Roaring rain, dark night

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The only thing I can see through the window is thick rain drops piercing down on my conscious
I stay in the middle of my bed curled up and trying to shield myself from the unknown
I feel like it is never going to shine and never going to stop raining
The night seems restless and everlasting
A loud roar of wind comes crashing down on my window
I feel that it's trying to get inside and take me away
Why can't this night end soon?!?
I'm utterly alone in confining myself to this prison I called home
I'm in solitude that has despair written all around it
There's no where else to turn
Desperate for this night to be over
I'm dating the sun to come out
But it doesn't
My ears catch every rain drop that falls, while my eyes are blinded shut by darkness
I stay curled in my fragile state, wishing for this dreadful night to end
There's no peaked window that is not surrounded by the pitch black darkness of the night
There's no opening of light to which my skin feels warmth
There's no crystal clear view, only the solitary confinement which I'm in
I have nothing else to do but sit and wait
Quietly crunched in my bed, waiting for darkness to fade into the sunlight
I will wait!
Trying to contain my thoughts through silence
I must simply wait...In hopes that I will not fade within the darkness

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