E were silence and listened to what the principle would say.

"But, out of the students in Class 3-E, that girl is the most potential assassin that could kill you, Koro-sensei...So I would like to ask you three to behave her, the problem is lies in a student with rock-bottom grades defying a regular one. Under my policies, that cannot stand." He stood up from his seat and began to walk.

"Please tell her to control herself in uncertain terms. Oh, and Koro-sensei? You have 1 second, solve this." He threw a metal ring puzzle at Koro-sensei who caught it in time and started to solve it.

"What? Just like that?!"

Koro-sensei weak point

7) Metal ring puzzles freak him out

"Your really fast, no doubt you can dodge any attempts in your life, but you know what Koro-sensei...There are some problems speed can't solve. Now, if you'll excuse me." He began to walk towards the door as he spotted two students outside, all they could do is look at him.

"Hey there, looking forward in seeing your midterm results! Good luck."

"Good luck, my ass...get out, you eye sore." Angel cursed in the hitched of her breathe, as the principle began to walk away, not hearing what Angel just said.

What the students felt was a very cold good luck from the principle itself, there was a huge gap between them.

The gap between power...


The octopus was all beaten up after making many afterimages of himself to teach the students individually.

"The whole studying part is fine and all..."

"Yeah, but if we assassinate him, we get 10 billion yen."

"And with 10 billion yen, you don't need good grades to live a good life!"

"W-What? Is that what you think?!" the teacher was flabbergasted.

"We're the End Class after all, Koro-sensei."

"Assassination is way more accessible to us than any exam."

The girl couldn't say a word, even if she had a chance to, the words were swallowed to her throat, unable to say what she really want to do.

"Ah, I see how it is. You still don't have what it takes to be assassins. Out into the schoolyard, all of you!" Koro-sensei scowled at them.

✦ ✧ ✦

"One good thing about the Class E system is its built-in remedial process, by scoring top 50 in periodical exams and receiving permission from their former teacher to return, they can leave this outcast Class E...However, it's too difficult to meet these conditions given their poor grades in this inferior academic environment, Class E students are forced to face intense discrimination."

Wind slipped through their clothes and hair as the sky turned dark.

"Angel-chan, let me ask you something as a professional assassin." The students turned their attention to Angel, who flinched at Koro-sensei's tone.

"What is it?" she replied.

"During your missions, what kind of weapons do you carry?" he asked.

"Sharp blades and knives, but I'm always armed with guns as my second main weapon, so I can be able to fight foes in distance...but, I relay on my material arts the most, even without a weapon, I can surely kill a person with my hands." she answered.

Then Jelavić arrived at the yard, confusion was written all over her face. "H-Hey...what's going on?!"

"Irina-sensei, let me ask you something as a professional assassin. When you're on a job, do you have one single plan prepared?"

Irina looked surprised though she answered his questions right away, "No, it's not often that my main plain goes as expected, making more detailed back up plans in preparation for any contingencies is Assassination 101." She spoke with seriousness laced in her voice.

"And you, Karasuma-sensei, when you teach knife skills, is the 1st strike the only important one?" he asked.

"The 1st strike is of course the most important, but your next move matters too. Against a powerful foe, your first blow is likely to be dodged, but you can land a blow in your second and third hits." Karasuma answered.

He ended his answer as a wave of confusion was felt by the class. Then, Koro-sensei began to spin tremendously fast.

"As Angel-chan, and your teachers have said, having a trusty 2nd step is what makes for a confident assassin, but what about you? We've got assassination and that's enough. you think, and down go your academic goals...Without the assassination, all you got is the old Class E inferiority."

"Those who can't wield a second blade aren't qualified to be an assassin!"

Dust and wind collided, became one with the sky as the air is dirtied with the pieces of the ground. The gush of dirt disappeared as the skies lightened.

"The yard was very uneven and full of weeds, I tidied it up." he said.

A gasp escaped through their throats, as the yard was clear.

"I am a super-creature capable of wiping out the Earth. Flattening out this area here is a piece of cake, if you don't show me that trusty second blade...I'll know there's no assassin in this classroom worth taking me on and, I'll flatten this entire campus before I go."

"Second blade, when?"

"Tomorrow, of course. I want all of you in the top 50 after tomorrow's midterms."


"Wield those blades with all confidence, you are assassins, and proud members in 3-E!"

✦ ✧ ✦

This school's exams are pits, test questions are monsters itself, they began to swallow up students and do them in.

The girl didn't know the answer, she was lost in the way, but...she always find a way.

"Angel-chan, I have a piece of advice I would like to say."

"Huh? Spill it out. I have a show catching on TV!"

It was during after class in the classroom when Koro-sensei approached the little assassin.

"When you're in a tight spot, protect yourself."

Yes, that's the weapon that the teacher gave her...Learn to protect yourself...

They kept scribbling to beat the monster level questions as fast as they can.


An unseen question beat them from behind, it was an Dead End indeed.

✦ ✧ ✦

"I bear responsibility, I couldn't bare to face you." the teacher said, guilty.

An anti-sensei knife was sent flying as Koro-sensei dodged it.

"You sure? If you can't face us, you can't see us coming to kill you." Karma coed while sneering.

"Karma-kun! I'm very depressed right now, and—" Koro-sensei jumped as he saw Karma's scores that aced the exams.

"Changing the questions didn't matter to me." the red haired boy boasted.

"Whoa, amazing."

"100 in Math? No way!"

"With my grades, you taught we've come this far, so why not move a little further ahead...so I could handle even if they'd changed their scope, still I won't be leaving...Assassination is way more fun than going back to my old class, your just afraid to be killed, that's all." he finished.

"Oh, is that it? You were really afraid, octopus! You can cry if you want~!" Angel teased as Koro-sensei turned red, it was clear is was angry.

"I am not scared, Angel-chan!" He said as his tentacles stretched his student's cheeks.

"Stop it, damn it!" After some stretches, he lets go as she massaged her cheeks.

"That hurts...for having no nails, you pinch too hard." Angel muttered.

"That's what you get for teasing me!" Koro-sensei cried.

"Then what's the plan?" Karma asked as he slung his arm on Angel's shoulder as he grinned at his teacher.

"We'll get revenge on them two fold in the end-of-term exams!"


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