Cover Girl

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You can cover it with make up, foundation caked on
But you can't cover the hurt, you can't hide the wrong

You disguise your eyes
All black and blue
But cover girl you can't cover
What they have done to you

You can hide a scratch
You can cover up a mark
You can pretend they don't bite
You can pretend they don't bark

But some scars can't be made over
The ones that are already invisible to the eye
Are the ones that will remain the longest
Not wanting to say goodbye

Cover girl your work
Would put good makeup artist to shame
But your work your magic for protection
Not fame

You want to hide the pain you feel
When you see the bites, the bruises, the marks
But girl that makeup
Cannot cover up what they have done to your heart

It's all tattered and torn
Your self worth all gone
Second guessing yourself
Thinking everything you do is wrong

You monitor your breaths
You count your steps
You even count the minutes
Wondering how much time is left

Before your foundation, your concealed, your blush, and your creams
Can no longer hide the punishment
And no longer remove the screams

Just remember some scars can't be made over
The one that are invisible to the eye
At the ones that will remain the longest
Not wanting to say goodbye

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro