Chapter Sixty One

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DEDICATED TO ELDORADO 16 for her invaluable advice.

Clare paid the landlady for their night's lodging as Alan had nothing, only his clothes. As it was too late for breakfast at the B & B, Clare bought Alan some breakfast in a nearby cafe. Then they set off for home in the car. Fortunately, they had a good journey with no hold ups.

On arriving home, Alan parked his car and they walked together to the entrance of Clare's flat. He put his arms around her, kissed her tenderly and then traced her eyebrows with his finger. She smiled up at him.

"You must call Philip and tell him that we're engaged."

"Yes, I will. He'll be so pleased." said Alan. "And Libby, of course."

"I'm going to call mum and tell her then I really must wash my hair, it smells all smoky. Come round later and we can talk about the wedding."

"Sounds good to me." said Alan, kissing her cheek.

They went their separate ways and Clare went straight up to her flat.

As she opened the front door, a feeling of relief swept over her. It was so good to be safely home. She placed her jacket on the arm of the sofa and called her mother.

"Hello mum, just to tell you I'm home."

"Hello darling, I thought you were going for the week?"

"We were, but there was a bit of a trauma...."

Clare told her mother about the fire and Kathy was amazed.

"I'm so glad you're both safe, that sounds terrifying!"

"It was, so we're relieved to be home. I've got some good news too, actually. Alan and me, we've just got engaged!"

"Well, about time too!" said Kathy, laughing. "When will the wedding be?"

"We haven't discussed that yet, but we'll talk about it later."

"The sooner the better." Kathy replied. "How exciting!"

She then paused before saying,

"I've got some good news too. I've met a really lovely man and

we've started going out together."

Clare was completely taken aback. It had never occurred to her that her mother might meet another man and she didn't like the idea!

"But you can't !" she cried.

"What do you mean I can't? Of course I can! I'm still quite young. I don't want to be on my own any more. These last few years haven't been easy for me."

"But what about dad?" Clare cried, "What about him?"

"Darling, be sensible. Your dad died some time ago. I have to move on.You're moving on, since Hal died and I need to do the same. I'm sure you'll like Frank when you meet him. You might well..."

"I'm sorry mum, but I don't want to meet him. I'll call you again tomorrow." And with those words, Clare ended the conversation by putting the phone down.

Clare went into her bedroom and found her photograph albums in the bottom of the wardrobe. Sitting on the bed, she looked through the photos of her dad. There were lots of them. Her dad had always taken a camera when they went out and about, or on holiday. It was easy to see how happy they were as a family and that he was a loving father.

After a long soak in the bath and then washing her hair, Clare felt much better. She rang Alan and arranged to meet him and he suggested they go to 'The Crown' for a meal. He would book them a table.

As she dressed for the evening, Clare realised how extremely selfish she was being. Her mother was still young and attractive, why shouldn't she find someone else to love? It would be unfair to deny anyone the chance of happiness whatever age they were, so before she went to meet Alan she rang her mother.

"Hello." said Kathy as she picked up the phone.

"Mum it's me. I'm sorry for what I said, of course I would like to meet Frank.I was being selfish. It was just such a shock. You've never mentioned other men at all since dad died, I just never thought of it. Please say you forgive me."

"Oh darling, of course I do. I should have warned you before, I do know how you adored your dad."

"I want you to be happy and safe mum, as long as he's a nice man, that's all that matters."

Clare apologised for her bad behaviour, and her mother forgave her and Clare thought how good it was to have such a wonderful mother who always gave her support and always forgave her. She hoped that she would be such an understanding mother herself, when the time came. If the time ever came, that was...

And she sincerely hoped she would like Frank. Whoever he was...

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