63. Guilt of hurting her again

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Laksh was in his thoughts and remembered how he shout on Tanya unnecessarily. It was really not him.
He closed his eyes and ran his hand through his hair calm himself.

Tanya was arranging her things in bag as it was her time to go. She was keeping her things when her pen fell down , she was about to take it when someone give it to her. Tanya look up to see the person and gulp. She remembered Morning incidence how angry he was. He was Laksh.

Laksh: here take it.
Tanya nods and take that. You here sir? Do you need anything?

Laksh: hmm.. yeah.. woh.
He take a deep breathe and say: I n sorry Tanya for morning. I should not have shouted. I think I over reacted. You are one of the responsible and trust worthy employee.. i should have polite..

Tanya: ( surprised) what?
Laksh: huh!!
Tanya:I .. I mean, no problem sir.. I know u were worried for meeting. I understand. It's ok.. it happens sometimes.

Laksh: thanks for understanding.

Tanya nods. Laksh go from there. Tanya smiled and then took her bag and go out.

The scene was witnessed by Sanskar and he smiled to see Laksh accept his mistake.

Sanskar tell everything what happened in office to Swara. Firstly she got worried for Laksh but then she was glad that Sanskar handled everything.

Swara:( sign) I m happy ,he accept it and you handled everything. I told u , u r best brother.
Sanskar smiled.

Sanskar: hmm... So, I m only best brother.. not anything else.. what about husband?

Swara smiled:( sign) you are best husband too.

Sanskar: let me remember something, yeah , your husband was angry on u..

Swara: ( sign) I thought I did something to vanish his anger..

Sanskar: ( wrapped his hand around her waist) hmm, but that worked for only fifty percent what about another fifty percent. You didn't let me respond so... I think I should....
( Lean toward her but Swara put her hand on his mouth)

Swara:( sign) not now..
Sanskar:( puppy face) but Swara..
Swara:( sign) let's go.. it's time for dinner.
Sanskar: okay but before that u have to promise that u will let me finish my work after that..

Swara:( sign) will see..

She pushed him and go out of room. Sanskar go and change then he also go downstairs.

Days passed... For swasan ,their life was going smoothly and happily with lots of love, happiness and their romance. One day , Sanskar told everyone about arshit, that he was adopted by Kavita from orphanage, all were angry on Kavita that she used a small child for her selfish motive and felt bad for arshit but they felt proud and happy as Swara and Sanskar declared him as their baby and he will always first child of this house . Everything was perfect, Laksh was also getting better, it wasn't easy for him but his brother and his best friend was always being there for him. He used to share so many things with Swara and Sanskar and they made him understand. He gets sad sometimes but was trying to move on. He  loved ragini but he love his brother also ,he can't forgive the one who tried to kill him.
On the other hand ragini was hurt as Laksh always ignored her. She tried a lot of time to meet him but Laksh wasn't ready to meet him. One day he was working in his office when she came  and Laksh deny to meet her but then also ragini move to his cabin. Seeing ragini in front Laksh lost his temper and lashed out on her in front of whole staff. Ragini felt insulted. She was turning back when she dashed with Swara who came to give lunch to Sanskar. Ragini look at her and a sudden anger arise in her. As she stepped she stumbled but Swara hold her to help but ragini jerk it forcefully hurting Swara.. Laksh sees it and tell her to " get lost". Sanskar come out of his cabin and go to Swara. Laksh also go out of office. The whole scene was witnessed Tanya who was concerned for Laksh. She had always seen his flirty nature, loving person but this was not just him. She didn't know why but she felt concerned for him.

In all this Swara and Sanskar never forced Laksh for anything, they once ask his decision about ragini and denied and after that no one forced him to have relation with her. He was going to divorce her and he was admant on his decision. Sanskar was concerned for his brother, not wanting him to change. He knew his pain also but he was glad that he was getting better.

Shekhar and shomi were still angry on ragini. They never talk to her politely. She was just like a stranger in Gadodia house. They thought she will change but it didn't happen as she  always blamed Swara for her condition. She made her life worse. Shomi knew that it is waste to talk with her so she never talk to her and shekhar was not even interested.

Two months later:

Sanskar p.o.v:

Oh god I m too nervous. Today's final reports are coming , I hope everything go well. Till now all reports are good ,I hope this will also good. I just can't wait for it. My wait will be over. I will hear my name from her mouth.. I know it will be my best feeling. Yeah, Swara is going through treatment and today is her final reports are coming. She in her ward taking rest. She had to go through surgeries and her final surgery was done last night. The reports are coming in sometime. I m hell nervous.. I m her strength in front of her but how can I support myself. I remember when she come to know about it..

Flash back:

One fine day, Swara was arranging things in cupboard and keeping Sanskar's important documents in his drawer when another file fell down.  She was taking it when all papers come out. She was arranging it and then she read it was some hospital related papers . She was confused because it wasn't Sanskar's.
Then only Sanskar come in room and see her with paper.
Sanskar: Swara?
Swara look at him and ask him about papers.
Sanskar: Swara actually yeh...
Swara was waiting for his answer.
Sanskar: wait, Swara come and sit here.
He made her sit on bed And he sat on his knees on floor. He hold her hand and say.

Sanskar: Swara, I have consulted with a doctor..
Swara: ( sign) for what?
Sanskar: for you.
Swara got what he was talking about and her expression changes. Sanskar gripped her hand.
Sanskar: listen to me first Swara and understand it. Swara, it never matter to me whether u can speak or not. For me , you are perfect the way you are.. I love to understand ur finger movement, I love to understand ur feeling through ur eyes.. your silence speaks a lot, your eyes speaks a lot.. but I always find some emptiness behind it. Everyone feels u r perfect but you don't.

Swara look at him surprisingly. It's true that sometimes she wish she could speak like others.

Sanskar: I don't want u to feel u r weak for something. I have talked to doctor, he said their is some chance u can speak. In some cases it is possible so I got ur old report from baba and I shown it to doctor. And you know something It will be happiest day of my life when I will hear my name from u. I wanna hear u and if u will be with me na, then I know it will be possible.

Swara:( sign) what if I won't be able to?
Sanskar sighs and say: Swara tell me something, do you speak now?

Swara look at him as what he was talking. He knows it well that she don't.

Sanskar: no right? But still I love you . And if you won't be able to speak later then also my love for you will never change. You will be always special to me. I just want u to give this a chance. I trust u will make it.

Swara:( sign) why do u have so much belief?
Sanskar: I believe myself and my love.
Swara eyes filled with happiness and she smiled. she was about to sign something when Sanskar hold her hand .

Sanskar: I know it and I love you too.
Saying this he kissed her hands.

After that Sanskar took Swara to the doctor. Later after taking some tests Swara treatment was started. Her surgeries was done and he was waiting for final reports.

Flashback end..
( I have no medical knowledge so kindly don't bash me, I just wrote it).

Sanskar was outside when nurse tell him that doctor is calling him in cabin.

Ap assure him to go, everything will be fine.
Sanskar  go inside.

Sanskar: hello doctor..
Doctor: hello Mr. Maheshwari.. come have seat.
Sanskar take seat : doctor Singh , is everything fine? I mean reports..
Doctor: yeah, see mr. Maheshwari.. we have done her surgery successfully and her reports are also fine. Other things I will only after we check her.

Sanskar: she will be alright ?

Doctor: hopefully yes mr. Maheshwari because operation was successful, after two or three days, we will have few test then she will be fine.

Sanskar: thank you doctor.

Doctor smiled at him and Sanskar go out.

Then only he got call from Laksh.

Sanskar: yeah lucky..
Laksh: how is Swara?
Sanskar: she is fine, she will have to be here for two three days more.
Laksh: don't worry, she will be fine.
Sanskar: hmm..
Laksh: yeah, Bhai we got the project, meeting went well .
Sanskar: oh nice.. I knew u will do it.
Laksh: I didn't want to do. You knew it. My best friend is their in hospital and u send me to attend this meeting. I hate to be ur junior sometime.

Sanskar: lucky it was important and I sent u because I trust u ,u will do it. Now meeting is finish na so u can come tomorrow.

Laksh: who said tomorrow.. I have flight in an hour. I m coming today only.. I want to be there so I told Tanya to book today's ticket.

Sanskar: okay, see u soon.. and Tanya is not ur p.a. that she will do ur works.
Laksh: I don't want p.a. she is good employee and she helped a lot for this meeting so that all this finish soon and I can go back.
Sanskar: oh really.. good employee right?
Laksh: I will call u later Bhai..

And he cut the call.

Sanskar thinks a bit then smiled.

Laksh was sitting in waiting area for his flight announcement. Tanya was also sitting there. She was looking here and there and playing with her fingers. Laksh sees it.

Laksh: Tanya are u okay? U were not nervous at meeting then why r u nervous now?
Tanya: no sir, I m not nervous.. woh..
Laksh: what? say..
Tanya: woh.. I m feeling hungry.
Laksh: u didn't ate anything..?
Tanya: actually, in morning.. I was in hurry for meeting so..
Laksh: u r seriously mad.. now go and eat something. Still there is time for flight..
Tanya: no sir, I m fine..
Laksh: I said na.. go.
Tanya: no sir, I m seriously fine.
Laksh: okay..
Laksh sighs.. he stand up.
Tanya get confused but then he heard his strict tone.
" Stand up and follow me"
Tanya nods and walk behind him. Laksh sees her scared look and smiled inwardly.

They go to airport restaurant and Laksh ordered something.
After sometime waiter come with order and give it to Laksh.
Laksh sees Tanya and say: u wanna eat? No.. don't eat.. I wanna eat. It's so yummy..
Saying this he started to eat.

Tanya sees it and gulp. She was actually hungry and Laksh was eating burger.
Laksh sees her and enjoying her expression. Within a minute her patience broke and she call waiter and order for herself.

Tanya: sir, u r very bad ? How can you eat like this?
Laksh: normally people eat like this only ms. Tanya.. do u have any other technique..?

Tanya: sirrr... I mean I was hungry..
Laksh: oh so glad to know.. and Ms. Tanya as if remember someone was saying " no sir, I m fine".
Tanya realize and say: sorry..
Laksh: it's ok ,now eat.
Tanya smiled and start eating.

They were eating And talking casually. When Laksh got a call. He see the caller I'd and cut the call. He again get call and he cut it again. Then again it rings... Tanya sees the caller ID.. it was ragini. This time Laksh switched off his phone.

Tanya: sir why don't u talk to her once? May be something important..
Laksh: nothing, u eat..
Tanya: sir, if u don't mind can I say something?
Laksh: hmm..
Tanya: sir, it's ur personal problem and I shouldn't interfere but I think u should give her a chance. I don't know what happened between u both but at least talk to her once. That day also u didn't listen her in office..  she deserves a chance..

Laksh was already angry by ragini call and Tanya was talking to give her a chance. It was increasing anger in her.

Laksh:( controlling his anger) listen Tanya.. u don't know anything so u don't need to say anything..

Tanya: but sir , every relationship deserves a chance.. and I think she loves you very much..

Laksh: shut up tanya!! What do u know haan? What? Nothing right? Then stop ur lecture on one chance.. everyone don't deserve a chance. She was just a selfish person and just think about herself.. if she would have loved me na then she would not have done what she has done..

You don't know anything then keep ur advice to urself. U tell me something, will u give a chance to a person who tried to kill ur brother.. will u? Will u give him a chance who tried to kill ur family member.. no right? Then who the hell are u to give me this advice? Remember Ms. Tanya, u r just an employee, you are no one to give me lecture on what I should do or not!! Understood??

Tanya's eyes filled with tears. Laksh was shouting on her loudly that every one in restaurant started looking at them.  She downs her head to hide her tears but it fell down from her eye.

Tanya:( chockingly) I.. I.. m.. sorry.. sir..
Tanya gulp her tears and wipe her eyes.
Tanya: I m sorry sir, I will not repeat next time.

Laksh look around and then look at her who was looking down then realized what he has done!!
" Never throw someone else's anger on someone innocent" he remembered Sanskar words and closed his eyes  in frustration.

Tanya: sir flight will be announce in sometime. We should go now.

Saying this Tanya took her bag and started to go. Laksh look at her and he also walk. Their flight was announced.. they do their check in.. and sit on their respective seats beside each other.

Laksh look at Tanya who was looking outside and a tear slide down her cheeks. She wiped it with back of her hand.

Laksh felt guilty for hurting her. It's not her mistake. She just wanted to help him.

" I can't forgive her because she tried to snatch my brother's life. You remember few months earlier Sanskar Bhai met with accident. All know that it was planned by Kavita but my wife, ragini was also behind it. She helped her. My brother is my mentor, my best friend. U only say ,how can I forgive her.. I can't bear her presence around me and trying to forget her... You say Tanya ,will u  forgive a person who tried to harm ur family.. ?
I m sorry I hurt u... I again shouted unnecessarily. "

Tanya look at Laksh as he was saying about ragini and apolozise to her.

Tanya: its ok sir ,I didn't know about it.  I know Sanskar sir mean so much to you.. You are right sir, it's not easy forgive someone who hurt ur family, having a family is blessing itself but I can't understand this love as I have no  one whom I can call family" I m an orphan".

Laksh heard her at look at her shocked.

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