Stop yelling

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no matter how well I do in school or how well I clean the house
from the time I walk in the door till the time I go to bed every night
the screaming never seems to stop
it used to be just from my father
but now my mother too
sometimes even my older brother
the one I considered my hero
it hurts...

They tell me I'm crazy, stupid, a mess up
I just want to be good enough for them
but it seems I never will be
they say they care and they say they love me
but I'm not blind, I can see the hate they have for me
I was a mistake, they didn't believe in abortion
So, here I am, the mistake child
in the dark I sit in my room and cry
day in and day out
their words and looks
slice into me deeper than any razor ever could
this has went in for years now,
when will it end?

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like
if I just got up and left...
or if I ended it all for good...
or even if I called the police...
but I'm not strong enough to do any of that
I can't last any longer
these people are no longer my family
the people I see everyday are monsters
they don't love me, my family did

Where did my family go? They're missing
all this yelling is really getting to me
it's breaking me down day by day
soon there will be nothing left
I just want to be left in silence...
Please, Make The Yelling Stop!

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