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I entered the graveyard. Given Zil's sudden appearance the night before, I guessed his hiding spot had been close to the cemetery gate. Being mostly dotted with small or broken headstones so close to the entrance, the only nearby possibilities were some tall headstones a little further in and a taller oak tree with a slim trunk – none of which would sufficiently hide him from view. But I wasn't there for that. I wanted to find a place inside the cemetery where I could go to be alone and no one would find me, including Rhys.

As I wandered further in through tall, dead weeds, and among headstones of various heights, I found myself passing some of the large mausoleums for the one I'd hidden behind from Rhys. It seemed well-cared for, but until that moment, I hadn't noticed how gorgeous it was. Architecturally, but on a much smaller scale, it resembled an elaborately-detailed gothic-style home. Temporarily ditching my quest, I made my way over to it. Mounted on its facing above the door was the occupant's poetic name. Quietly, I whispered, "Ange Lucien Lazare."

I lingered a moment longer to study the design of the 'Lazare' tomb, but as I started to leave to continue to seek out a hiding place of my own, I slowed. Without realizing it, I'd taken a well-worn path that led ... directly to the tomb's door!

With no mementoes for honoring the dead placed there, it was obvious someone had been using it. I was disgusted; not only for the mere fact that it housed a corpse, but it was a deliberate disturbance of the deceased – and it was my favorite mausoleum! I went up to the door and pressed my ear to it. No sounds. I was glad the intruder wasn't there – the temptation to knock on the door until it opened, and then tear into the person for using it, would be impossible to resist. "I need a place to go to, too – but I refuse to stoop to that level!"

I walked away.

Eventually I reached the shaded backend of the graveyard, where old Cemetery Raven met its newer half, but didn't find a place there that suited me, either. I glanced to my right at the opening to the woods, but instantly dismissed that. I wanted to keep within the borders of the graveyard.

Night had fallen and I decided to end to my scouting until the next day. Gazing out into the cemetery, I noticed that, even from the back, and under a waning midnight sun, the old burial grounds were beautiful. But as much as I wanted to stay and admire it, I had something to do that couldn't wait. Using the light of the half-moon to see by, I started toward the entrance, when something to my left glinted brightly, catching my attention.

Holding her lantern high before her, an older woman of average height, and who was dressed like a gypsy, emerged from the woods.

I halted and stared.

She paused and looked in my direction – and then slowly started towards me. She stopped a few feet away from me, and then without putting it out, her lantern extinguished ... on its own! She lowered it to her side and gazed at me for a long moment. "So, you see the charnel grounds as they are. Your understanding is close at hand. That will be useful, however unwise."

Without another word, the weird woman turned and continued her way to the entrance of Cemetery Raven. When she reached it, she paused and looked back at me. Then, she held her lantern high – and it ignited on its own before she calmly turned and exited through the cemetery gate in the direction of town! The instant she disappeared from view, I hurried through the graveyard for the exit.

When I'd neared the 'Lazare' tomb, I spotted Zil outside of the cemetery, near the wrought iron gate, looking in the direction of my street. Seeing him, my anger resurged and made me almost entirely forget my experience with the strange woman. I marched out of Cemetery Raven, closed the gate behind me with a loud clang, and started past him on my way home.

"Ashe." When I didn't respond, he asked, "Will you not speak to me?"

I stopped and turned to face him.

"Chere, I am ..."

"A jackass! That prank you pulled at the bridge – not okay! If you wanted to scare me, you got what you wanted. Happy?"

He didn't respond.


I continued. "Like I said last night, stay away from me. I can ghost hunt without you! Since you like to pretend you're a vampire, pretend we don't know each other, and I'll do the same."

For a nanosecond he looked hurt by what I said, but then quickly composed himself. "I am not what you think I am."

"Yeah, you pretty much are, you weird jerk!" I turned on my heel and started to leave.

"Why were you inside of Cemetery Raven?"

I whirled around. "Why? More warnings? Besides, where else would you be? Isn't that where vampires live? Isn't that why you said to always meet you here?" Without giving Zil a chance to answer, I stormed off. Half way across the street, I turned to yell at him again, but he was gone.

No traffic, no trees, nowhere to hide ... I looked around, even into the graveyard, but the gate was still shut. He wasn't there.

Too angry to ponder his sudden disappearance, I started for home again. "Maybe he and that strange woman will find each other and become friends. Two crackpots – much better suited!"

I crossed over to my street.

Just as I'd passed the second house, I heard the shrill sound of the wrought iron gate being opened. I turned ... Zil was entering the cemetery.

Curious to know if he'd go to his hiding spot, I retraced my steps back to the graveyard.

Zil was headed further into the grounds of Cemetery Raven, toward the mausoleums. I stopped next to a tall headstone and watched as he went to the large 'Lazare' tomb, pulled open the door, walked in ... and closed it behind him!

I was beside myself. "What in the hell is he doing ... is that path there because of him?"

I waited to see if he'd come out.

After some time passed, and he still hadn't emerged, I reluctantly left for home. Confronting Zil would have to wait. Morning would soon dawn and I had to be at school. But even if it meant speaking to him one last time, I would hear his reason for going into that tomb!

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