There Might be Wolves in the Woods

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Claire waited anxiously on her couch.
"So what are you and Avery planning on doing?" Claire's mother asked. Claire and Avery were going to have a sleepover that night and Avery was picking her up.

"We're going to swim then watch binge watch some TV shows," Claire said, but those weren't their real plans. A pack of wolves have been spotted in the Eastwood Forest just an hour out of town. Though no one has truly proven the pack's existence and one wolf has only ever been spotted at a time. Claire and Avery were going to get proof of the pack's location.

Just then the doorbell rang, "That's Avery. Bye mom," Claire said and before her mom could say anything she shut the door and raced toward an army green Jeep.

Avery was sitting in the drivers seat, "Ready to find some wolves?"

"Are you sure this isn't too dangerous? We can always just go back to you house.

"No way! My mom already thinks we're at Bella's house, and we've been planning this for weeks!" Avery said driving out the driveway and racing down the road, "Besides I've prepared for danger."

Avery was a very determined person, and once her mind was set on something she'd do even if she had to take extreme measures, so Claire didn't bother asking.

They were silent for the rest of the car ride, Avery excited to hunt for wolves and Claire regretting her decision. Once the road stopped they pulled over into the grass. Both girls hoped out of the car.

"You're sure this is okay?" Claire said clenching a flashlight. It was really dark out, around 10:30 p.m. which made the situation much worse.

"Well it's not private property," Avery said digging through a backpack she'd pulled out the back seat. Then out of no were Avery pulled out a large knife in a sheath.

Claire was shocked, "Why did you bring that?!? We're not killing the wolves!"

Avery handed the knife to Claire, "Listen, if we get into danger we may need to protect ourselves. We don't need to kill the attacker only hurt it enough so it backs off."

Claire new Avery wouldn't say no so she took the knife and slipped it into her pocket, "I don't want to do this."
"We have to,"
"We've planned it for weeks,"
"That doesn't mean we have to go through with it,"
Avery looked down frustrated, she slung the backpack on her back then grabbed Claire's wrist, "We're doing this!"
Claire submitted and let Avery lead the way, they walked through the dark, thick woods for a while and as if it had been triggered by the wind a blood curdling howl rang through the air. More and more followed and with another gust of wind it stopped.
"Di..Did you hear that," Claire was clenching the knife's handle.
"Well I'm not deaf," Avery said then she smiled, "They're close,"
The two moved silently through the woods. No more howls came. Claire looked behind her and suddenly saw a flash of gray fur move through the undergrowth. She stepped back knocking into Avery.
"Watch it!" Avery snapped.
"But...but there," Claire pointed to the place she saw the movement, "Wolf."
"You saw one! Why didn't you take a picture of it?" Claire noticed Avery getting more angry as they got deeper into the woods.
"It was just a flash of fur," Claire uttered.
Avery grunted then turned around, she then saw a flash of black fur behind a tree. Claire saw another flash this time white and Avery saw another grey one by a rock.
"They're here!" Avery said excitement edged her tone. Her eyes were wild," You! Go check behind that rock! I'm going that way!"
"We shouldn't split up...," Claire began but Avery pushed her toward the rock.
"Do it!" she said through gritted teeth.
Claire walked behind the rock, nothing was there. She began to walk in the direction Avery had gone, but she didn't see anyone up ahead. She shined her flashlight into the dark forest but still there was no one. Claire walked quicker, she walked so long she hadn't realized she was running until she almost hit a tree. Avery seemed to have disappeared.
Claire called, "Avery!"
The only answer was another terrifying howl. Claire reached for her knife, but it wasn't there. In its place was a large hole, but wouldn't someone notice if a knife fell out their pocket?

Claire continued to run through the woods out of terror. All she wanted was to get back in the Jeep and drive home but she couldn't find her way out the woods. The woods began to get darker, is that possible? Claire thought frantically.
More howls rose from the darkness Claire shut her eyes and ran blindly as if it would help. Then, when she opened her eyes she was horrified by what she saw.

Avery was lying dead on the ground. Three wolves ravenously tore through her flesh. One wolf was black, it slashed it's claws at Avery's bloody corpse. Another was white, it was crushing Avery's camera and destroying her backpack. The last one was dark grey and it held the bloody, unsheathed knife.

The wolves noticed Claire's presence and before they even started to run, Claire took of into the forest. Fear was blinding her, or maybe it was the darkness. All she knew was she couldn't see.

Paws thrashed at the ground behind her. Claire ran faster pushing past every tree and blocking branches with her hands. She hid behind what felt like a rock. The night was quiet but Claire knew the wolves were there, somewhere.

She reached in her pocket then remembered the wolf had the knife, how the hell does a freaking wolf know to grab a knife at the handle?!? Claire thought as she grabbed her house keys in her other pocket. She held them close to her chest but ready to jab the metal part at a wolf.

Suddenly she heard heavy panting and scratching at the rock. Claire held her breathe, her stomach clenched with fear and she felt like she might throw up. Claire was shaking nervously as paw steps came into earshot.

The paw steps faded and the heavy breathing stopped. Claire let out a sigh of relief, they're gone.

Then the grey wolf ran up next to Claire. Claire shrieked as it howled then jumped on her, planting it's paws on her shoulders.
"HELP!" Claire yelled desperately and she struggled under the wolf trying to get him of. The wolf's saliva splat on to her chest. Then he pushed forward and bit into her neck.
"Wake up! We're here," Avery said jerking Claire from sleep.
"Wha?" Claire sat up in her seat, they were in the Jeep, parked just outside the forest.
"You fell asleep on the way here," Avery said jumping out the car. Once Claire got it Avery handed her a flashlight. Claire took it reluctantly still shaky from her extremely realistic nightmare.
"You okay?" Avery said, she was about to walk into the woods.
"I'm fine," Claire followed.
They walked through the forest for hours and found nothing, not even a howl. The two girls headed back the way they came.

"Well that was disappointing," Avery said. They made sure to stay quiet during their trek so they wouldn't alarm any wolves and chase them away.
"Yeah, but at least we didn't get attacked," Claire said getting back in the Jeep.
Once Avery got in she looked at Claire concerned, "Is that the reason you were scared."
"What? No! I wasn't scared," Claire said trying to be convincing.
Avery just started up the Jeep, "okay."
She began to drive away. They had only been on the road for about 10 minutes when Avery hit the break.
"What was that for," Claire said jolting forward.
"Quick give me my camera!" Avery said rolling down the window.
Claire reached in the back and grabbed her camera out her backpack.
Avery took the camera at pointed it outside, but she didn't snap the picture.
"What is it?" Claire asked.
"W..wolves," Avery studded.
"Let me see!" Claire unbuckled her seat belt then leaned to look out Avery's window. There were two wolves standing at the edge of the forest. One was black in it's mouth was a bloody knife. The other was grey and it held a human arm. Claire expected them to disappear or fade away like ghosts but they didn't, the just stood there watching. Claire jumped away back in her seat, breathing heavily.
Avery snapped the picture then rolled up her window then sped away, "Oh my god! What was that?!?"
"I don't know," Claire said panicking, "Maybe we imagined it? Or it just looked like wolves, we were far away,"
They sat quietly for a moment, then Avery handed Claire the camera, "Look at the picture. If we imagined it nothing will be there."
Claire looked at the camera and gasped.
"What?" Avery asked.
"They're not ghosts or hallucinations,"
"Then What the hell are they?"
"They're real,"

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