What's Wrong?

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Why in my world the sun sets in the east and doesn't rise at all?
The blossom on the trees don't fall and embrace the ground as snow would in winter.
The birds don't sing and raise you up out of bed in the morning, they scream and make you curl up in bed at night.
The spring breeze doesn't skim past your face and cool you down, it smacks you in the stomach and suffocates you.
Your friends don't accept who you are and what you have lost, they laugh and make jokes. They change you, no understanding, just abrasive talking without realization.
Everything I am, everything I will be is a lie.
The shadows engulf everything I love. Everything I care about, and turns it all on me. It is my fault.
I hide all the pain, so no one else has to suffer, I let it out on my own, so no one else has to see, I keep it inside as it slowly controls me.
Drawing me in. Into emptiness.
A rock. Emotionless. Fearless. Dead.
And the best part is, I don't even know what's wrong.

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