Mr. Razor

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I take away beauty
I take away lives
I tear apart families
You'll live in my lies

You'll cover me up
With sleeves
I'll isolate you-
Or at least that's what it seems

You'll feel so deserted
You'll feel so alone
I'll drive you insane
I'll make you feel numb
Yet my pain you just can't get enough

The pleasure of pain
The release that you feel
Maybe you'll need stitches
Just so "it" will heal

The more you use me
The deeper you slide in
The more blood you see
The deeper your drawing begins

I'll help you draw the lines
I'll help you paint stars
And the more you abuse me
The more I'll leave scars

But if I cause you death
You blame me
You took me in hand
This I know you can see

I'm caused by depression
Mr. Razor's my name
You can try to cover me up
But I'll leave an emotional stain

So don't you dare forget me
Remember my name
You'll be thinking it later
As you cry out in pain

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