♛HE [08] : CRUSHES♛

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The Class 3-E were having a field trip in Kyoto, they've arrived at Traditional Inn where they're gonna stay for 2 days, and 3 nights.

"Hey Koro-sensei, you okay?" a girl with black hair and red scarf, asked him.

"Uhh...yes I am, Angel-chan. I'm just dizzy after that long ride." Koro-sensei said.

Koro-sensei weak point

8) Prone to motion sickness

"Are you alright? Why don't you lie down in your room?" A short brown haired with light purple eyed girl, Yuzuki Fuwa asked, as she thrusts Koro-sensei a knife as the teacher easily dodged it.

"No need to worry, I'll just pop back to Tokyo."


"I forgot my pillow."

"You carried all that luggage and you still forgot something?"

Koro-sensei's weak point

9) Can't sleep without his own pillow

"Well, Kanzaki-san...did you find the itinerary?" Kayano asked the long, straight black haired with light brown eyed girl, Kanzaki Yukiko, who was searching for the itinerary in her bag.

"No...I know I put it in my bag, did I drop it somewhere?" Kanzaki said.

✦ ✧ ✦

1st day

Nagisa's team roam around the place as they were trying to figure out a perfect place to assassinate their teacher.

Here marks where Sakamota Ryoma and Nakaoka Shintaro met with disaster

Was carved in a stone which caught Angel's eye.

"Sakamoto Ryoma? hmm, I heard that name before." she hummed.

"Ah, this is where Omiya was, the inn where Sakamoto was assassinated in 1867." Karma explained to Angel's curiosity, as the girl remembered.

"And walk a little further and you'll be at Honnoji Temple, though it's location shifted a little over time." Nagisa said while browsing the book that Koro-sensei made all night.

"Oh yeah, Nobunaga Oda's death was a kind of assassination, too." Kayano pipped in, while eating some dumplings that she bought earlier.

They began to walk again as Angel stopped and turned around, her eyes searched for someone suspicious, but to find none.

"What's wrong, Angel-chan?" Kanzaki asked, as the team stopped and waited for them.

Before looking back to Kanzaki, Angel took a final glance as she turned her attention back to her.

"Oh, it's nothing!" she chirped.

"Is that so? Then, let's go...the others are waiting." Kanzaki said.


I know I saw someone tailing us...was I imagining it?

✦ ✧ ✦

Angel, Karma, Nagisa, Kayano, Kanzaki, and Sugino walked in a eerie alleyway. It was a cramped area so normally, no one would walk in there.

"Wow, Gion is practically deserted this far inside." Kayano commented.

"Yeah, with all these places turn away newcomers, no one comes here just to wander around. That's why I put it on my ideal course: it's perfect for an assassination..." Kanzaki explained, as they walked further inside.

Angel began to walk in a faster pace as everyone was confused in why she was in a hurry.

"Whatever you do, keep walking." Angel warned, as she continued to walk with her classmates.

"What do you mean, Angel?" Nagisa asked, as she turned to the red-eyed girl.

"We're being followed."


"Don't stop."

They continued to walk in a fast pace while keeping quiet, quite nervous of the people who are tailing after them.

"Judging from their footsteps, there are ten of them, I saw people's shadows ahead of us. No doubt it is an ambush..."

Sugino was about to turn to take a look when Angel hissed which made him flinched.

"Don't look back, Tomohito. Who knows what might happen..." she said.

"H-How did you know?"


They walked in a faster pace as shadows ahead of them are closing in.

"Guess we gotta beat them up." Angel decided in final.

"What? Seriously?" Nagisa was flabbergasted.

"Yeah, it won't make a change if we run, there are scums waiting to ambush us in the front, Nagisa." she said.

A man wearing a high school uniform appeared in front of them as they stopped walking.

"Hey brats, why are ya walkin' around somewhere that's ripe for a kidnappin'?"

"Knew it..." she murmured.

The high school gangsters blocked their escaped paths, as they were stuck in the moment.

"Knew it...You say? You knew beforehand that were following you brats?" he asked.

"Yeah, it was easy to determine if someone is following you...by their footsteps, shadows ahead of you and the scenery." she calmly explained.

"Hmm, not bad for a brat."

Silence overwhelms them, as the kids were kind of nervous.

"Something tells me you fellows aren't here for sightseeing." Karma said, as a playful smirk formed his lips.

"Well, we ain't here for you. Hand over the girls and get lo--" Karma slammed the guy's face on the ground, backhandedly.

"Fighting's no problem with no witnesses right, Angel-chan?" he asked.

"Karma-kun! Look out!" Nagisa yelped as the guy with a knife sprinted to Karma, before he could react, someone run in and jabbed the guy's stomach, which made him fall on the ground.

"Nice punch, Angel-chan!"

"No! Stop!"

"Let go!"

Karma and Angel turned back to see Kayano and Kanzaki being captivated by the high school students' grip.

"Kaede! Yukiko!" She ran up to them but only to feel a electric wave surge through her body, as she fell on the ground.

"Wha-What? I can't...move!" she said as her face crashed on the ground.

"We wouldn't like to beat your pretty face, that's why we gave you a little bit of shocking!"

She could only glare at the gangsters as her body turned numb.

"Do you get it now?" A man from behind jabbed Karma as he fell on the ground, then the gang took this chance to beat him, they've begun to stepped on Karma as if he was an insect. All he could do was cover himself with his hands.

"Karma-kun!" Nagisa yelled.

"Hey knock it off!" Sugino said as a guy kicked him at his stomach as he stumbled and fell on Nagisa.

The girls were dragged in the car, as they begun to struggle.

"Damn you!" Angel bit the guy's arm as her body fell on the ground.

"That hurts, you bitch!" Then he smacked her on the face as it made her unconscious.

"Ha! Serves you right."

They began to carry her, as the guys were all beat up, all they could do is watch the girls being kidnapped.

"That'll teach you junior-high kids to not mess with us." The guy landed a punch on Nagisa as his vision blackens out, only to see black.

When the high school students were nowhere to be seen, they slowly regain their position.

"Damn it!" Karma cursed as he punched the ground which caused Nagisa and Sugino flinched at his tone.

"After I said that I'll protect her...I couldn't even save her from those scums!"

A hand was placed on his shoulder as he looked up to see Nagisa smiling at him. "Don't worry, we'll find them. I don't know what happened between the two of you, but we'll surely get them back!"

"But...how are we suppose to find them?" Karma asked.

✦ ✧ ✦

Ropes were tied on the girls' hands, as it prevented them to make a move.

"I thought I'd seen you before, this is you, right?"

The man questioned as he showed a picture saved in his phone to Kanzaki, it was indeed her, but she looked quite different compared to what she looks like now.

"Who knew you were a student at a famous junior high? But I get it...The higher you are, the deeper you wanna fall."

✦ ✧ ✦

"That picture...so even our earnest Kanzaki went through a phase, didn't see that coming." Kayano says, slightly surprised.

"Yeah..." Kanzaki nods, ashamed.

"I'm very disappointed at you, Yukiko! Are you even studying?"

"Y-Yes...I'm very sorry, father."

"Jeez...do you know how hard it is to send you to that school? Use your brain a little."

In my free time, I always go to the Tokyo Arcade to relieve my stress, changing my looks and go to a place where no one knew me...

"How stupid can I be? All that fooling around got me was in the End Class...I don't know where I belong anymore."

"Why don't ya hang out with us? We're totally anti-titles here! We put those elite bastards the way they were..." one of the gangsters said.

"You're the worst." Kayano muttered under her breath, as she averted her gaze from the male.

He grabbed her collar and carried her up, as she was hurting.

"You elites lookin' down at us? I'll put you down to our level!"

He threw her on the couch, beside the unconscious girl with red scarf who was in a sitting position, asleep.

"Tell them we're just having a karaoke, and no one will get hurt, let's meet up in Tokyo after our vacation." He grinned sadistically, his arm was about to grab Kanzaki when someone grabbed him and twisted his arm.


"You were awake?"

In her hand was a knife that she used to break free, the man felt fear as the girl possessed a knife.

"W-Where did you get that knife?"

All she could so was to stare at the man with her red eyes, she chose not to kill him, because behind her are her classmates who doesn't know what it really means to kill someone.

The door creaked open as they finally came. "T-The brats from earlier! How did you know this place?"

Nagisa began to read the useful information in the book as he flipped the pages.

"This guidebook's amazing! It's a perfect way to foil an abduction!" Sugino commented.

"I guess we should take it with us after all!" Karma sighed.

"That's no guidebook I ever heard of!"

During their conversation, Angel cut the ropes on their hands.

"So what's it going to be, fellows? You've already done so much...You'll be spending the rest of your trip in the hospital." Karma snickered.

Then Koro-sensei appeared with the four high school students that were knocked out as he held them in his tentacles.

"Koro-sensei! Why are you hiding your face like some stagehand?" Nagisa asked.

"This is an act of violence, and I'm afraid you'll associate this face with me being violent." Koro-sensei said.

Koro-sensei weak point 

10) Worries about keeping up appearance

"T-That's your teacher? Bullshit! Who does he think he is?!"

The gang ran ahead to Koro-sensei, as a smile was plastered on the teacher's face.

"Bullshit, you say? That's my line."

In a second, their necks were twisted as they fell on the ground.

"It has nothing to do with our school or my title, be they in a clear stream or a muddy river, the fish who swim forward turn put the finest." he said.

A book crashed on they're heads as their vision darkens.

We picked the wrongest bunch to hassle...

✦ ✧ ✦

Time skip

The Assassination of Koro-sensei in Kyoto was a big failure, and the E class were at their Inn, to stay for the night.

When Koro-sensei ate hot foods given to him by a certain assassin, code name: Red eye

Koro-sensei weak point

11) Heat-sensitive tounge

Then the kids are fooling around, resting, and doing what they want with their friends.

"Whoa, I thought Kanzaki-san would win immediately..."

"Angel tied up with her..."

Favorite girls ranking:

Key points

Angel (4 votes): Pretty, has a cute smile!

Kanzaki (4 votes): Great personality and super-cute looks!

Yada (3 votes): Ponytail, big on top!

Kurahashi (2 votes): Calming, strikes charming poses

Kayano (2 votes): Small, cheers you up

Kataoka (1 votes): Dependable, straight bangs

"What about you, Sugino? Real slick of you to pull Kanzaki-san into your group." Maehara said.

"With all the crap, we didn't have the chance to talk. She always talks with Angel and Kayano during the trip." Sugino sighed.

"You guys have it rough..." Maehara commented.

"Hey Nagisa, who do you like?" Maehara asked the bluenette, who was startled as he began to stutter.

"I, uh..." His turned face turned bright red, as he opened his lips to speak.


"What about you, Maehara?" Sugino beamed, cutting off Nagisa's statement.

"Who, me? My lips are sealed." Maehara said.

"That pisses me off, and when I think how popular guys like you are, it pisses me off more."

The door slide opened, as a red head with drink in hand went inside.

"Oh, looks like fun in here."


"Nice timing!"

During the noise in the boys' room, outside was a black haired girl was walking to get a drink, when she accidentally heard whose Karma's crush is...

What are they doing? They're noisy... she thought.

"Do you have a girl that you like in our class?"

A voice asked the red head fellow, which made the black haired girl curious.

Karma's crush? This is a perfect chance to know, I'll get him back for all his pranks on me—you'll see!

"Hmm...Okuda-san, I think?" Karma said while taking a sip of his juice.

I see...so the girl that he likes is Manami, I've finally knew who his crush is, I should be happy...But why do I feel so sad?

She began to walk away, as her heart wince in pain...she doesn't know what she is feeling right now, she just shrugged the though and went back to the girls' room after getting a drink.

"Huh? What boys we like?"

"Yeah, that's what girls talk about on trips like this. It's fun!"

"Oh, I know: Karasuma-sensei!"

"Yeah, yeah, we all like Karasuma-sensei. I mean someone in our class."


"I guess Isogai and Maehara are alright."

"Really? You think so?"

"Yeah, but Maehara plays the field, so doesn't that put the student council representative Isogai in the lead?"

Angel entered the room, as she sat down with the girls as they continue chatting.

"Karma-kun would win on good looks alone...If only he were better behaved."


"He's really not that scary." Okuda said as Angel turned to her direction.

I kind of understand why Karma likes her, she's good in science, pretty, kind...unlike me.

"Yeah, he's usually quiet."

"What is he, a wild animal?"

"What about you, Angel?" the green haired girl asked.

"What is it, Kaede?" Angel replied.

Kayano sat beside her, as she gave her a beaming smile.

"Do you have a guy that you like in our class?" she asked.

"I like all of them as a friend!" the black haired girl answered.

"No, that's not what I mean...don't you have a crush on any of them?" Kayano says, not getting the answer she wanted.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Angel asked, she titled her head to the side.

All of the girls palmed their faces as some of them sweat dropped at how clueless she is.

"It has to be Karma, is it?" Kayano said as she tackled Angel on the ground and began to tickle her sides, as Nakamura joined them.

"Tell us!"

"I bet the boys can't take off their eyes on you!"

"S-Stop, haha...damn you!" Angel said between laughs as the two began to tickle her sides.

"Hey, children!" A voice said which made the two stopped tickling her.

"I'm here to tell you it's almost time for lights-out, more or less. Keep it down, all right?" Jelavić said.

"Hey Bitch-sensei tell us some of your grown-up stories." Kurahashi said.

"Huh?" the blonde asked.

"Come on, come on." Yada pushed her inside gently as she closed the door.

✦ ✧ ✦

"Listen, women have a short shelf life. Polish your woman-ness with all your might." The class fell in silence, as they just started at their teacher.

She was about to tell how she seduce men when she spotted a pink pervert next to Angel.

"Hey, you, don't waltz into our girl talk like that!" Jelavić yelled.

"Aw, why not? I'd like to hear your love stories, too." Koro-sensei purred.

"You never tell us anything about your private life!"

"Don't you have any love stories of your own?"

"You must had a crush on someone!"

Koro-sensei sprinted out of the room, as the students began to chase him.

Koro-sensei weak point

12) Loves gossip

✦ ✧ ✦

"It was fun to see the different sides of everyone, right?" Angel smiled.

"Yeah, it really is." Nagisa replied.

Angel and Nagisa looked out of the window as they talk about random stuff.

"Hey Angel, I've been thinking if we can really kill Koro-sensei."

"We can kill him, but I'm the one who'll take his life!"

Nagisa smiled gently as he stared at the girl with lovely features.

"I would like to have one more school trip, don't you think so, too?"

"Yeah, it is fun!"

"I know right?"

They laughed happily, not caring who would see. Not knowing that a red haired guy saw it all...he just turn back and let the two spent time happily with each other.

"Do you have a girl that you like in our class?"

"Hmm...Okuda-san, I think?"

"Interesting choice! Why?"

"I bet she could make some sketchy drugs and chloroformreally kick my mischief-making up a notch, but...

...Angel-chan is the one I really like."


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