Chapter Thirty Two

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 Clare and Angie were having the usual busy day, when Bob came storming down the Partners' Corridor calling "Alan, are you there?" He poked his head around their door with his eyebrows doing the high jump.

"Something wrong, Bob?" asked Clare, knowing it was a stupid question.

"Where's Alan?" asked Bob.

"In his office." replied Clare.

Bob marched into Alan and soon they were walking back to Bob's office, in an urgent fashion.

"Oh, what now?" asked Angie.

"That wretched Gary, I expect." said Clare.

Clare had guessed correctly and some time later Alan came back looking harrassed.

"Gary has had a final warning from Bob." said Alan "If he steps out of line once more, he'll be gone. I hate all's so..." He sighed heavily and then said, "Anyone got a fag?"

"You don't smoke, do you?" asked Clare in surprise.

"No," said Alan "but if I did, I'd have one now!"

They laughed.

"I did try it once though, I turned a beautiful shade of green and puked up over my boots. I haven't tried it since."

Alan grinned his boyish grin. Then he changed his tone and said,

"I do hate this sort of thing. I'm not good at disciplinary matters and giving someone the push...well, that must be hard. I'm glad it's Bob's department, I can tell you!"

"Do you think it will come to that?" asked Clare.

"Probably, but we'll all be glad to see the back of that Gary, he's a right nuisance and that's putting it politely."

"What's he done now?" asked Angie

"He got all the figures wrong on the Lawrence account and then blamed Mark for it, but it was a stupid thing to do, because it was easily found out. He thinks he's something special, but he's not. Mark was really upset."

"Poor Mark. I like Mark." said Clare.

"He's destined for better things, Mark, I think." said Alan.

"Gary has really upset Mary and Catherine too." said Angie.

Clare looked up at Alan who was standing by the side of her desk and said "I've spoken to Bob about that problem, I wondered if they could move over to the empty office next door and Bob agreed with me, but you'll be having a meeting first, I think."

"You're not just a pretty face, are you Clare?" said Alan "That's a brilliant idea and we'll mention the dress code in the office. They're all getting a bit lax these days and that Jessica...the things she wears. We'll mention their language too. It's been a lot worse since Gary came, no wonder Mary and Catherine are upset. It's not at all professional. I'll have a word with Bob."

"You don't swear, do you?" asked Clare.

"Not very often," said Alan smirking, "but I have been known to mutter under my breath."

Alan walked into his office and Clare followed him in. He was standing by his desk. 

"Would you like a coffee, Alan, I'm making one for us?" Clare asked.

Alan picked up his coffee mug and handed it to her and then yanked at his tie.  Clare had noticed him doing that a lot lately and it was beginning to annoy.

"Why do you keep doing that, what's wrong?" she asked. She walked up close to him and felt around his shirt collar with her fingers. Alan raised his eyebrows and blushed.

"Oh, Alan, you're such a fool. These shirts are too small for you, didn't you know? I'm surprised you haven't strangled yourself, what on earth?" She giggled while she slid the knot of his tie down, unbuttoned the top button of his shirt then pulled the tie up again more comfortably.

"It's that Marie," said Alan "She bought me a load of new shirts and she must have got the wrong size. I think she's been trying to strangle me. Will I never be free of the woman?"

"You can hardly blame her, don't you know what size you wear?" asked Clare.

Alan was rendered speechless, a rare event and Clare left the room laughing.

"For goodness sake, get some new shirts with bigger collars, it'll be much more comfortable for you and then perhaps you'll stop fiddling with that tie."

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