Chapter 4- Everybody Has Their Weakness

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Every one of Jack and his boys seem to have their heads in the clouds. Jack could not stop drawing Katherine and Crutchy could not resist talking about Sarah for more than five minutes. The Delanceys were only up to the usual antics and it was nothing the boys could not take care of. Jack has not had to say a word to either of the Delanceys all week, and despite the fact that it is relieving, it is beginning to make Jack the slightest bit nervous. But, he enjoyed it more than he hated it, so he takes to relaxing. Jack arrives for his regular shift at the coffee shop and Claire will not leave him alone whatsoever.

"So, Jack? Are you doing anything tonight?" Claire asks with a hideous amount of flirtation plain in her voice. Jack rolls his eyes and dumps a scoop of whip cream into a java-bean Frappuccino.

"Hangin out wid my bruddas an maybe goin ta da library wid my new friend from school," Jack answers as he flattens out his whip cream pile. The library with Davey suddenly did not seem like a terrible idea. Jack puts a lid on the drink and slides it to Snapper down the line.

"Jack?" Flavi asks as she tugs on her dark ponytailed hair. She wipes down the counter where Jack had been previously working.


"Is Race busy tonight?"

"I'se dunno. He could be. You'se can always come ta da apartment an talk ta im ta yaself," Jack answers and Flavi sighs.

"Can ya give me a ride? I'se can walk back ta my house," Flavi suggests and Jack nods. His shift passes quickly to his relief. Jack and Flavi sit in the van and Flavi turns to Jack abruptly as he texts Race to tell him what is happening. "Jack? I think I need to tell you something."

"Oh yea?" Jack asks politely, still absorbed in his cell phone.

"I'm sorry for not telling you about me and Race," Flavi finishes and folds her petite hands together.

"What is dere ta tell?" Jack asks and Flavi quickly nods her head in agreement.

"You're right, nothing is new," Flavi answers as she gently wiggles her fingers in her interlocked hands. Jack starts the car and begins to drive away. He navigates the busy city streets and glances at Flavi.

"Or is dere?" Jack asks and Flavi stares at her hands. "Flavia DiAngelo, I'se known ya long enough dat I'se can tell when ya lying an now, you'se definitely lyin." Flavi unfolds her hands and places her head in them.

"Fine. Race and I are talking about dating and Romeo has a girlfriend. Race wants one so he can go on double dates with Romeo," Flavi explains softly. "So, he asked me the other night." Jack gently rubs the back of his neck nervously and Flavi sighs.

"I'se don't tink dat's a healthy reason ta date, so don't at dis point if dat's all he's aftah," Jack says as they pull into the apartment complex parking lot. The two hop out and Jack unlocks the door. Flavi stands outside since the boys have made a pact to keep ladies out of the apartment as much as possible. Race sees her and hurries to the door. The two friends embrace quickly and Race starts to talk to her.

"I'se worried about Romeo. He's goin on his foirst real date an I'se don't know what's gonna happen," Race says worriedly. Jack never gets to hear her reply because a marble whacks him straight in the back of the neck. He whirls around to see Tommy Boy and Finch pointing at each other. Tossing the marble back over his shoulder, Jack scoots into the bathroom to see Romeo getting ready for his date.

"Jack! I'se finally got a date!" Romeo cheers excitedly and Jack congratulates him.

"Yea, til she sees ya wid anuddah goirl," Albert calls and Romeo lobs some shaving cream in Albert's direction. The boys continue to scuffle and argue while Jack sends Davey a text, giving him directions to the boys' apartment.

"Oh!" Mush exclaims excitedly, "Does Jack have a date?" Jack rolls his eyes as the slightly younger boy pokes his head over Jack's shoulder.

"No, Davey an I's are just going ta da library," Jack responds and Mush groans in disappointment. "Mush, your reaction makes ya seem worse den Romeo by da way youse is actin."  Davey has been bothering Jack to let him take him to the library since Jack took him to the theatre. A short while later, Davey arrives with Les in tow having been informed of the pact, he leaves Sarah at home. Les finds some mischief to get into with some of the younger boys. Jack and Davey hop in Race's little car.

"So, Davey, why are we'se goin ta da library?" Jack asks as he drives through the city.

"You have never experienced anything more wonderful than going to a library," Davey replies as he nervously watches his friend drive. Jack parks and suddenly, a car pulls right up against Jack's bumper. The Delancey brothers get out of the car and Jack hands the keys to David.

"Don't get out til I'se says an if it gets bad, call da ambulance," Jack says as he pushes up the sleeves of his zipper hoodie. His slight suspicions confirm themselves as the Delanceys and a few of their cronies step out of the car. Jack jumps out of his car and Davey locks the door behind him.

"So, Kelly? Long time, no see? Guess what day it is, Kelly!" Oscar taunts and before Jack can respond, a fist flies into his face. Jack reels into the side of his car and holds his face. What is wrong with him? He cannot protect Davey if he is allowing himself to be beaten.  Jack rises to the balls of his feet and throws a solid punch into Oscar's jaw.

"I knows poirfectly well what day it is Delancey. An one ting, I'se knows for shoah, it ain't your day," Jack responds after the punch. Oscar's hand rises up to his face. Morris and the other boys crack their knuckles excitedly and Jack struggles not to show any kind of fear. Jack rolls his shoulders and Morris growl at Jack,

"Nobody touches my brother, Kelly. Not even you." The taller boy wickedly grins at Jack and Jack starts to move quickly.

"Oh yea? Meybe, ya shouldn't a touched mine in da foirst place den we'se wouldn't a had dis liddle problem," Jack answers. "You'se da one who stalked me here anyways, so why does it mattah so much ta ya?" Morris rolls his eyes at Jack and keeps moving with him.

"He brought da oddah kid, da new kid," One of the jocks announces pointing to Davey. Oscar removes his hand from his face and nods toward the car.

"Give da new kid a break, he's only been here a couple o weeks an you'se already wantin ta hoirt him," Jack mocks with a tiny bit of pleading in his voice. He would never forgive himself if Davey got soaked because of this whole mess.

"Get da new kid an we'se will take care o Kelly," Oscar instructs and the jocks hurry to it.  Jack hears the sound of the car doors locking as Davey locks himself and the keys in the car. Oscar rolls his eyes in frustration. Jack takes this moment to land solid punch on Oscar's check. Oscar's hand flies to his face again and Jack seizes the distraction. He punches Morris in the nose and while the two boys are distracted, he takes off to take care of the other boys. The Delanceys begin to furiously shout instructions at their jock buddies and Jack advances on them. Davey watches nervously from inside of the car, thinking that there is no way that Jack is going to take out all of these boys by himself. One by one, Jack begins to punch his way through the boys.  The jocks fight back and Jack takes a good hit to the stomach. Acting as though he is deeply hurt, Jack bends in half and grunts. Suddenly, he stands up straight and send three solid punches in the direction of the jocks. Davey watches in amazement as the jocks retreat. Jack smiles at their retreating forms until two pairs of hands grab him from behind. The Delancey brothers beam wickedly before sending Jack smashing into the side of the car. Jack groans involuntarily as his head whacks the car. The world begins to spin before his eyes and the Delanceys start to punch him. Jack tries to move to fight back, but his body will not move. The Delanceys, realizing that he is not going to respond to them at all, walk away leaving the fearless leader of a big band of brothers slouched against the side of his car. Davey's eyes widen as he notices Jack gradually fading out of consciousness. Once the Delanceys and their friends drive away, Davey jumps out of the car and helps Jack.

"Jack?" Davey asks and to his relief, Jack responds with a mutter. "Jack, do we need to go to the hospital?" Jack shakes his head and stands up slowly.

"I'se will be okay, let's just go ta da library," He mutters and Davey helps him into the library. Davey helps Jack up the steps to the library and pulls open the door for the both of them. Once they get inside, Jack looks at the amount of books on the shelves and whistles softly. "Dat's a lot a books." Davey nods and rubs his hands together excitedly.

"There is so much to see here. This is just one section, Jack!" Davey says looking at Jack. Jack runs a hand through his hair and tugs on the sleeves of his zipper hoodie nervously. Davey hurries off to one section leaving Jack to stand in confusion. After a few seconds, Jack starts to follow Davey.

"Davey? Dave, where'd ya go?" Jack whispers softly as he peeks around the shelves looking for his friend. He spots someone familiar around one of the shelves. Katherine Plumber is examining a thick volume with a pretty blue cover. Jack tries to sneak up next to her, but trips over a pile of books in the aisle. He is too busy staring at her to notice the book pile and he falls flat on his face. Katherine turns quickly and sees Jack on the ground.

"What are you doing here? And why on earth did you trip over that very apparent pile of books?" Katherine asks and Jack peers up at her from his position on the ground. Davey hears the sound of something or someone falling, but is too wrapped up in looking at books to notice. Whoever or whatever just fell will be fine and he is sure of it. Davey continues to look for some kind of a novel for Jack. Suddenly, he spots a fictional book about a Newsboys Strike in 1899. Flipping through it, everything about it makes him think of Jack. (Hmm, I wonder why. Lol) Davey slips the book under his arm and continues looking for some books. Jack, on the other hand, is still laying on the floor. "Well?" Katherine asks as she slips the dark blue book under her arm. Jack slowly pushes himself up off the ground, being mindful of his new injuries as he does. He bumps a bruised spot on his back against a thick book and a hiss of pain escapes from his mouth. His eyes close and his hand gently rubs against the bruised area Katherine's demeanor immediately switches from angry to concerned. She kneels down in front of Jack and looks him in the eye. "Mr. Kelly, are you okay?" Jack opens his eyes and is a bit surprised by how close she is to him.

"Am now," Jack answers and he cannot peel his eyes away from hers. Katherine stays in her position and looks the boy in front of her over.

"You don't look okay," She retorts, taking in the dark bruises staining his face. Katherine finds herself staring at them. She suddenly wishes that she could touch them and make them feel better. The thought vanishes when Jack says,

"I'se more den okay. Ya just can't see it." Katherine rolls her eyes and stands up. Jack pushes himself up off the ground and smiles at her. She goes back to looking for a book and he leans up against the bookshelf next to her. "So, dis don't look like writin an article." Katherine tosses him a sideways look.

"I can do more than write articles. Not that you really care to know anything about that, but I have a wonderful thing called free time. I'm single, my job is not constantly demanding, and I like to do things other than flirt with people at my job unlike some people I know," Katherine remarks before turning back to the shelves to find the book that she wants. Jack stares at her in disbelief before scanning the shelves briefly. 

"You'se don't know dat!" He protests softly and she turns in his direction.

"It's obvious," She replies as she finds her book and adds it to her tiny pile. Little do either of them know is that Davey can hear their whole conversation. He is about to head down and show Jack the book he has found when suddenly, he is yanked in the opposite direction of where Jack and the female voice is coming from.

"Excuse me?" Davey mutters, but his captor just pulls him into an old conference room.

"Who is that boy down there flirting with that girl?" A voice in the dark asks and Davey has a sinking feeling about all of this.

"Who are you?" Davey asks and before he knows it, the light switches on and Davey sees a threatening man standing before him. The man has a frightening expression on his face along with creepy blue eyes that any person would be terrified of. Davey is certainly terrified of this man. He sits on the table and the man angrily pulls him up to his feet by the collar of his shirt.

"Who is the boy?" The man growls again, ignoring Davey's question. Davey shakes his head and says defiantly,

"I am not telling you who that boy is unless you tell me who you are. That boy down there is my friend and I will protect him from people like you." The man laughs and says,

"Well, I hope you know what you are doing, Mr. Jacobs. A good boy like you should not be around young people who are known for causing trouble." The man shoves Davey down onto the table. Davey hits one of the chairs hard as he falls onto the table top. "I hope you found some good books, because you are going to be in here for a little while." The man pulls out some tools and does something to the light switch. The lights go out and Davey struggles to get up to stop the man from doing whatever it is he is doing. The man shoves Davey back into the chair and table again before running out the door, locking it, and dropping the key down an air vent right where Davey could see him do it. Davey pounds on the door and starts to scream for help.

"WILL SOMEBODY PLEASE LET ME OUT OF HERE? PLEASE?" Davey shouts at the top of his lungs. There is no answer and no sign of any other person in the library. Why did this man get mad enough to lock Davey in a conference room? Davey sits down and tries to peace all of this together as he swings his legs over the edge of the table. He hopes Jack comes up soon. The thought of Jack reminds that he has his cell phone. Davey tries to turn it on and realizes that it is sincerely dead. Pocketing his phone, Davey begins to pound on the door again as hard as his tired body will allow. No one comes to help him. No one comes to the door.

Jack, on the other hand, is still talking to Katherine. Finally, she cuts him off.

"You know, I've never had someone draw me as Eliza before," She says nonchalantly and Jack quirks an eyebrow. He had been talking about his job at the coffee shop, not about drawing her.

"Oh yea? I'se don't know anybody who draws, so I'se couldn't tell ya who it was," Jack says and Katherine rolls her eyes at him.

"Impossible boy," She mutters under her breath and Jack raises an eyebrow at her again. "You do to know someone who draws. You know yourself." Jack grins at her and replies with,

"You'se much prettier wid out all da fancy clothes an costume on." Katherine starts searching the shelves for another book, ignoring the slightly flirtatious comment. "I'se only wish I'se could draw you now." Katherine gives him a sarcastic chuckle.

"Well, thank you for the compliment, but I think I'm going to get going. I have other matters to attend to, tonight," She says matter of factly. Jack starts to follow her, but she keeps walking.

"Come on, we'se could go grab some food or someting. It ain't dat late," Jack pleads a little bit and Katherine stops.

"Don't you have something better that you could be doing? Like hanging out with all of your friends?" Katherine asks and Jack shrugs his shoulders.

"Yea, but its not every night dat I'se got da chance to be round such a beautiful lady," Jack remarks flirtatiously. Katherine keeps walking and a man suddenly blocks her path.

"Excuse me," Katherine says, but the man does not move. "Sir, I need to move through here," She says again. Jack steps forward and says forcefully,

"I'se suggest dat youse moves if ya wanna not get a busted jaw." He cracks his knuckles, but the man does not seem to care. "Alright," Jack starts, "don't say I'se didn't warn ya." Jack reels back and starts to throw a punch. The man grabs his arm and forcefully yanks it toward the ground.  Jack lets out a loud cry of pain.

"Everywhere you go, all you do is cause trouble. Maybe now, you will finally learn your lesson," The man growls before walking away. The library staff walk forward and see Jack sitting the middle of the aisle, now holding his very injured arm. 

"I'se fine. Someting bout dat guy was familiar," Jack mutters through gritted teeth as the library staff crowd around him. Jack pulls out his phone and calls Davey. All he gets is Davey's voice mail.  A look of concern washes over Jack's face as he keeps trying to call Davey only to have the same result every time. Jack looks up at Katherine worriedly.

"Is something wrong?" She asks with the tiniest hint of concern in her voice. Maybe that article that she needs to work on can wait for a few more moments. Jack nods quickly.

"My friend who brought me here ain't answerin his phone. Someting ain't right," Jack answers as he looks around for any sign of his friend. A muffled sound rings out from somewhere. It sounds like someone shouting for help. Jack recognizes the voice to be Davey's. He hurries in the direction, shouting Davey's name. The sound of Davey's voice brings Jack to a door with a small window.

"DAVEY?" Jack calls through the door, interrupting the usual silence of the library.

"JACK? IS THAT REALLY YOU?" Davey calls from the other side of the door. "CAN YOU GET ME OUT?' He calls and Jack answers back,

"Yea, what happened ta da key?" Davey peeks out the window and says,

"Some man threw me in here and threw away the key. I don't know why." Jack reassures his friend quickly,

"Don't worry. I'se gonna get youse outta here. Lemme find some bobby pins." Jack hurries back down to Katherine and the library staff. "Anybody got some bobby pins or a key for da conference room?" The library staff exchange worried looks. A young librarian who looks to be about Davey's age shakes her head.

"There's one key here and our master key stays with the head of the librarians who does not work at this hour," She says softly. "I'm an intern for her, so she told me that she is the only one who has that key." Jack smiles and tries to think of something to say to get a hold of her bobby pins.

"Ya got any bobby pins dat ya use ta keep dat gorgeous hair o yours outta yer face?" Jack asks flirtatiously and the girl nods quickly. Katherine fiddles around in her purse as well until she finds one. She hands it to Jack and he nods his thanks. He takes one from the young librarian and a few other librarians have some as well. Jack takes them and hurries to the door. He slides the bobby pins into the lock and begins to listen to the tumblers as they move around. His adept fingers do this quickly since Jack had learned to pick locks at a young age. After a few more clicks, the door opens revealing an excited Davey. The two boys quickly hug and Jack spots something on the floor. He picks it up and Davey looks at it with him.

"The guy who threw me in there must have dropped it," Davey states and Jack looks up at him nervously.

"Did ya just say dat a guy threw ya in dere?" He asks and Davey nods. "What did dis guy look like? Threatening?" Davey nods and answers,

"Very much so. He was an interesting person alright. He wanted to know who you were. I didn't tell him, because I didn't know what he wanted with you." Jack looks at the object in his hand. It reads P. Webster's Club. A catchy slogan reads on the bottom and Jack notices an interesting name on the card. Snyder. Jack's face visibly pales and to his chagrin, Davey notices. "What's wrong, Jack?" Jack shakes his head.

"I'se can't believe I'se didn't see it. Dis guy is da man who locked me up for runnin away from school when da teacher insulted Race. I didn't tink he cared dat much. He also locked me up for stealin bikes for kids. Some kids had ta walk really far ta get ta school, so I stole bikes for em," Jack says. "He must be back for revenge an he also must recognize me a liddle bit. Youse was probably just a poirson who he thought would know me well. When ya didn't answer his question, he locked ya up in dis room." Davey nodded and Jack runs a hand through his hair nervously. The two boys walk down to the desk and Jack hands everyone back their bobby pins. Katherine leaves not even a moment after she gets her bobby pin back. "Bye, Plumbah!" Jack calls and she waves at him politely before walking out the door.

"Thanks for letting him break into your conference room to get me out," Davey asks and the librarians nod. Davey moves toward another section of the library and says to Jack, "I got a book that I think you will enjoy."

"Since when do ya tink I read?"  Jack asks in disbelief that Davey has gotten him a book.

"You don't. So we are going to try to get you to read," Davey says, handing Jack the book about the Newsboys Strike. Jack rolls his eyes and takes the book.

"Don't get upset if I'se don't read it," Jack remarks as he looks at it. Davey climbs onto a tiny step stool, looking for a book. "Why can't ya just pick a book? Why ya always gotta find da poirfect one?" Jack pouts and Davey looks down at his friend.

"You would understand if you were a bookworm too, Jack. You have to find just the right book for just the right occasion. It has to be a certain version too," Davey explains and he grins once he finds the book that he wanted. "Yes, I got it. Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace." Unfortunately for Jack, the book falls out of Davey's hand narrowly missing Jack's head.

"I don't tink dat's a good one, Davey. Da book just tried ta kill me an it sounds boring," Jack pouts as he picks up the book with his good arm. The large book bumps his other arm causing him to wince in pain.

"How did you hurt your arm talking to the girl from the theatre?" Davey asks and Jack rolls his eyes.

"It was Snydah. He tried ta break my arm an now yer stupid book is tryin ta make it even worse," Jack growls between his gritted teeth and Davey laughs a little bit at his friend. He climbs down the ladder and hurries off to another section. "Can we'se go now? Please?" Jack whines and Davey searches another aisle.

"Yes, a murder mystery! Jack, you will like this one!" Davey exclaims excitedly as he hands Jack, Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None. Jack groans, but takes the book anyways. After what feels like forever, Davey and Jack check out the books. Jack decides to ask one of the librarians about Snyder, curious about whether or not they know something about why he was at the library.

"Do any o youse know why dat man was here?" All of the librarians shake their heads. Jack notices that the younger librarian seems to pale at the mention of the man. He steps closer to her and Davey looks at her too. "Is someting upsettin ya?" He asks her and she shakes her head quickly again.

"No, I just was worried that you were going to get hurt is all. I would hate for someone to become thoroughly injured in my library," She explains and Jack nods. "Alright, well, tanks for da help." He and Davey walk out to the street and to Jack's car. Jack gets in and starts the car while Davey shoves the books into the backseat.

"What were you doing in there?" Davey asks and Jack shushes him.

"Dere was no real reason dat Snydah should a been dere," Jack says quietly. "Let's go see if he goes dat club or not." Jack enters the address of the club into his GPS on his phone. Davey looks at him nervously.

"You know that we are too young to go into a club," Davey asks and Jack nods quickly.

"We'se ain't goin in, we'se are gonna stand outside an pretend ta be doin a survey for da school paper on clubs," He says and Davey raises an eyebrow.

"No one is going to believe that a couple of high school kids are doing a survey about clubs," Davey protests and Jack rolls his eyes.

"Just go wid da plan, Davey!" Jack demands and he gets ready to drive to the club when his phone rings. The caller ID displays Crutchy's name and face on the screen in front of him. Jack answers the phone quickly. "Heya Crutchy? What's goin on?"

"Jack, ya need ta come ta da apartment right now," Crutchy says quickly into the phone.

"Crutch, what's da mattah? Is someting wrong?"  Jack asks becoming increasingly worried for his friend.

"Romeo's been hauled down ta da police station, Jack. He went out on a date wid his goilfriend tonight and somehow, she was killed."

"WHAT?" Jack exclaims in disbelief. He knows for a fact that Romeo would never doing anything dangerous.

"Yea an Jack? Dey's chargin Romeo wid murder."

AN:/ Oh boy! A cliffhanger! I'm sorry and you're welcome. ;) CatasticVulcan, thanks for the sweet comment! It motivated me to keep working on Chapter 4. You are amazing!!! I hope this one met everything you hoped for. A quick little disclaimer, I do not own the two books that I mentioned. I have never read War and Peace, so I don't know how good that one is. I have read And Then There Were None, which is a phenomenal book. I highly recommend it to anybody who likes a good mystery. I have read some other Agatha Christie books and I have enjoyed them. They can be a little slow, but they are worth it. Just a word of advice, word on the street is that Miss Marple can be kind of boring. If you do Agatha Christie books, you know who I mean. ;) Anyways, Snyder is making an appearance in this story. Jack hates it which he should. Katherine also appears too and she and Jack are still on the same terms as they were before. Poor Romeo! He is feeling terrible. To be honest, I don't know what made me pick him to be the person that the police picked up, but for some reason, Romeo is the victim.  Sorry, we didn't get to see a whole lot of the other boys in this chapter. You will probably get to see everybody next chapter, I promise. This chapter was sort of the calm before the storm.  I am really tired today, so sorry if I'm sort of rambling on here. Anyways, Jack and Davey obviously had an eventful trip to the library. I had a blast writing this chapter and I am so excited to announce that this story has reached 80 views! Thank you so much for your support!!! I love feedback, so please tell me what you think of this story. I love this story a lot and I hope it is different from any other Newsies story that you have seen on Wattpad. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it. Enjoy the read! See you soon, friends!!!

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