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Stephanie Egan 

She is a european-american girl. 

Age: 14

Personality: She is almost like a detective. She can figure out anything. Like being bullied behind her back. 

Kristine Pitts

She is an african-american girl.

Age: 13

Personality: She is great at acting. She is always in plays and loves being the main character. She is also good at acting like bullies aren't hurting her, but they are.

Geovanny Nelson

He is a hispanic-american boy. 

Age: 14

Personality: He over sees things and sometimes that is bad. When he gets bullied he can't stop crying.  

Jesiah Maimonides 

He is a jewish-american boy

Age: 13

Personality: He practically has the same personality as Kristine. Except have can handle bullies like a man. 

Izusa Brewington 

She is a native american girl.

Age: 15

Personality: She entertains people and she does not get hurt by bullies at all. 

Qing Tung 

She is a Chinese girl.

Age: 13

Personality: She motivates people to stay happy and live their dreams. 

Young Min Chung

He is a Korean boy.

Age: 15

Personality: He is a great artist and is in an art school. He is great at drawing his feelings as well (like being bullied).

Vibol Uy

He is a Cambodian boy. 

Age: 13

Personality: He is also an artist. He loves drawing, especially girls he has a crush on (creepy right?)

Nenita Manzano 

She is a Filipino girl.

Age: 14

Personality: She likes to show people everything. She also likes to play her flute so everyone can hear!  

Hang Thor

She is a Vietnamese girl.

Age: 15

Personality: She very loyal and you can count on her to keep a secret.

Shouhei Murakami 

He is a Japanese boy. 

Age: 14

Personality: for some weird reason he likes to dig things in the

Rasul Malik

He is an Arabic boy.

Age: 14

Personality: His personalty is exactly like Nenita. 

Stuti Khatri

She is an Indian girl.

Age: 13

Personality: She likes to find things 

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