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3rd POV: Starkiller (unmasked) is currently meditating in his personal chamber, drawing power from dark side of the force. The reason for this is because his spies have delivered intel in regards to a convoy travelling from korriban to corrusant, hearing this, starkiller dispatched 5 of his cruisers, his included in the number, to intercept it. His meditation done for now, he stood up, put his helmet on, grabbed his 2 lightsabers and put them on his waist before leaving his quarters and walking to the command deck, on the way there, he ran into his personal droid ZOE3.

ZOE3: oh captain! Glad you're awake, I was gonna head to your quarters.

Starkiller: what's wrong zoe?

ZOE3: we're close to intercepting the convoy, captain ace, shea and inferno squad are waiting for you on the bridge.

Starkiller: very well then, come along, let's not keep them waiting.

Starkiller walks passed the floating droid with said droid following behind him, as they walked down the hallway, they were saluted by clones who would occasionally walk the halls. Starkiller would only nod while zoe would salute back to them much to the amusement of the ex sith apprentice, though the droid couldn't tell behind the mask. The 2 made it to the turbo lift and went up to the bridge, once they did, they were welcomed to the sight of clones working on terminals and multiple windows showing a blue endless spiral, indicating that the ship was in hyperspace. Walking to the holo table, Starkiller saw inferno squad (without their helmets) talking amongst eachother while shea and captain Ace (unmasked) were conversing about the ambush. Ace saw his general and immediately stood at attention.

Ace: general on deck!

Inferno squad stood up straight, hands behind his back with captain Ace saluting and shea folding her arms.

Starkiller: at ease.

The group does so, they then surround the holo table with captain Ace activating it.

Starkiller: captain Ace, would you kindly go over the plan again?

Ace: of course sir, alright, (holo table shows 5 imperial cruisers in a diamond shape, one ship at the front, 3 ships in the middle and one at the back) the imperials are currently navigating through an asteroid field and it will take some time before they can make it to the other end and enter hyperspace. (Holo table switches to show imperial ships travelling through the asteroid field and republic cruisers hiding behind asteroids) we'll be hiding behind some of the big ones and cut all power to our ships, we'll be undetectable to their scanners, once they go past us, (holo table switches to show republic ships behind imperial ships and attacking from behind) we'll blast them from behind, disabling their engines and then destroy their communications, I have no doubt that they'll deploy fighters, and we'll be ready for it. In the midst of the fight, general starkiller, shea, inferno squad and a couple of clone transports will intercept their imperial cruisers and clear them of those imperials, take any intel they have, and if their ships are in moderate condition, add them to our fleet.

Iden: what are the chances of the rebellion appearing?

Shea: unlikely, but if they do, don't attack them, if they shoot first then feel free to retaliate, but only disable, what happens after we leave them, is of no importance to us, any questions?

ZOE3: (raises arm) uhh, what's the score looking like? (They look at her) what? If they have something ancient and pristine, it's bound to be worth some credits, force knows the army needs it.

Seyn: I'd say they have enough to keep the army going for several months.

Starkiller: any other questions? (No one responds) good, now-

A clone trooper approaches them.

Clone: sir, we're approaching the imperial shipment.

Starkiller: good, contact the other cruisers, tell them to immediately move to their positions once out of hyperspace.

Clone: right away sir.

The clone runs to relay orders while starkiller, ZOE3, shea, ace and inferno move to stand at the front of the bridge.

Once the republic cruisers were out of hyperspace, they immediately began to move to their positions and immediately cut of all power to ship systems (minus life support and gravity) and waited as the imperial ships flew past them, none the wiser to what was about to happen to them. Once they were far enough all ships reactivated and began moving behind the imperials.

Clone: all weapons are primed and ready sir.

Starkiller nods and faces the imperial ships before uttering a single word.

Starkiller: fire.

The republic cruisers open fired and targeted their engines, landing successfull hits and rendering them immobile. The imperials fired their rear weapons and deployed their tie fighters, bombers and interceptors.

Shea: just as expected.

Starkiller: captain, give the order.

Ace: yes sir! (On comms) all pilots, head to your ships and deploy!

Soon, starkiller and the rest went to their own, ready to move to the next step, inferno, shea and ace place their helmets on and go to their fighters, inferno squad in their own star fighters, ace and shea in separate transport ships and starkiller and ZOE3 in the rogue shadow. The ship then leaves the docking bay and fly out into the space battle, dodging laser fire and exploding enemy and friendly star fighters.

Starkiller: captain ace, have you and your troops deploy on the star destroyer on the left, commander versio, lead your men to the destroyer on the right. Del, seyn, take your men to the one in the back and shea you'll take your troops to the one at the front, I'll deal with the middle one, remember, once you land immediately work on deactivaring communications.

Inferno squad/shea/ace: understood/you got it/yes sir!

The group breaks up to do their individual tasks. ZOE3 maneuvers the rogue shadow to go under the star destroyer before landing in the hangar. Starkiller gets up from his seat and begins to walk to the cargo bay doors.

ZOE3: go get them captain!

ZOE3 opens the doors and starkiller walks out of his ship and is immediately surrounded by 5 stormtroopers, blasters trained on him. With an audible sigh, starkiller ignites his red lightsaber and throws it at a stormtrooper on the very left, killing him before using the force to send it spinning to 2 others, cutting them in half and then using force lightning to kill the other stormtrooper before finally force pushing the last one into some crates before bringing down a docked tie fighter on top of him. The sith then recalls his lightsaber and calmly walks deeper into the ship intent on finding anything useful.

???: (echo) feed......

Starkiller halted at the voice turning around sharply only to see nothing, frowning behind the mask he continues his journey only to feel a pull from the force and the voice in his head again.

???: (echo) feed.......

Starkiller used the force to try and zero in on the voice and in doing so felt a very, very dark presence coming from within the ship. He decided to go to where the presence was as if he was in a trance, absentmindedly killing stormtroopers with the force, his lightning and his trusty lightsaber. Making it to the door that the presence was at, he reached with his right hand and clenched it, making the door bend to his whim as it was crushed instantly and tossed aside. Walking into the room, he could see the room was completely empty except for a white mask with red markings going down from the eyes.

Starkiller (in head): this mask is the evil presence I felt? How is that possible? The amount of dark side power it contains is beyond possibly Vader's.

Before he could do anything, he suddenly fell to his hands and knees, feeling an enormous pressure crashing upon him, the power in the room began flickering, his helmet suddenly coming off and dropping to the ground. He felt something grabbing his face and lifting so he could only look at the mask, which suddenly began levitating and slowly approaching him. Starkiller could do nothing but wait as the mask slowly turned and began to place itself on his face.

(With the rebels)

Ahsoka was currently meditating in her personal quarters, going over some personal memories between herself and her secret lover starkiller. She's been able to keep her secret relationship with the former sith apprentice of her former master from the ghost squad but she had a feeling that kida had an idea. Rex knew about her little secret due to the fact that he kept anakins relationship with padme quiet, so he knew when someone was hiding something like that, ahsoka asked that he kept quiet as she didn't want anyone to know and rex assured that he wouldn't tell a soul. Anyway, the young togruta stops her meditation and sits on her bed, fingers interlinked before using the force to reach for the holo communicator that starkiller gave her on kamino, she thought about making a call to him to see how he's doing. The 2 have spoken to eachother for a while, their talks was mostly ahsoka asking starkiller questions about what he was up to after they drifted apart from eachother. Starkiller didn't really go into detail but baisicly said that he was doing what he could to survive all alone, he then spoke about how he met a mandolorian named shea Vizla, the name shocked ahsoka considering she knew about the history of clan Vizla, she felt a tad jealous of the way starkiller spoke about her but pushed it aside. According to starkiller, shea was sort of the black sheep of the clan due to her not taking interest in combat and had been more interested in learning about the jedi and sith even though the clan forbade it, she was eventually exiled for a crime she didn't commit and believed that the clan was possibly the ones who framed her and plans to someday get revenge.

The jedi togruta was about to press the button on the communicator when she suddenly felt a tremor in the force, she dropped from her bed and to her knees, holding her head with both her hands, she felt the tremor getting bigger and bigger and then she felt a like she got stabbed in the head, like the force itself was somehow hurt.

As if there was a wound in the force.

The former jedi could hear a scream of pain, as if they were being tortured.

Ahsoka: (whimpering in pain) Y-Y/N?

The screaming stopped and all she could hear was raspy breathing and a word was uttered one that for some reason made her fear for the galaxy.

???: feeeeeeeeeeedddddddd........

The pain ceased but the feeling of the force being wounded was still there, like there was a black hole that was sucking everything it can and would grow as it fed until there was nothing. Getting up she hid the holo communicator, grabbed her sabers and went to the bridge, she had a feeling that ezra, kanan and kida felt the same thing and that they would no doubt want to meet at the bridge.

(Mini timeskip)

The ghost crew, kida, rex, ahsoka and hologram of Sato were currently around a war table, talking about something that was recently picked up.

Sato: we found a massive energy surge unlike anything we've ever seen, it was located at an asteroid field near corrusant.

Hera: it's most likely an imperial weapons test that failed.

Sato: if that is the case, I want the ghost squad to investigate what the weapon could be, grab any Intel you can and leave as soon as possible.

Kanan: understood.

Sato disconnects from the call.

Ezra: I dont like this kanan. I mean if this weapon is somehow connected to what we felt-

Kida: we could be dealing with a force weapon that hasn't been seen since the old republic.

Zeb: there was something like a force weapon during those days?

Kida: yes, it was the star forge, it could create an infinite amount of ships, its fuel source was the souls of force users, it grew so powerful that it became somewhat sentient and was connected to the dark side itself, fortunately the republic managed to destroy it.

Ahsoka: if the empire are planning to make something similar, then this will change the fate of the war.

Sabine: what exactly did you guys feel exactly?

Ezra: it's kinda difficult to explain but... it felt like there was a black hole trying to suck anything that held life into it.

Ahsoka: did anybody hear someone screaming when it happened?

The present jedi all stared at ahsoka.

Ezra: I didn't hear anyone screaming.

Kanan: I didn't either.

Kida just shook her head but did narrow her eyes at ahsoka, something that the togruta noticed and made her feel a little nervous.

Rex: do you know who was screaming commander?

Ahsoka: yeah, it sounded like starkiller.

Hera: starkiller? Why would he of all people be screaming?

Ahsoka: no clue, but once he stopped I heard another voice, it was (shivers) dark.

Kida: did the voice say anything?

Ahsoka: it just said feed before everything calmed down.

Everyone looked at eachother not sure what to think.

Kanan: ok, let's be careful, if what the imperials are doing is truly connected to what we felt, then we need to destroy it.

Sabine: what if we see starkiller? Last I checked he and that mandolorian weren't with the empire anymore.

Zeb: I think it's obvious, we take him in for questioning, he's got to have some information on the empire.

With that, the ghost crew left to prepare their ship and themselves for the mission however kida pulled ahsoka back.

Kida: I'm going to be blunt with you ahsoka, theres only one way someone could hear somebody scream and that is if 2 force users are linked, and sometimes it's usually in a romantic sense, (ahsoka fidgets) care to explain?

Ahsoka stayed silent but eventually gave in once she saw kida's stern face.
Once ahsoka was done talking, kids spoke.

Kida: you broke the jedi code.

Ahsoka retorts immediately.

Ahsoka: I'm no jedi kida, (frowns) not after what happened in the past.

Kida doesn't respond to that.

Ahsoka: and by the way, how did you know about the star forge or the whole link thing, as far as I know, those 2 things were never mention during my time as a padawan.

Kida frowns for a moment before showing a little smile.

Ahsoka: there are some things you aren't ready to know yet young tano.

With that, kids walks passed ahsoka, with said togruta watching kida leave.

Ahsoka: are you-

Kida: no, you're relationship with starkiller is safe with me.

Ahsoka slowly nods and goes to prepare but unbeknownst to ahsoka, kida's eyes turned sith yellow for a moment before suddenly returning to normal.

(Mini timeskip)

The ghost was travelling through hyperspace and were close to reaching their destination.

Hera: ok, we're almost there, remember, we destroy their weapon, grab anything useful and get out.

Kanan: we got it hera, I mean come on, how hard can it be?

Once they get out of hyperspace, they see all imperial ships and star fighters just floating aimlessly in space.

Ezra: (mutters) you had to ask.

The group survey the surroundings until they see something that shocks them.

Hera: are those-

Rex: (shocked) republic cruisers?

Kanan: (shocked) how is that possible?

Ahsoka: not sure, let's focus on what we need to do before figuring out why they're are republic ships.

Hera flies to the middle imperial cruiser while moving out of the way of starfighters of both imperial and republic, they looked into the cockpits and were shocked to actually see clone troopers, rex and ahsoka the most however they hid, each with their own individual thoughts. Once they land in the docking bay, they see the rouge shadow completely locked down. Sabine, ezra, kanan, ahsoka, kida, zeb and rex go to inspect the ship, leaving hera and chopper in the ship.

(Mini timeskip)

After doing a thorough search of the ship they regrouped in a hallway and conversed.

Kanan: see anything?

Sabine: nope, place is completely empty.

Zeb: there was no weapon either, this ship was taking old relics and junk.

Ezra: this doesn't make sense.

Kida: not everything is as it seems young bridger.

Ahsoka: let's return back to the ghost, if there's nothing here, we should go to the republic cruisers, see how they're are clones still kicking and fighting the empire no le-

???: you will not leave here!!!

The power to the ship immediately cuts, off making everything go dark, sabine pulls her duel blasters and turns on her flashlight, zeb and rex do the same while the jedi of the rebellion ignite their lightsabers.

Kida: who are you?

???: feed......

Ahsoka stiffened at hearing that word and so did kida.

Kida (in head): that voice.

???: feeeeed.

Ezra: (nervous) kanan....

Kanan: it will be ok ezra.

They suddenly hear footsteps and all turn and aim their weapons at the direction they're coming from.

???: I.....

A dark sith robe can be seen.

???: WILL......

Once they saw the figures head. The only thing visible was a white mask with red markings.

Ahsoka (in head): (shocked) Y-Y/N?! What happened to you?!

Kida: (shocked) it can't be, that's impossible!

Everyone else prepares for a fight as a crimson blade appears out of the shadows and sith lightning igniting in his hand.


A/N: hope you enjoyed this chapter, thanks for reading, merry christmas to all and as always.....PEACE✌✌

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