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     Hiiiii all. I know I haven't updated recently on my actual riding status, but that was mostly due to Lent, which is over!

     So I actually have ridden the past three weeks! I only rode twice since December before then. It was tourturrrrrre. The lesson three weeks ago left me so stiff XD

     Okay, I'm feeling a little better after today's lesson, but not that much. I was trying to be super focused, but I still kept messing up. I'm trying to use my leg, and I'm pushing, but it's like I don't make contact? I don't get it, cause I'm definitely pushing something. And my canter....... We only did a few strides, one because Rhythm is still in his winter coat, and isn't in shape, second...I suck. I can't get him into the canter(although he wants to go) and when we do get to it, I either pull him straight back to an extremely wobbly trot, or I loose control of his head and have a mini-panic moment in my head. I overthink everythingggggggg.

     Oh well, we did some fun exercises, which ended the lesson nicely. Working on controlling more with the body then the reigns, which is going....interestingly.

~ Jake Vader Out.

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