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Chelsea's POV:

"Yes mister Bunny~ I'd like another cup of tea ~" I said to mister pink bunny, oh I love having tea parties with The Magical bunnies in the world of sweets ~
"Mister green bunny do you want a piece of cake" I offered
"Yes Miss Chelsea~" green bunny said, I was about to give him a piece of lemon cake until I felt something strange? The ground was shaking?! "OH NO WHATS HAPPENING?!" I said then the magical bunnies disappeared
"NO BUNNIES WHERE DID YOU GO?" I said the the whole world disappeared, then something huge appeared in the sky it was SAJU! "Saju? What are you doing here?!" Then my eyes snapped  wide open and I remembered
"Saju why did you wake me up?! I was having tea party with magical bunnies?!" I said pouting at him Then I felt something shaking
"Hey what it th-" I then remembered.......
"THEN INTRUDER!!" I said I grabbed the iPad looking and opened the security app
"It must be the intruder...." I said looking in the screen searching for the him around the house, I looked in the kitchen first then into the living room and the hallways
"Where are you....." I whispered
I kept looking waiting for him appear in the cameras but there was nothing......
"God damn it?! Where are you! You can't be invisible?!" Then eyes catched something!
It's a shadow of something moving upstairs!
"Found you!" I whispered, I immediately jumped out of bed and grabbed the baseball bat that i kept under my bed
"He's coming upstairs, that's mean he's coming my way..Saju come on " I whispered to Saju and took him to the closet
"Stay here boy and be quiet, OK?" I told him then I closed half of the closet door I then hurried to the bed and putted some pillows under the sheets so it can seem that there's someone sleep under, then I went to my hiding place, which was in the roof ~ YES I made a hiding place in the roof 
Of the room, i jumped up the chair as fast as I can then start taking the wooden boards off the roof  and climbed in, pushing the chair aside
Then I closed on me leaving a little spot so I can see through, the best part of the hiding whole is that it's placed right above the door so if the intruder came into the room he'll get a BIG surprise from nowhere ~
Now I only have to wait, but there's a problem I can't see him in the cameras? He must be fast?!
I'll have to be careful and focused!

View minutes have passed, there's no sign of the intruder in the cameras and I didn't hear anything 'maybe he changed his mind?' I thought I was about to get down but suddenly the door start opening slowly, I held my breath and froze 'ahhh he's here! Chelsea Y-you can-n do it!' I thought, hey I'm not a coward! It's just I got nervous.....
I looked through the little spot to see what's happening and there he was ....
I saw a tall man wearing a white hoodie that are covered with Blood! But I couldn't see he's face from up here, he stopped and I guess he's looking at What he thinks it me that is sleeping in the bed, then I thought 'ok Chelsea now or never' with that I held the baseball bat, took a deep breath then "AAAAAAHHHHH" I yelled jumped of the roof swinging the bat all around trying to hit him AND i was about but.....
HE DODGED IT!!!! "W-W-what?!" I said landing on the ground AND THANK Goodness i didn't land on my butt, I was going for another hit but the intruder grabbed the bat in time before I was appeal to hit him....oh no....
"Nice try bitch!" The intruder said and I could see him smiling, I still can't see his face because of the darkness, the smiling rude intruder maneged to take the bat from my hands then throwing it away....now I was really in a big trouble! Then i knew it he is that maniac from before!
"You asshole! Get out of my house! You Stupid maniac!" I yelled at him, "Not until I'm finished with you ~"
Oh he was getting on my nerves!
"Then I'll have to kick you out myself!" With that, I throw a punch at him which he dodged 'he's really good' I thought but that wasn't supposed to be a punch, you see I tricked him~
After he dodged it I immediately kicked him in his side making him back away, but I he got back fast "WHY YOU!" He said trying to grab me BUT I didn't give a chance because

I moved faster and pushed him aside making him fall in the ground , all of sudden something I didn't expect happened, somehow he manged to hit me on my leg and I fill down....
"Owch!" I said and now I'm the one on the ground...the intruder was in his feet standing right above me and I don't have any chance to make and move, but my eyes manged to see the baseball bat that was near me on the ground
And that was my only chance, before I can grab it the man putted his foot on my hand crashing it "ahh let go!!" I yelled, glared at him trying to look him in the eyes but no luck because of the darkness "It's time for you to go to sleep" he said Then he pulled something out of his pocket which I happened to remember what is was...'Oh great the big knife ..' I thought but hey I still have One More Surprise ~
"GO TO SL-" before the maniac could continue I yelled "SAJU NOW!!" Out of nowhere my loyal Cute Dog jumped on the Intruder biting the hand he held the knife with, "YOU FUCKING DOG LET GO!!" The intruder yelled trying to get Saju off him, and now was my chance because the maniac moved his foot away and without hesitation I grabbed the baseball bat, jumped on my feet then I hit the Maniac Intruder as strong as I can right into his head, making him pass out, and I took a deep breath then I yelled "GOAL!!" .

End of the chapter

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