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Theritus' P.O.V.

I got back to Olympus tired out of my mind and decided to get some rest before Apollo made the sun rise. I got back home and plopped down on my bed ignoring my dad. The next day was Apollo's b-day and I was beginning to panic a bit because I hadn't gotten him anything. I looked at my bed stand and saw a red flower. It looked familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. It had a note by it. I looked at it and it said 'Give this to Apollo he'll really appreciate it'. "Okay kinda creepy but i'm rolling with it," I said to myself. I went to bed knowing I had a gift for Apollo.

time skip

Apollo was posting all over Face Scroll-one of the Olympian social media platforms-that it was his special day and that it was all about him that day which pissed me off but I didn't have the energy to get mad. I was walking over to where Apollo was receiving his gifts when he posted another boast about him. I got there and gave Apollo the stupid flower and he started crying. "Why the fuck are you crying it's just a flower," I said. "Yes but it's the same flower that I turned one of my exes into when he died," Apollo said. Then I realized why the flower was familiar it was the exact flower Apollo turned his ex Hyacinthus into. "Sorry I just found it on my bed stand with a note that said to give it to you," I said. I heard laughing and knew who it was immediately. "REALLY ERIS YOU JUST HAD TO GIVE ME SOMETHING SHITTY DIDN'T YOU!" I yelled at Eris goddess of chaos. "Yes it's too funny to pass up," Eris laughed. I left taking the Hyacinthus flower with me.

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