Poetry from other people (25th part)

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So this is the 25th part of the poetry book so I thought that every 25 parts I would recognize poems from other people

England_From_Hetalia has a book with a poem that I thought was bomb as fuck so I will share it

One dark day
In the middle of the night
Two dead men
Got up to fight
One was blind
And the other couldn't see
So they used a dummy
As their referee
The stood back to back
And faced each other
Drew their swords
and shot each other
A deaf police man heard the noise
And came to arrest the two dead boys

This poem is in England_From_Hetalia book called 'He Shall Return, The One That Lost It All, A Close Friend Of His Will Fall'
So check it out. It's a Percy Jackson fanfic and there's a sequel so ya.

The second poem is from PercyFroggiBubbl4 has a book called 'My book of poetry' and it's really good.

Here's one of my favorites from the book.

You steal from me, I steal from you
We're even now, you say
You pinch my skin, I pinch you back
Now have a lovely day

You step on my toe, I do it to you
But yours was harder than mine
I call you stupid, you call me dumb
Don't worry, everything's fine

You run into me, I shove you away
Old jokes, that always die hard
You lose my ring, I lose your things
Even now, but forever we're scarred

You call me fat, I do the same
Playful banter stains the mind
You pull my hair, I mess yours up
The tension continues to wind

You punch my arm, I slap your face
The bruises soon will fade
You show your finger, I play it off
But the mind will remember for days

You say I'm worthless, I reply kind
We're even, yet not what we were
You break my gift, I trip your feet
If this is fair, then I'm not so sure

You call me a failure, I say, no you
Behind the school we'll fight
You break my nose, I bloody your lip
But you know what?

Two wrongs don't make a right.

So that is my one of favorite poems from PercyFroggiBubbl4 so check it out.

Also xx_Fools had a book called
'Of Us 20' and all the parts are my favorite so check it out.

And then Kyotski has 2 amazing poetry books called 'Unsent Letters' and 'Notebook' they're both really good so check them out.

Finally Jadeshade34 has a shitload of some good ass poetry. Please check her out. She posts poetry on her message board every day and has good stories.
Check out 'The Note In The Bathroom Stall' and more from her.

Thx for all the votes, comments, and reads I've gotten so far on this book. It makes me hella happy which is a feeling I don't get very often.

Make sure to check out all those books and people listed above.

Thx and Peace out ✌️

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