A Guide to Eukarya

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This is the guide to planet Eukarya, the main location of These Alien Dragons books 1 and 2.


Description: scales in shades of green; two curved brown horns on head; large leaf-shaped wings; five joints on each wing

Species Adaptations: can camouflage in forests or forested areas

Leader: the Council of Trees

Territory: The Great Forest (the central forest of continent/planet Eukarya's mainland)


Description: scales in colors reminiscent of desert sand; mane flowing on neck; claws slightly longer than an average dragon's; five joints on their wings

Species Adaptations: exceptional flight, can breathe fire, can grip anything with their long claws, heat-radiating scales

Leader: Sand

Territory: Flat Desert (eastern desert of the Island of Talons, the largest of continent/planet Eukarya's western isles)


Description: grey or black scales, reminiscent of storms; long, narrow wings; five joints on their wings

Species Adaptations: exceptional flight, can channel lightning through bodies

Leader: Monarch Mistral

Territory: Mountain Claws (western rocky and mountainous islands of the Island of Talons, the largest of continent/planet Eukarya's western isles)


Description: long, serpentine feathered bodies; large, feathered wings; two horns on head

Species Adaptations: can shoot feathered darts from their tails

Leader: Monarch Eagle

Territory: the Clawed Isle, the smallest of continent/planet Eukarya's western islands


Description: scales in shades of blue and green; gills on neck; webbed claws and spine; pale scattered scales on wing membranes like a night sky with sparse stars; bioluminescent stripes on their bodies; five joints on their wings

Species Adaptations: can breathe underwater, can see in the dark, can resist all forms of underwater pressure, can resist varying temperatures, exceptional swimming

Leader: The Depths

Territory: the waters of planet Eukarya


Description: scales in shades of brown or grey, like mountain rocks; two straight horns on head; whisker-like "antennae" dangling from snout; males have markings on "antennae" and/or wing undersides, while females lack these markings

Species Adaptations: can use whisker like "antennae" to detect threats and changed in wind currents, exceptional flight

Leader: President Moraine

Territory: The Ridges (eastern mountains of continent/planet Eukarya)


Description: scales in shades of black, like obsidian or hardened lava; five joints on each wing; straight horns; no spikes on back

Species Adaptations: can resist the properties of lava and all forms of extreme heat, can breathe fire, can camouflage into hardened lava flows

Leader: Vulcan

Territory: the Palisades Volcanos (the central and southern volcanos of continent Bacteria, planet Eukarya)


Description: white scales like snow; no spikes on back; serrated claws; five joints on each wing

Species Adaptations: can resist all forms of extreme cold, can breathe a type of frost from their mouths

Leader: Permafrost

Territory: the northern and southern poles of planet Eukarya


Description: small size, about the size of a newborn dragon; skin of varying coloration, from pale white to deep black; fur of varying lengths on head; entire body is covered in unusually smooth, but colored hide

Species Adaptations: highly intelligent, can survive in most environments, can create things using their surroundings

Leader: unknown

Territory: all over planet Eukarya

Originally published: 01/12/2024 (added text of planet guide from final manuscript of book 1 to page); edited: 02/18/2024 (removed "Forest of Groves" from territory part of TreeWing section (it needed to go), added wing scales to OceanWing description (it was missing), and fixed sky-creature description)

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