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Do you want to hear a story? A secret, perhaps. I want you to keep my story a secret. It would be really embarrassing if you told this to someone. I know that I will die of shame for sure.

This story I'm about to tell you all is a cute and fluffy story that has to do with teenage struggles and love. But it also has some magical realism effects in a couple of parts. So, grab a comfy chair or something soft and let's begin our story, shall we?

Most stories start on Earth. But mines doesn't. Up in the dreamy skies, I was raised by the cotton candy cloud king. I too was a cotton candy cloud baby, myself. The cotton candy king sadly died when I was only three but getting to stay with him for only the first three years was truly a wonderful experience.

From then on, life continued as usual, until one fine Winter day, two years later, when I was five, like all cotton candy clouds do when they turn five, I had to migrate far from home to find a new home to stay in. Eventually, I did in less than two days.

A mother I'd say already taken the two storey house. Or no mother. Just a sweet woman who would someday raise me as a child. In fact, I never ever had a mother in Dreamland. This was my only chance. To abandon my home and find the perfect mother or sweep back to Dreamland and never ever have a mother. What do you think, my dear friend?

A woman had already claimed this house. I knew it. As I slowly crept into the kitchen, to my surprise, the woman had spotted me with a creepy stare. She froze in the middle of the hallway, looking as if she were about to eat me. Oh no! What if I was a gummy bear?!! NO! I wouldn't be! I wouldn't be! And I couldn't be! A woman I'd consider to be my mother?!! Heck yes!

The woman didn't move. No. Not even a single budge. Instead, she just stood there, half cold, half frozen. She felt as though she wanted to eat me. Shit! What am I thinking? She can't! Well, unless she dares to make a move on me. A move that would change my life, completely.

We were standing there for thirty seconds until finally, the woman's mouth started to bend upward. She was smiling - at me!

"Oh my goodness! Goodness me! You poor thing. You are so adorable! I shall keep you forever and ever. You will be my first child I've ever raised in my entire life!" the woman replied with a gaze so beautiful that I felt like she looked like me. Damn! What was I thinking? She'd raise me? Woah! Definitely was one epic move. At least for now. I wouldn't even dare think of my cotton candy cloud dreamland anymore. Instead, every day, I would think about that kind lady who was kind enough to raise me as a child. And since, from then on, I had started to become smarter and smarter. I was thinking that I didn't have to go to school all the time because I was that smart, until my mother had some news that made my heart tug.

"My child, you are going to school today!"

"My child, you are going to school today!"

Wait - WHAT THE HECK?!! School?

"Mom, WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!! I've already learned enough! So why send me to school?!!"

"Because your education isn't spot on just yet, child! Besides, you don't have any friends yet. So that's why I'm sending you to Bubblegum Academy!"

"Bubblegum Academy? But mother! Why?!! What are friends?"

"Friends are there to help you and make you feel better when there is a situation going on inside your life. See?!! You never learn! So that's why I'm sending you to school!"



I was so disappointed in this. My heart was broken. I thought my mother loved me. But if I didn't go to school, apparently she'd hate me for that. My heart immediately started throbbing as tears streamed down my face. I rushed into my room and started to cry all the tears out of my face. By the way, I was only 14 so it didn't matter if I did cry or not. But I can still cry when I'm an adult or a teenager. It wasn't that much of a deal anyway. I meant not that big but okay.

As I continued to sob, I suddenly heard a knock on my door. It was my mother. I knew it was my mother. I immediately knew. Otherwise, if it wasn't my mother, who else would break inside my house? I rushed to open the door. I was wrong. It wasn't my mother. I immediately knew that it wasn't mother. It was a boy. And boys don't have long hair or rose lipstick. Instead, he had orange hair and looked cheerful.

"Hello, Miss Ivanston. My name is Dani Olivers. And my mother called me in here to walk you to Bubblegum Academy." 

My hands froze. My body stood there, looking cold. I was about to heat up in flames. Why would mom do this to me? Why did she ditch me?!! Well, she didn't exactly ditch me but still, it's a deal I have to make a fuss about.

"NO WAY! I don't even know you! WHO ARE YOU FOR GOD'S SAKE?!!"

"I am your mother's friend's son, Dani Olivers. The boy next door. I have come to pick you up from your home to Bubblegum Academy."

"Well, I'm not going. And you will never force me to go! Now get out of my room before I grab my real knife out to kill you!"


He was the one and only Dani Olivers, the cheerful orange haired boy who spoke to millions of girls, making them fall in love with him. But this time, I am not going to be the one that becomes his victim.

"Of course I do. God, will you please shut up and leave me alone? I don't want you here! You'll just turn me in!"

Shit. Should've said no after all. But I took it way too far. Dani Olivers is now for sure going to kill me for fucking reality. I don't want to die. I'd rather murder somebody else before dying. And I'm not dying in real life. My heart. Inside of me. The part that is inside of me is dying. I am dying inside.

Dani's cold and harsh look was pretty violent to see. That's why in the future, I nicknamed Dani 'Orange Olivers'. But I had to keep that a secret for now. If I ever propose to him, I'll call him that. But that is NEVER going to happen in my life.

Love could either be for better - or for worse.

"So, you ready to go, Miss Ivanston?"

I wanted to scream and say "NO!" but what would happen if my mother would ever hear that?!! Would she think I'm crazy?!! Some daughter of a bitch?!! HAHA! NO WAY! Well, that is if she doesn't hear me talk that loud.

I wished to keep this all a secret. As far as being cute and shy, I'm also pretty sassy and violent at times if I be a brat to other people who were just trying to do their job that is just not done. EVER. AT ALL.

With a quiet sigh, I spoke out with my eyes closed, "Okay, okay. I'm coming," in a not so respective and rather annoyed or disgusted tone. At least I knew that crying wouldn't help it at the last second. My mom would then kick me out of her house. But I thought her house was made out of gingerbread like in the story of Hansel and Gretel where the wicked witch lives in this cute cottage made out of candy. I loved candy. And I blushed ever so commonly. So what if I told you all that my nickname was later Candy Ivanston?

Hmm. You are interested, my sweetie? Well. Fret not because I'll show the bullies how it's really done! I can. And I will. By killing them.

The taxi service was out of order so I had to walk with Dani. He was annoying yet he never changed his attitude like me. Life in Dreamland was better than life in Earth. I thought in a hushed tone that I'd be better off as a candy cloud. Moving homes and getting adopted by my mother was fine but school? Ugh. Not even a one star would be granted to this awful, horrible, terrible shitty place.

We were there in about five minutes and I was already getting tired from all that walking. I turned my head towards the building, shaking and shivering. What if there were bullies?!! Would everyone think I'm crazy?!! I let out a loud groan and whispered to myself.

"Well, hello school. Fuck my trash life."

And then, the school bell rang. I slowly started shaking my head in silence. School was not my typical type. Is it yours? BUT I HAVE ALREADY LEARNED!!! MY STUPID MOM IS A NASTY CHEATER!!!

I stomped my feet in anger as hard as I possibly could and banged my head on the locker. Everyone heard me. There was a quiet silence in the room. Everyone stared at me like crazy and froze. There in the corner, I heard some other girls whispering and gossiping about me. Rumour and legend has it. It was the Ivanston family who was special. But I wasn't. The Ivanston family always lived in different homes. Like candy cotton clouds, the Ivanston family always transfer to different houses every year. That's why they are called famous. I was different. I was a cotton candy cloud. I can't be a cotton candy cloud and an Ivanston at the same time! Or can I?!! Well, for sure I can - but it'd be in a bad way.

I walked around the school for a while, exploring what they had until 9:15am. Yes! I ditched class! Now I can prove to my mother that I don't have to go to school anymore. But wait! What if she notices?!! Will she ever notice?!! Would she ever notice that I've been sneaking out of school and ditching classes like a stupid bitch mean girl would do?!! HECK NO!!! I'd only be too silly to get caught!

I was ever so happy for around the next fifteen more minutes until at 9:30am exactly, that was what happened. The principal called me in. Great. She made an announcement about me saying that I'd skip not just this class but the whole entire school day! UGH. HE KNOWS MY PLANS!!!

Now everyone knows my secret. There were rumours, gossip, even news reports about me. I knew it. I knew I was famous in a bad way. There should be no more gossiping, no more haters of me. Every day, I'd sit there, all alone, eating my lunch while everyone else was playing happily in the playground with their phones. Seems like everybody has a friend. I was all alone, lost and lonely. The teachers even called me ugly. This went on for about a week or two every day until finally, on the third week, while I was sitting down on a log, I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey again. Poor thing. Take my hand and let's escape into a world like nothing before."

I will be escaping from reality - with Dani?!! 

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