There is always love in the shadows

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Your P.O.V:

Slowly, you advance towards the griffin, your Celestial bronze daggers glistening with malice. "I'm giving you one last chance, you overgrown chicken." You spit. "Leave, and I'll consider not turning you into a smoking heap of golden dust."

The half lion, half eagle monster raises an eyebrow, then strikes. Easily, you roll to the left, narrowly missing a swing of the razor sharp claws to the neck. Hopping up, you throw your dagger with impeccable accuracy. It embeds itself deep into the griffin's chest area. Instantly, the beast writhes in agony as the metal sears its skin. You jog backwards, and your dagger retracts itself back to your hand. Once again, you leap forwards onto the beast's back, sinking one of your knives deep into its back. It growls and roars, but you don't let go. Soon, the beast evaporates into a pile of ashes. You flick a strand of your (h/c) locks behind your ear.

Clapping and nodding approvingly, Chiron trots up to you. "Very well done, (Name). You've improved over the weeks."

You dip your head. "Thanks, Chiron." In the arena, you had challenged yourself with multiple beasts and Chiron had unexpectedly been watching you the whole time you sent useless bastards to Tartarus.

Dionysus had also been watching, but halfway through he walked off. But you don't care about that arrogant wine god anyway.

"Do you think you could go against another half-blood?" Chiron asks, examining your daggers.

Shrugging, you reply, "I'll give it a shot."

Your mother is Aphrodite, but the the only things that hint that are your charm speak, your (e/c)ish multicoloured eyes and dazzling beauty. The thing that people often gawk at is the fact that you're a get-your-hands-dirty kind of girl, and exceptionally deadly with daggers. Boys have never fazed you; in fact, you find them so pointless you'd be able to pass as a daughter of Artemis. You know; if the goddess didn't vow to forever be a maiden.

From the side, Percy, Annabeth and Nico have been watching.

"Hey, Shadow Boy!" You yell to the side, aiming your penetrating gaze at Nico. Frowning, he tilts his head at you. Then he gets up and walks round to the arena, his Stygian iron sword in hand.

"You up for it?" You question.

The brunette nods. "I'll be sure to be quick in defeating you."

Shaking your head, you strike, making your knife whistle past his head. Narrowly dodging, Nico stabs his sword into the ground, creating a gaping chasm. You hop over it effortlessly. Flicking your wrist, your knife instantly whizzes back to your hand. Then you slash with your dagger, giving Nico a slight cut. He hacks, just managing to chop off a few of your (h/c) strands of hair.

Backing away from his further attacks, you block his sword slash. You roll to the side, avoiding the shadows he hurls at you. With perfect agility, you cartwheel over the number of times he sends huge gaps in the earth.

"Gods dang it!" He curses under his breath. "I'm getting beaten by an Aphrodite spawn."

You smirk inconspicuously.

The fight goes on for another ten minutes until finally you're using your blades to deflect his Stygian iron sword.

"Stop!" Chiron bellows.

Nico hops off and you regain your composure.

The white stallion nods, impressed. "You two have done well. I'm -"

Mr D., who somehow teleported here, chips in, "I'm certainly looking forward to future sword fights between you two!"

You nod at Nico, he nods back and then you stride back to your cabin.

"Oh my gods, you did awesomely!" Silena gushes once you get back.

Raising an eyebrow, you step into the showers. The deliciously warm water spouts onto your head. After a few minutes, you hop out again, a bath gown wrapped round your form.

Silena's behaviour confuses you, as she was pretty cut up with Charles Beckendorf's death a few weeks ago. But now, she seemed OK and slowly recovered.

While all the others have left for their afternoon schedules, you planned to just soar the skies with your beloved pegasus, (Pegasus' Name). S/he has (p/e/c) eyes and glossy (p/f/c) fur. Once you hop out of your bath gown, you slip on your Cabin 10 - Aphrodite t-shirt, black skinny jeans and red Converses.

"See ya, Silena." You call to your brunette half-sibling. "I'm off pegasus-riding."

She nods and lets you go.

You jog towards the stables, a smile on your face.

"(Pegasus' Naaaame)!" You sing. Slowly, you advance towards his/her stall, then s/he hops out. You laugh and stroke his/her muzzle.

"How you doing, girl/boy?" You whisper. S/he snorts and snuggles his/her nose deeper into your hand.

Smiling, you lead him/her away and mount the pegasus. S/he tentatively lifts his/her wings, then soars off the ground. (Pegasus' Name) goes higher and higher until you can feel the dampness of the clouds. S/he brays and continues to zoom through the sky. Soon, the exhilarating flight comes to an end as your stallion/mare softly lands. You quickly hop off and let your surroundings soak in.

A lush green clearing. Suddenly, you hear a twig snap. Instantly, your daggers fly to your hands and you take a defensive stance. Then you notice it's just Nico back from shadow traveling.

"Oh, hey, Shadow Boy," you mutter. "how's the ghost whispering going?"

He raises an eyebrow at your comment and walks off.

"Hey!" You dash up to him, quickly whispering to (Pegasus' Name) to stay where s/he was.

Nico looks up. "Yeah?"

"Look, I didn't mean it offensively." You reply.

"OK . . . and?" He folds his arms, glancing behind him.

"And it's not my fault I'm more awesome than you." You quickly shoot at him.

He chuckles. Then holds his hand out. "Let me show you the dark side."

Frowning, you nervously place your hand in his. A few seconds later, he's holding your hand tightly. Instantly, you're shadow traveling with Nico. The first thing that springs to mind is that everything looks like a smudged water colour painting made by an eight-year-old. There are smears of colours instead of shapes: a brilliant blue for the sky, a mottled green for the forest melded with the chestnut of the trees and random speckles of purple for the occasional flowers. And another thing is that the shadows are now defined with such ferocity as if they were alive.

You attempt speech, but no sound comes out. Instead, only a wisp of white cloud of your breath escapes your mouth. Aside the gymnastic display your stomach is performing, the whole 'in the shadows' feeling is actually quite exhilarating. Nico rushes forward, and you follow in the pursuit.

The scenery flashes by as the pair of you skip through the forest. Eventually, you make it back to clearing and Nico stops the shadow travel. Your body tries to adapt to the regular scenery.

"That," you begin once your find your voice. "was . . . breathtaking. It was one of the most amazing things ever!" A smile flares on your features and you encase Nico into an almost bone-crunching hug. He splutters under your weight and you soon ease yourself off him.

"Glad you liked it." He says once he's finished checking his ribs over. "Hey, I-I have something to tell you . . ."

"Go right ahead, Nico." You beam at him encouragingly.

"Er . . . I k-kinda li . . . what I mean is . . . that I really do c- l- oh, screw it!" He yanks you forward for a rough yet passionate kiss. You respond, then pull back.

"So you like me?" You ask.

The brunette shuffles from side to side nervously. "Um . . ."

You grin. "Well, why didn't you tell me before? I kinda liked you too."

The son of Hades shrugs. "I thought you hated me and my parentage."

"No, Nico! I don't hate you. I found you really interesting. I actually wanted to see your fighting style when I asked to battle you before. I wasn't trying to pulverize you." You nudge him playfully.

He laughs. "Would you let me do this, then?"

Once again, he reels you in for another kiss. His lips are soft, much more silkier than you had imagined. You place your arms round his neck and his wraps his round your waist. The kiss goes on for another ten minutes, then the two of you separate for air.

You both grin.

"See ya round, di Angelo."

"You too, (Last Name)."

You trudge off to your pegasus. There s/he stands, a stricken look in his/her deep (p/e/c) eyes. S/he then snorts.

"What are you looking at?" You snap, attempting irritation and failing miserably while smirking.

What you don't know is that your pegasus had yelled in triumph, I knew iiiiiiit! You DO love the ghost whisperer!
Please let me know if you guys want me to write anything specific. Whether it is Attack on Titan, Soul Eater, or Percy Jackson, i will write the various x reader and let you know when it is published.

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