32. The Heartbreaking truth

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Sanskar instantly shut the laptop sensing her beside himself and looked at her with fear if she had seen anything while Swara look at him confused.

She signed him through her hand: What happened?

Sanskar got that Swara didn't see. anything. He immediately composed himself.

Sanskar (fake smile): No, nothing.

Swara was getting more confused: Then why you look so scared?

Sanskar (fake smile): Nothing, Actually, I was just thinking something and you came all of the sudden. So,..

Swara nodded as she was still confused.

Swara ( sign): What were you doing? I was watching you? You seems to be disturbed.

Sanskar: Nothing, It's just office work. (Thought something) Actually my file is not opening. It was password protected by me only but now I forget the password. I want it for my meeting and I don't know what to do now.

Swara (hesitate): Cann I see it once? May be I can help.

Sanskar: Are you sure, you can do it?

Swara give hopeful smile.

Sanskar (smile too): Ok.
He passed the laptop to her.

Swara sees the card reader attached to it and get confused. Sanskar saw her and said: Actually, file is inside memory card.

Swara face expression changed suddenly what if? Sanskar noticed it. He was sure what she must be thinking. So, he tried to divert her mind so that he can get her help.

Sanskar: Actually it's Mr batra's project details. I only put password so that it may stay safe but now...

Swara somehow get convinced thinking that she had already burned her memory card then how it come here and Sanskar don't even know about it. She must be over thinking and She jerked her thoughts.
She smiled at him. Sanskar also smiled in relief that he got successful in distracting her.

Swara started to do something. Sanskar was observing her. She was looking so serious. He was amused to see her. He knew she was mature and sensible but he had never seen her working on something so seriously. He has seen her playing with Arshit, Doing household works but this is something different about her and he is getting attracted to this side of hers too. For a minute, he forgot what he was doing. He came back into sense when he saw her smiling all of the sudden.

Sanskar: What happened? Why are you smiling? Is it done?

Swara nodded with smile and signed: It was your name only.

Then turn the laptop to him to shows its processing to open. Sanskar got confused as his name is password but then he got scared to see folder is opening. He was thinking how to get Swara away from laptop.

Sanskar (monologue): God please do something. I can't loose this time.

Suddenly Arshit who was sleeping started crying not finding Swara around.
Swara saw him and hurriedly placed laptop on the table and move to him. Sanskar gets Happy.

Sanskar( monologue) : Thanku so much champ. It was perfect timing to get yojr mom busy with you. Love you.

He took the aptop and saw the file was opened and it was an audio file. He hurriedly copy the file to his laptop and remove memory card. He saw Swara was still busy in making Arshit sleep. He felt bad that about what he did.

Sanskar (monologue): I m sorry Swara. I shouldn't do this but I have no choice. I would have told you what I was doing but if you will know them it will be you only who will stop me. You are so good swara. You were never guilty and even after knowing that I used to hate you. You hided that person but not anymore.
It's not good to listen what's this audio right now. Swara will definitely get doubt. I have to wait till tomorrow.

He started doing work on presentation for tomorrow's meeting. Arshit also slept peacefully after sometime. Swara looked at Sanskar and she was lost in him watching him working. Sanskar looked at her suddenly and caught her. To avoid any awkwardness, Swara asked: Did you get what he was looking for?

Sanskar: Yeah, Thanku so much. You solved my problem. We should sleep now. (Said shutting down his laptop).

Swara nodded with smile and lie down on the bed closing her eyes.
Sanskar also slept.

Next morning:

Swara get ready and was making Arshit ready. Sanskar was also ready but he was in hurry. He was moving to and fro, for his files, bag, laptop, phone. Swara was looking at him. Firstly, she looked at him confusingly but later started laughing.

Sanskar saw her and get irritated.

Sanskar (irritated): Please don't laugh Swara. Here, I m in problem. I m not getting anything. Pleasd help me na. I m getting late for meeting.

Swara was still laughing. Arshit also giggled and clapped. Sanskar realized he is behaving like kid and also laughs with them.
Then Swara got up and showed him his laptop on the table where he kept last night, His file in drawer and phone in his hand.

Sanskar: Oh, it's in my hand only. Actually Swara it's really important meeting so I m little stressed.

Swara nodded understandingly and both went downstairs with Arshit. Sanskar just wished everyone and was going outside.

Ap: Sanskar, where are you going? have your breakfast.

Sanskar: No maa, I am getting late for meeting. I have to go.

Ap: Arey but..

Sanskar was not listening and going when Swara came in front of him with a glass of juice. Sanskar opened his mouth to say something but Swara glared at him.

Sanskar: Swara...

Ap and Laksh started laughing watching this.

Sanskar took the juice and drink it in one go.

Sanskar: Happy? Now I have to go and Laksh stop laughing and come soon.

Saying this he rushed out.

Swara smiled at him. She was going when she noticed car keys on couch.
She shook her head unbelievably and took keys and went out.

Sanskar was finding car keys in his pocket. Swara put it in front of his eyes. Sanskar smiled and takes it.

He open the door of car but turn amd kissed her forehead.

Sanskar (smile): Thank you.

Then sit in the car and drove away.
A blush formed on her cheeks realizing the moment. She smiled and went inside.

Mm industries:

It was evening now. Sanskar finally completed his meeting. It took really long time but good thing was that he got the deal. He went to his cabin nd sat on his chair leaning back with closed eyes. Then Arjun knocked on the door.

Sanskar: Come in.

Arjun came inside.

Arjun: sir, this is contract papers. You have to sign it.

Sanskar: Hmm okay, leave it. I will sign after reading.

Arjun nodded and went out.

Sanskar took the file and started reading.

It was nearly 8 o'clock. Everyone has left. It was only Sanskar in the office. Sanskar signed the papers then only he remembered about the audio file.

" Oh no, how can I forget about that file? I should check it now." He thought and instantly opened his laptop and played the audio file.

Kavita: Hi Swara, how are you? Everything's fine? Oh, See I forgot how can you be fine when nothing is fine. Right? I m feeling so sad for you Swara. tch tch tch...

Sanskar (confused): Kavita? What is she talking about to Swara?

He continued listening further but get the worst shock of his life after hearing Kavita "I did all that". He heard each and every thing Kavita said to Swara that night when she met in temple. How she did this. How she brainwashed him against Swara. Her planning with Swara to stop marriage and her backstabbing Swara, making fake marks on her neck and hand to show Swara did all that to her, her lies, on marriage day, It was Kavita not Swara whom Laksh met, fake forehead injury just because of her so called love. No this can't be love and lastly threatening to kill her baba if she tell this to anyone.

Sanskar was getting angry and angry listening all this. His eyes were furious and once the audio end. Sanskar threw the laptop from the table with great force. Then files. He got up and threw the chair on the table and the glass table was broken into thousands of pieces of glass. Sanskar started to throw each and everything furiously in the cabin. The lamp, flower vase, everything was thrown and broken. Files were scattered. In few minutes, whole cabin was in complete mess. Sanskar was standing in middle of the cabin with blood red eyes. His anger was still not subsided. He just marched outside the cabin.

(You may have read Full confession of Kavita in 7th part of this story)

Sanskar came out angrily and sat in the car and drove out with maximum speed.

The watchmen who were on duty saw this and get tensed.

W1: Sanskar sir is looking very angry. He is driving too fast.

W2: Yes, I think we should call Laksh sir.

W1 nodded and called Laksh.

W1: Hello, Laksh sir.

Laksh picked the call.
Laksh: Yes.

W1: Sir, Sanskar sir has just gone out from office. He seems to be very angry. I think you Should talk to him.

Laksh: Ok, I will talk to him once he come home.

W1: No sir, Thats why I called you sir. Sanskar sir has gone in opposite direction. Not mm.

Laksh (tensed a bit): What? Ok, I m coming there.

Laksh who just reached mm, immediately turned around to go back office. He was trying to call Sanskar but he was not picking up the call.

After reaching there, he went inside directly to Sanskar's cabin and saw it in complete mess. Laksh got scared for a moment. The first thing came in his mind was " The truth".

Laksh (monologue): No, this can't be happen. I have to reach Sanskar bhai fast.

He rushed out and asked about Sanskar.

Laksh: Where did he go?

W2: Sir, this way.

Laksh sat inside his car and drove fast as much he can.

Laksh (monologue): God please, it should not be true. Please keep him safe. I don't know what will he do if what I am thinking is true.

Sanskar was driving at deadly speed. His phone was ringing continuously but he was lost in other world.
Everything was roaming around his mind. Whatever happened two years ago, Kavita confession. His hatred toward Swara. Marriage day incident, Insulting Swara and her baba, Swara hurt due to him, her tears was piercing his heart now. Ap and Laksh Everytime told him to rethink about Swara "Everytime situation is not like what we see".The person who created misunderstanding between him and Swara was none other than Kavita, his love. The person whom he trusted. Now he understood why Swara was trying so hard to hide that person. Why Laksh did everything to stop him? because they knew that he will be broken and they were right because he is totally heartbroken now. How can be he so wrong to choose and judge a person.

Tears were falling from his eyes but he was still angry. He was angry but on himself. He was hating himself at that moment and he wants to die.

He was thinking all this and driving at full speed. When a truck was seen approaching from opposite side. Truck was continuously blowing horn then only Sanskar came into his sense. He saw the truck was approaching and he instantly turned the car and BOOM!!!!

Laksh was driving fastly to reach Sanskar. He wanted to make sure that Sanskar is fine. He was calling Sanskar continuously but still no answer.

Laksh: Damn it, Pick up the phone Sanskar bhai!!

He was driving suddenly something caught his attention. He stopped the car and prayed to God it should not be what he was thinking. He came out of the car only to find out that his fear had turned to reality. It's truth. It was Sanskar's car which was hit with tree. Two three people were there. Laksh ran to the car and open the door only to find Sanskar's head was down on steering. He was injured badly. His forehead and hands were bleeding. The condition of car was worse due to high speed of car. It hit tree with maximum speed and hence the glass were also broken and it hurt Sanskar also.

Laksh got horrified after watching this. He started crying looking at his brother. He move to him and take him out somehow. Sanskar was breathing till now. He shook him to wake him up.

Laksh (crying) Bhai, Bhai, Please open your eyes. Bhai!!

He made Sanskar lie on back seat of his car with another two person help.
He was not in condition to drive. He totally lost his sense to see his brother like that but he controlled himself. He knew he has to reach hospital as soon as possible.

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