Chapter 2 (CL)

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The heat that exuded from the dragon's scales was the only thing that staved the biting cold away in the Council's hut.

Everyone in the Community had already gathered in the Council's residence, all arranged in a circle around the woven, wooden building whose structure resembled a hollow, upside-down bowl.

The Council was at the back of the hut, behind a solid, cracked wooden table that seemed older than the Communities themselves.

Leaf and their group were on the left side of the hut, alongside the rest of our group. When the dragonets graduated with their assignments, they would go to the hut's right side, symbolizing their transition into true comradeship.

Nobody spoke to each other; they all stared at the Council intensely, waiting for their cues.

The Council was made up of six dragons, all chosen by the Council of Trees.

Everyone knew who they were – Bark, Grove, Hilum, Stoma, Theca, and Xylem.

All of them were behind the table, including one they had never seen before.

They resembled most TreeWings, except that a woven brown bag hung around their neck, and a piece of cream-colored paper crinkled in their fidgety green talons.

The six Council members peered at it, whispering amongst themselves before they sent the lithe dragon back to the hut's entrance.

Before Leaf could even think of what that paper said, Bark's booming voice echoed around the hut.

"Comrades of the Coast! Welcome to the Advancement!"

Everyone relaxed, albeit they still kept their eyes on the Council.

"Today, we mark when our dragonets become full comrades. Today, new units will be formed. Today, Elders will be sent Beyond. Shall we begin?"

As if on cue, Hilum came around the table. The scar that ran the length of their underbelly distinguished them from the others.

They sat in front of the table, and gestured to a small group with their wings.

"Will the Elders step forward?"

Applause broke out across the hut, everyone clapping their talons together for the Elders who would soon be sent to the forest that was Beyond.

Beyond was where everyone went after they were an Elder for a certain period of time. It was a grand forest, ever grander than the Great Forest, full of small pools of water here and there and an abundant amount of prey to sustain a Community for Turns.

Leaf recognized at least two of them – Elm and Pine.

They remembered them because TreeWing's fondest memories came from interacting with Elm, who was affable than most Elders; and because Pine's body was lanky. When they moved, it swayed like trees in the wind and their bones creaked like ancient forests.

The two stood as the Council presented them to the Community. This would be the last time they would see them, before they made their journey Beyond.

After they were presented, Grove led the Elders out of the warm hut and into the bitter cold of the leaf-bare forest.

It was nice knowing you, comrades, Leaf thought with wistful dignity as Hilum turned around and returned to the table.

Following their lead was Xylem, who held a piece of paper in their claws.

"Now, we shall assign dragons to their units."

They looked down, squinting at the list.

"Banyan, Underwood, Boscage."

Three dragons emerged from the crowd. They made their way to the hut's center and stood side-by-side with each other.

"Ash. Please come forward."

A dragon around Leaf's age stepped forward, wonder in their eyes when they realized what was going to occur.

"Welcome to your unit."

Applause broke out as Ash hugged one of the dragons' necks before they followed them back into the crowd.

This occurred several more times until Xylem went back to the table and Bark replaced them.

Leaf's claws tingled.

This was it.

This was when they were going to receive their assignment.

"Will the dragonets please come forward?"

Leaf willingly went forward, alongside the rest of their group, as applause broke out.

The dragonets assembled themselves in alphabetical order, and the applause died out with a wave of Bark's claws.

"Dragonets, congratulations. All of your training was the help you become one of us, to stamp any traces of evil. But today, this will slide, for you are now true comrades of the Community and the Great Forest."

Stoma came around, bringing prepared bags and placed them next to Bark.

The TreeWing turned. "Is this it?"

Stoma bowed. "Yes, comrade."

Bark nodded and turned back to the dragonets.

"Apple", they started and applause broke out.

A pale green dragonet stepped forward and Stoma gave them a bag.

"Platform Worker."

The dragonet went to the right side of the hut and sat there with their bag, waiting for the others.


The next dragonet came up and received their assignment.

One by one, the dragonets received their assignments.

Before Leaf was Larch, who was whisked out of the hut and sent Beyond because of their sunrise-esque orange scales.

Now it was their turn.

Leaf waited for Bark to call their name.

But the Councildragon didn't.

They skipped them, and called upon Maple, who was next.

The messy dragonet was given the assignment of Hunter.

Bark kept going, and going and going.

Stem was given the assignment of Caretaker, which fit them well. Thorn was given an assignment, but Leaf couldn't hear it because of the continuous, thunderous applause.

When the last dragonet had received their assignment and joined the others, the applause died down and everyone's gaze was pinned on Leaf.

They curled up into themselves, hoping to be seen for what the Community saw them as – the comrade without a Communal role.

Despite this, Bark noticed the looks on everyone's snouts and gestured for the dragon at the entryway with one of their wings.

The dragon came and sat next to Bark.

"Should we...?" the dragon asked in a small voice, but Bark just glanced at them before looking back at Leaf.

"Dragonet, please come forward."

Leaf obeyed, walking in slow, anxious steps towards the Councildragon.

"Leaf has not been given an assignment."

A sinking feeling weighed the TreeWing down like a crushing boulder.

"They have been selected."

Leaf stopped.


Bark looked over the dragonet to make their audience listened.

"Leaf possesses what is required to take up this position – intelligence, integrity, bravery and, please pardon our language, critical thinking. But we must warn you, dragonet. Pain, far beyond what we can grasp, awaits you."

"Comrades", they now addressed the Community, "do we think Leaf is strong enough to become our next Historian?"

Leaf sharply inhaled.

The Historian was the only dragon who knew what the wretched past was like, and assisted the Council of Trees in difficult decisions for the forest.

A smattering of awkward applause accompanied Bark's words.

They either didn't believe in them, or they were confused why the dragonet was chosen to become the next Historian.

Bark returned their gaze back to Leaf as Stoma placed the last bag in front of them.

"You go to the Community of Trees tonight." They gestured to the dragon with the bag. Leaf noticed that they had forest-green scales, like them; brown eyes; and pale green wing and spine membranes.

"Blossom will take you there."

Leaf looked down and peered at the bag. It was dark green, and had blankets made from the silk of bridgeweaver insects and dried food in it.

Probably not what was in the others' bags.

The TreeWing looked up, and found that Bark has returned to the table and sat with the rest of the Council.

"Let's go", Blossom gently ordered the dragonet, as they nudged Leaf towards the entryway.

Originally published: 02/22/2024 (added text from manuscript version to page); edited: 02/29/2024 (combined text from chapters 2 and 3 from manuscript (c.2 is Advancement, c.3 is when Leaf gets told they are the Historian))

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