They Call It Hope

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they call it hope

school hated me

my glasses

my clothes

my hair

the way I walked

my smile

my height

my skin

the way I cried

my eczema

my name

my accent

no one looked when drew

showed up

until someone did

my cheek was on the


along with my

pride and


but one pair of eyes didn't

look away.

she watched everything

then the bell rang

my heart cracked

and she walked


to the office.

a feeling

grew inside me

as I picked myself up

from the floor

where I was no longer


and lost

the feeling didn't

burn it

bloomed and

grew and

bled into

my skin

my veins

my being

I didn't know the feeling.

that feeling

they call it


it suffocated me

in the warmest cocoon

of protection.

I breathed air for the

first time

that wasn't laced

with malice

and worry

and pain.

I couldn't break the barrier


the walls were too high

we built them too


but she could break it

she could


the feeling suffocates me

they call it hope

I want it to be my reality.

[continue on next page]

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