Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Punzie, Punzie, let down your hair!" Merida called with a smile. It was little inside joke they had. You know, a girl locked in a tower.

"Coming!" Rapunzel called excitedly, rushing to the window and gathering up her hair. She threw it down, making sure it caught on the hook. Mer grabbed her stuff and started climbing. When she reached the top, the two happily embraced.

"Look! There's Hiccup!" Rapunzel exclaimed, pointing at the struggling figure of Hiccup.

"What's heh doin' with all o those bags?" Mer asked incredulously, already preparing to climb down and help him. Rapunzel shrugged, but looked excited. She just loved stuff. Anything. She loved it. Merida liked stuff if it was useful or sentimental, but Rapunzel was a hoarder.

"Hey girls! Jackson here yet?" Hiccup asked, handing Merida several bags.

"Nope! He should be here soon though!" Rapunzel answered from in the tower above them. They began their climb, struggling due to the amount of large bags.

"Why'd yu bring so much stuff, Hic?" Merida complained as they climbed in the window. He stared at her, and then his expression saddened.

"I guess Jackson hasn't been able to tell you yet. I'll let him, though. It's his news," Hiccup said quietly. Mer and Punz glanced at each other in concern. What did he mean? Well, they didn't have to wait long to find out.

"Jackson!" Rapunzel screeched, causing all of the other three to cover their ears. Her hair was still down, and he climbed up it with ease. He complained under his breath, but Rapunzel giggled when she heard him wishing that he could fly.

"Hey, guys," he said. It was both happy and sad at the same time. Being her usual self, Merida came right out with it.

"What in da world's wrong?" she asked, her tone making it sound like an order, setting the last of the bags by the wall. She was the strongest one there, and usually ended up moving everyone's stuff. Jackson sighed, and straightened up.

"My family... they're... we're... moving. To America. Across the sea. Next week. I won't... I won't be able to see you anymore," he said sadly, looking at the floor. Hiccup patted his back comfortingly, but Mer and Punz just stood staring at him, frozen, with their mouths hanging open. Jackson was clearly crushed by the fact that he had to crush them.

"You guys can still meet. And when I'm 18, I'm gonna come back here and see you. I will find a way."

Merida shook her head stubbornly, breaking Rapunzel out of her frozen state. Tears were flowing down Rapunzel's cheeks, but the others were fighting them.

"We're the Big Four. We won't meet without you. We'll wait for news from you with a meetin' date, and den we'll all come right here and meet, just like before."

"Yeah, Mer's right. Don't think that I won't miss you. You... You're my only friends. But I'll have my memories. Yeah.
Goodbye might seem
Like forever
Farewell is like
The end
But in my heart
Is a memory
And there you'll
Always be

After Rapunzel's speech, everyone was crying.

"I have so many poems. So many pictures. So many things. I can make a book. Our book. And when we meet again, I will give a copy to each of you. So that we can have even more than our memories," Rapunzel said firmly. Everyone silently nodded in agreement.

"Let's have a great last meeting," Hiccup suggested. Everyone immediately tried to brighten.

"Yeah. Let's make this a time that we can never forget," Jackson added with a forced smile.

"How about some cookies?" At this everyone really did brighten, and Rapunzel sighed in relief at her accomplishment as she went into the kitchen to get them.

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