Making A Plan.

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Jon's POV~

We got a text from Blake and Bunny that they had arrived with Jubper at Bryan's... I really hope this works...!!!!
Davis helped me carry Justin, as he was still unconscious, once we layed Justin down, we got off our coats and heard Blake and Jubper come running, "You got him?!", Kat nods as she closes and locked the door, "Yeah!", Jubper sighed with relief... He walks over to Justin and gently pushed his hair out of face and behind his ear, "...",...

Blake's POV~

I ordered some food for us, we soon gathered around to discuss the situation at hand, "How about we make an a truce?", we all look at Jubper, "What if... What if we let him record CD with us... And if he is able to proof that he can recover from.... His mental illness.... I think we should give him a second chance...", we all muttered to each other but soon we agreed!

Justin's POV~

I felt something touch my shoulder, gently shook it and whispered to me," Justin... Justin...? Wake up...", I opened my eyes to see Jubper and Blake," W... Wha....?", Blake smiled," I missed you, Buddy....!!", "We all did...!", I sat up slowly and looked around, "W... Why are you... Being so nice to me...?", Blake smiled as we heard Bryan yelling that Pizza was here, "Kat told us what Cam had done... We didn't want you to go, but we let you go to see if you'd hopefully cool off for a bit...", Bryan came in with pizza, "Let's eat...!"...


"... And that's it...", I had. Listened to them and I know they want me to take it.... But... But.... Kat could tell I was scared because I didn't want to hurt them!!! He took my hand, "We'll be here throughout every step of the way...", I looked at them all and started to take deep breaths... I looked at Kat, "I....... Alright.......... I'll try.........", they all smiled and cheered for me, I couldn't help but smile, "Let's enjoy the pizza and then we'll figure out a plan!", I nod slowly....

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