Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"Tooth! Tooth! Tooooooth!" Jack yelled as he flew into Tooth's palace.

"Hey Jack! What's going on?" Tooth asked, shooing her fairies away to go collect teeth.

"I found my missing tooth!"

At the word tooth, the tooth fairy flipped out.

"O o o! Now you can find out more about your past! And now you can find your home! And now... well, let's see it!" Tooth exclaimed.

"I actually didn't find the tooth. The person who has my tooth found me," he explained. Tooth's excitement didn't die down any.

"Well, take me to them!" she ordered him, overjoyed to finally be able to find, 'The Lost Tooth'.

He flew off toward Arendelle and she followed.


Queen Elsa, Princess Anna, Prince Eugene, Princess Rapunzel, Chief Hiccup, and Queen Merida finished their tea in silence and excused themselves to their quarters.

"Where do you think Jackson went?" Hiccup asked Merida. She stared at him.

"I think weh should beh askin', how'd heh fly? Why's 'is hair white? 'Is eyes blue? An' why didn't heh seem to remember us? But heh was still so excited!" Hiccup sighed. She had a valid point.


"I missed him so much," Rapunzel said to Eugene.

"I think I deserve an explanation. I thought that I was the only one to ever even find your tower! And you had a boyfriend?!" Eugene exclaimed. He wasn't necessarily angry, just very confused.

"We did not date!" Rapunzel exclaimed angrily. "Mer found it first. She brought Hic later, when he was visiting her kingdom. Jackson found it when they were both over, and we formed the Big Four. None of us were ever in any sort of relationship with another member! We didn't even crush," she insisted. Then she sighed sadly. "Jackson moved to America. We split, promising to meet again 7 weeks after his 18th birthday. But he drowned saving his sister at age 17."

Now Eugene felt terrible. Yes, she had friends. They'd just died on her! "What an idiot," he thought, chiding himself.

"I'm soo sorry. I had no idea," he apologized sincerely. She gave a small, sad smile. "It's okay," she told him. "I just missed them. And this Jack seems to be just like Jackson, only, different." Normally Eugene would've teased her about this profound saying, but neither of them were in the mood.


"Jack is going to have sooo much explaining to do when he gets back from... wherever he is," Queen Elsa told her sister angrily. Princess Anna knew that it would be useless to try to console her. Queen Elsa was very sensitive, and Jack had just left her completely blind about something that seemed important. "At least they were all married," Princess Anna thought. Queen Elsa won't worry about his faithfulness.

"The royalty of Berk, DunBroch, and Corona know my winter spirit," the queen added. Princess Anna just rolled her eyes and offered her older sister some chocolates. She popped them in her mouth, but her mind was still filled with worry.

She left for the garden when Princess Anna pointed out that the room's temperature was declining steeply.

For everyone's sake, Jack/Jackson needed to show up soon.

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