23. When he faced her anger

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Ap says Laksh to call Sanskar but Sanskar didn't pick up the call.

Hotel Marv;

Meeting was going on and Sanskar was totally busy in meeting. After sometime, meeting get over then he immediately went room to see Arshit. But when he reach there, he was shocked to see the seen in front of his eyes. His eyes was wide open to see the room.

The room was in complete mess. On the other side Arshit was throwing things from side table. Sara was trying her best to hold him and make him sit on the bed but Arshit was pulling her hair and throwing his hands and legs in the air as Sara was holding him.

Arjun who was following Sanskar also come there and was shocked to see the scene. Sanskar came in his sense and rushed to help Sara. He hold Arshit in his arms. After going to Sanskar, Arshit calmed a bit but still glared at Sara angrily.

Sara was totally exhausted. She sat on the bed. Arjun comes inside and gives her a glass of water. Sara takes it and drinks it in one go. Then Sanskar said.

Sanskar: I m sorry Sara. I never thought he will do something like this. Actually, he never did anything like this before so I thought he will be calm but I m really sorry.

Sara: It's ok sir. But please, next time don't give me his responsibility. I m sorry to say this but He is too dangerous.

Arjun chuckles hearing her while Sara glared at him.

Sanskar: Sure, Now you can go home and take rest.

Sara: But sir, I have some paper to look out and still there is time to go.

Sanskar: I know but for now you can go. You have already done enough and looking tired.

Sara nodded and left.

Sanskar: Arjun, drop her to her home.

Arjun : But sir...

Sanskar: I said na, go and drop her.

Arjun nodded and went outside.

Sanskar looked around the room and then sees Arshit who was sleeping peacefully in his arm. He take a deep sigh and murmured: Couldn't you sleep before?

He comes out of room and meet the manager. He paid for the damage done by Arshit and left. He sat inside the car and thinks.

Sanskar: Now, I can't go to office. It's already took so much time in meeting, I should go mansion only. Yes, it will be better.

Everyone was worried. Swara was not in her sense. Now she started blaming herself for Arshit disappearance. She gets scared thinking how will Sanskar react, if he know about this. He already dislikes her and now god only know, what will happen.

Her tears also dried now. She was sitting lifelessly in the hall. Ap was sitting beside her. Then only Sanskar enters. Laksh sees him then he sees Arshit in his arms. He was totally shocked.

Laksh (shocked): Bhai...

Hearing him everyone sees him except Swara. She was in her own world.
Everyone got shocked to see Arshit with Sanskar. They were so much worried whole day and here he was with Sanskar only.

Sanskar gets confused to see everyone.

Sanskar (confused): What happened? Why are you all looking at me like this?

Laksh: Bhai, how come Arshit is with you?

Listening Arshit's name, Swara immediately looked up as she was looking down. She looked at that direction and suddenly she felt like she has got her precious thing what she has lost. She got happy and relaxed to see Arshit but suddenly got angry after hearing Sanskar.

Sanskar; Yeah, Actually he was with me. I don't know how he came in my car and then...( He was saying but stopped as he saw Swara)

She just got up from couch and went toward him. She came to him and took Arshit from him without giving any look to Sanskar. She took Arshit in her arms and went toward her room.

Sanskar was confused to see her behavior. He saw her teary and red eyes.

Sanskar: What happened to her?

Laksh and everyone got angry.

Laksh (Angry): What happened to her? Seriously Bhai..? Arshit was with you and you didn't even inform us? Do you know how much worried we were? You could have informed us!!

Ap: Yes Sanskar, I never thought you can be so much irresponsible. If Arshit was with you. You could have told us. (Angry)

Laksh: And you know? What was Swara's condition? She was crying whole day. Mom was trying her best to console her but she was not listening anything and blaming herself for Arshit missing? Why you did that? Do you hate Swara so much? Why do you always want her to suffer?( Burst out)

Dp: Yes Sanskar. Today once again you disappointed me.

Sanskar: But firstly listen to me. I didn't know how he come in my car and I noticed him when I was just about to reach there. I tried to call you Lucky. But your phone was unreachable then I called on landline no. and someone picked it but I think he/she didn't listen what I was saying. Then I was getting late for meeting..

( He was saying but he couldn't complete as suddenly he felt a burning sensation on his face. He hold his cheek ad saw the person who was looking at him with red eyes and anger)

Sanskar (whisper): Swara!!( Shocked).

Her eyes was filled with tears but anger too. She was looking at Sanskar angrily or can be said she was shivering in anger.

Swara heard when Sanskar whispered her name and within a second. She slapped him hard again.

Sanskar stumbled. Everyone was totally shocked. They never thought Swara can do something like this. She was always shy type, calm as well as matured girl. She never get angry on anyone. Even if anyone had done wrong to her and she never raised hands on anyone. But today, she slapped Sanskar, the person she love the most.

As Swara slapped him again, Sanskar got angry and shouted at the top of his voice: SWARA!!!

But Swara showed her hand, Sanskar saw this and stop. Today there was nothing in her eyes accept anger. No fear and definitely not care or love that she always have for others.

She come towards him and grabbed his collar and pushed him. Sanskar stumbled again. She signed something.

Laksh reads Sanskar's expression and know he was not able to understand anything. So, he said.

Laksh: She is asking, what do you think of yourself?

Swara again sign something.

"What do you think urself? Say!!! what are you? Who are you? Tell me!!! How much will you hurt me? Can't you see me happy a bit? I know Arshit is your son but he is my son too (pointing toward there room where Arshit was sleeping then pointing herself that Arshit is her son). If you have rights on him then I m also having right on him and you are no one to take it away from me. If Arshit was with you, Couldn't yoj tell me that he is with you but no!! The great Sanskar Maheshwari (raising her hands and pointing him) is busy in his own. Today, his stupid meeting is more important than anything else. Even more important than his son. What would happened if you had left that meeting? Would you have been bankrupt? No right? Forget it, if your so called meeting was so important for you and Laksh phone was unreachable, you could have messaged me. But no. Why will you ? You don't think me anyone in your life!! Right?? (Pointing herself)" Swara was saying Everything in sign language and Laksh was telling Sanskar what she was saying.

Sanskar was about to say something but Swara pushed him and again stop him and say.

Swara: Fine, if I m no one in your life but Arshit is my life. Here, I was blaming myself for his missing and was thinking what will happen if you will know that Arshit is missing. You will be worried about him and will.be angry on me for being irresponsible but Arshit was with you only and you didn't even think about me once!!( signing alll this she started crying now).

Then only Sanskar's phone rang. Swara saw it in Sanskar's hand. She Snatched his phone from his hand angrily and say.

Swara: Why the hell you people use phone if you can't use when it's important.

She threw the phone hardly on the floor. Phone broke into pieces.

Sanskar was shocked. Laksh also looked at Swara in shock then look at the phone that was thrown because Sanskar has bought it last month only and now it left for no use. Ragini, who was watching all this, also feared to see this shade of Swara. She had seen Swara since childhood but what is happening today is totally unimaginable. She was thinking, if Sanskar didn't inform about Arshit then she was doing all this to him. What will happen to her if Swara will come to know that it was done by her. She gulped in fear.

Sanskar was angry about his phone but composed himself and say: Swara, I know I did wrong by not telling you but I never thought...

Swara (angrily pointing finger at him): Exactly you never think about anything. You just do what you want to do. Nothing matter to you. If you decided something then it's only right. It's your old habit about not thinking anything. But now ENOUGH!! You have done what you wanted and now I will do what I want.

With that she angrily pushed him and left to her room.

Sanskar look at her retreating figure and realized his mistake and looked down.

Everyone left to their respective room except AP and Laksh.

Ap looked at him and went to him. She put her hand on his shoulder.

Sanskar looked at her and said: Maa, please trust me, I didn't do it intentionally and..

Ap: I know you didn't but it is your mistake. Swara was right and you also know that.

Sanskar nodded.

Ap: Sanskar, she is not Arshit's caretaker. She is his mother and you have to accept it.

Sanskar: Maa, I never thought like that. She is his mother and I have never denied it.

Ap: Sanskar you didn't understand what exactly I was saying. But one day you will definitely understand it.

Saying this she left.

Sanskar was confused about what she was trying to say.

Laksh: She was saying right Bhai.(Then only Ragini called Laksh and he excused himself and went from there).

Sanskar also left.

He was standing outside the room and knocked the door but didn't got answer. He knocked again. Still Swara didn't open the door. He got that she is angry and left to the study.

He sits on the sofa and closed his eyes. He think about Swara. Everything roam around in his mind.

Sanskar (monologue): Maa was right. It was my mistake. I didn't think about Swara, I took her for granted amd today whatever Swara did was totally justified. I always thought her as selfish person but she is not. I always  doubted that she loves Arshit. But today, I m feeling ashamed of myself for doubting her love for Arshit.

He closed his eyes and ran his hand through his hairs. He open his eyes hearing a knock on the door. He look at the door where Laksh was standing.

Laksh: May I join you?

Sanskar: Hmm.

Laksh sat beside him.

Laksh: So, what you were thinking?

Sanskar: Hmm nothing, just...

Laksh: You were thinking about Swara, right?

Sanskar looked at him then nodded.

Laksh: see Bhai, Swara is very sensitive about Arshit. She is calm and shy type gril but I was also amused to see what happened today.

Sanskar: I know but something else is going in my mind.

Laksh (confused): What?

Sanskar stands up and go near window.

Laksh: Now, what you were thinking?

Sanskar: Swara is innocent.

Laksh (shocked): What??? How do you know that?

Laksh got shocked. How did he get to know? If he know then, does he also know about Kavita??

Screen freezes on Laksh's shocked face and Sanskar's blank face.

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