44. Hidden pain behind heartbreaking smile

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Laksh: What is happening Bhai?

Sanskar: What are you talking Laksh?

Laksh: You know Bhai. Still, I m asking, what is happening between you and Swara?

Sanskar look at him shocked.

Laksh: Now don't tell me it's nothing. Cause I know there is something.

Sanskar: Laksh, there's nothing.

Laksh: Oh really, then why are you avoiding her? In two days, I haven't seen you both talking. You both are behaving just like strangers like starting. Come on Bhai!! What's happening? What has changed all of the sudden? Why are you ignoring her? And Swara is also ignoring you.

Sanskar: Cause I want to.

Laksh: What?

Sanskar: Because I want to ignore her. I don't want her close to me. So, I m avoiding her. I don't want to repeat my mistake being close to her.

Laksh: What mistake?

Sanskar remained silent.

Laksh: What mistake Bhai?

Sanskar: (whispered) I kissed her.

Laksh was shocked to hear that but he felt happy. But Sanskar's next word make his happiness fade.

Sanskar (continued: And it was my mistake.

Laksh: What? You are calling it a mistake?

Sanskar: Yes, it was Laksh. I could never imagine myself doing that what I did. I m regretting it.

Laksh: You are regretting for that moment.

Sanskar: Yes, I don't know why I did that. What was going in my mind? Why I couldn't stop myself and just.. (sigh) Swara is like my good friend and I can't believe I did it.

Laksh: Bhai, just answer me something. Does Swara meant nothing to you.

Sanskar: What are you talking about?

Laksh: Answer me Bhai!! Does she meant nothing to you? Is she just like a friend, Really? Ask this yourself Bhai and please be sure and honest with yourself. Doesn't swara affect you? Her closeness, Her innocence, her care, everything about her, does all that mean nothing to you? It means a lot Bhai. She affect you. That's why you kissed her. You get pulled toward her and you are calling it a mistake. The moment which is most precious for someone's life, for you it was nothing!! Really??

Sanskar: I don't care Laksh. For me it was and I don't want to say anything about whether she affects me or not!!

Laksh: Why? Because you also know that what I m saying is right. WHY Bhai? Why are you punishing her? A girl left everything. Her house, her family, even forgive you for your past mistake. She happily married you for your son but never expected anything in return. She care you and your family a lot. But never demand anything for her. And you can't give her small happiness. Her rights on you. Just because you are still stick with your past or you don't want to move on from your past.

Sanskar: Yes!! I can't!! I can't move on!! I can't forget my love. I loved Kavita and still love her a lot!! I never said that I m gonna give any rights to her. I m not going to give Kavita's place to anyone and you are talking about her affect right? Then listen!! She affects me. She affects me a lot that's the only truth I don't want to accept and never will!!

Laksh: But why Bhai? Kavita is dead. When will you accept that and move on? Swara is...

Sanskar: (sighed) Look Laksh, Swara is nice girl but she can never take Kavita's place. She cares for everyone. She loves everyone. She has forgiven me and married me. It was totally her decision. But what you think is never gonna happen.

Laksh: Did you ever thought what must she is going through? What she must be feeling? Is she a stone ? Doesn't she have any feelings Bhai? For you, everything happened was mistake!! Have you tried to know what she feels about it?

Sanskar (shout): No!!! And I don't have any interest to know that Was all that mean something or nothing to her? Because it's not gonna change anything. I love Kavita and I can't betray her. Got that!! And now don't try to ask or suggest anything about mine and Swara's matter.

Laksh: (hopelessly) You are doing wrong Bhai?

Sanskar: (angry) I know what I m doing and remember it. I don't need anyone's suggestions. Next time, I don't want to discuss anything about this matter. Now you may go.

Laksh sighed cause he knew that there's no use to talk to him. He came out of room Only to find Swara was leaning on the wall. Tears falling from her eyes. And Laksh easily figured out that she heard everything. Swara saw Laksh and gave a fake smile with tears. But she couldn't hide how broken she was. Laksh gave a sad and apologetic look as he couldn't do anything. On the top of her fake smile, it was really heartbreaking one. Laksh left from there hurriedly as he couldn't see her like that more.

Swara wiped her tears and adjusted herself then she entered inside room. Sanskar was sitting on couch with laptop but she didn't give single look to him so that she may not break more. She just went and lied down on her side taking Arshit in her embrace. She faced her back to Sanskar and closed her eyes. A silent tear escaped from her eyes but she quickly wiped it and tried to sleep.
Sanskar sees her but again got busy in his works.

Five days later:

In these five days, nothing had changed. Sanskar always ignored Swara. Swara was more broken but always hide her emotions from family. In all these, only Laksh was there who could understand her but he also couldn't do anything as Sanskar strictly warned him not to talk about this matter. He tried to pacify her that everything will be fine but Swara only give fake smile as she knew that it will never be fine.

It was Sunday morning, everyone were in mansion. Swara wanted to go to Temple. She told AP. Ap also wanted to accompany her but she was having little pain in her foot so Swara denied her to go. But ap told her to take driver with her. Swara agreed and she left.

Swara was coming back from temple when suddenly someone comes in front of her car. Driver pressed the break instantly but the person got little hurt. Swara got worried for that person. She and the driver come out of the car. Swara runs to the person. It was a girl. Swara couldn't see her face as it covered with hair. She went to her and shook her. But it seemed like she was unconscious. Swara sat down and made her turn. But she got shocked to see the girl. She was numb. It was KAVITA.

Swara didn't know what to do. She was just sitting numbly. Driver came to her and passed the water bottle calling her. Swara came in her sense. She looked at Kavita who was having small injury on her forehead. She sprinkled water on her face. But Kavita still didn't come in her sense. Swara patted her face gently and again put some water on her face and then Kavita came into her sense. She blinks her eyes and looked at Swara confusingly.

Kavita: Who are you?

Driver sees her face and recognised her as he was working since five years in mm.

Driver: Kavita ma'am?

Kavita: Do you know me? Then you must know Sanskar right?

(Look at Swara): You also know me right? You know Sanskar Maheshwari? He is my husband. Please, take me to him. Please.

Swara felt sudden pain in her heart listening "my husband" from Kavita's mouth. Her eyes filled with tears.

Kavita: Say na please. Do you know Sanskar?

Swara who was in her world came in her sense and nodded slowly.

Kavita: Please take me to him.

Swara just nodded but was confused as why Kavita didn't recognised her? She made her sit in the car and she also sat all lost in her thoughts. As her whole world is going to crash now. With Kavita's arrival, now nothing is left. Everything has finished. She thought about the moment she spent with mm family, Laksh, Arshit and Sanskar.

They reached mm and come out of the car. Swara looked at Kavita who was looking at the Mansion happily with some kind of emotions. Swara's eyes welled up. She composed herself and tried to make herself strong to face the worst of her life. She started walking with Kavita. With each steps she was taking, she was feeling like she was killing herself. Her heart was feeling unbearable pain. She knew very well what she was doing. She is digging grave for herself. Her feet was giving up the strength as they are not ready to go further to let her face another suffering. But still she walked. Why this happens to her only? Whenever she thinks nothing can be worst than this, another thing come up to shatter her more.

They cane inside. Everyone were sitting in the hall. Sanskar was doing something on his phone. AP was with Arshit. Dp and Ram were discussing something. Laksh was also sitting and reading some magzine. Uttara, Sujatha and Ragini were talking. When suddenly they heard a voice and looked at entrance.

Kavita: (happily) SANSKAR!!!!

All got shocked to see the person standing there. They couldn't believe their eyes. Sanskar turned his face toward voice as he recognized it. He stood up being totally shocked and whispered faintly.

Sanskar ( whispered): Kavita?

Kavita eyes got teary looking at him and a smile formed on her lips. She instantly ran toward him.Swara was just standing there watching all this.
Kavita ran to Sanskar and hugged him.

Sanskar: Kavita??

Kavita hugged him and started crying. Sanskar also hugged her back coming out of shock, realising that it was true. Swara was standing numb watching everything and it broke her heart to see Sanskar hugging her back. She had gone through this once when Kavita was with Sanskar but now things have changed. She was not married to Sanskar that time. But now, he is her husband. But suddenly something strike her mind like really? Her husband? Is she his wife? For her, she was his wife but for him?? Was she? Nd the answer was no. She remembered his and Laksh's conversation that he still loves Kavita. He can never give her place to anyone.

Everyone saw them hugging being shocked. Laksh was not ready to believe what he was watching in front of his eyes. He looked at them and then he looked at Swara who was standing on stairs. He got that Swara took her here but why?? He looked at her face for answer but her blank face shows nothing but pain.

Sanskar breaks the hug and asked: Kavita? How are you? You are alive?

Ap come forward: Yes Kavita, where were you? You met with that accident na. What happened after that?

Then Sanskar noticed the injury on her forhead.

Sanskar: Kavita, How did this happen to you?

Kavita: No..nothing. Actually, I hit with the car. But thank God, I met her. She only took me here.

Sanskar: Who?

Kavita: She, that girl. (Point toward Swara).

Then everyone looked at Swara.

Laksh (confused): You don't Know her?

Kavita: No. Who is she?

She felt her head spinning. She held her head and faint.

Sanskar patted her face worriedly to wake her up.

Sanskar: Kavita... Kavita

Ap: Sanskar, I think she faint due to forhead injury. Take her to guest room. Ragini call the doctor.

Ragini nodded and called the doctor. Sanskar took her to the guest room. Everyone followed Sanskar, except Swara and Laksh who were standing at there position only. Laksh looked at Swara sadly.

To be continued...

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