All I ask

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I'm sorry I don't impress
Don't say the way you want
I'm sorry I'm not pretty
And don't have much to flaunt

I'm sorry you can't accept me
For the way I am inside
I'm sorry that your cruel words
Make me run and hide

I'm sorry I'm not in your clique
And that I don't fit in
I'm sorry that being born to you
Was such and awful sin

I'm sorry I'm so ordinary
Not an extraordinare
Does that give you reason though
To stand and cast your glare

I don't know what to tell you
To make you stop your games
And I can't think of a way for you
To take back all those names

Please answer me this question
And please be honest too
What do you get from hurting me?
What does it do for you?

We may not understand each other
Or ever get along
But I've never said one word to you
Never done you wrong

So do me just one favor
Just one simple task
Please stop being mean to me
This is all I ask

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