Chapter 19

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Percy's POV

I was sitting in the meeting hall with Annabeth and Jason. Piper and Leo had fallen asleep so they were not here, we didn't bother to wake them. It had been a long day. We saw two unfamiliar faces walk in, and I see a glimpse of Hazel and Reyna outside when the doors closed. Right before I walked up to greet them, two Romans took the boys arms and dragged him off. He tried to kick at them but they knocked him unconscious. Thats when Hazel and Reyna walked in. "What is the meaning of this?" Reyna shouted at the Romans. One of them held up a wanted poster. Reyna had a worried expression. "How did I not recognize him?" She ran her fingers through her hair as Hazel stepped forward. "What did he do? He doesn't deserve prison!" The Roman looked at her and nodded. "Your right, he deserves a death sentence." Hazel's eyes got watery. "You can't kill him! You can't take another person away from me! You can't!" She broke down into tears. I ran over to her, Annabeth right behind me. We both sat on one side of her, trying our best to comfort her. Jason was watching and biting his lip, as if he didn't know what to do. "It's okay Hazel. We won't let them take him." Annabeth said as she shot me a look that said, "Go find out what he did." I nodded then ran after the Romans. "Hey fellas! So um, what was the crime he committed? Yah know, I jut want to know for..... historical reasons. Yea that's right, historical." I gave a smile. "Get out of here, Greek scum. We can handle this." I mocked offense. "I live here in New Rome. Show some respect! Now I'll repeat the question once more. What did he-" Suddenly the man punched me and I collapsed on the floor, and everything went black.

Leo's POV

As we walked the streets of New Rome, we walked past a tall building. "Must be their-" I stopped talking as soon as I saw it. Percy was sprawled on the cement. "Piper!" I said running over."Do you have any ambrosia?" Piper fished through her backpack. "Right here!" She said sticking a small square in his mouth. "He'll be fine. Lets get him to Annabeth." Piper took his arms, I took his legs and we slowly dragged him around camp.

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