6- Worst kiss ever

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Pulling a brush through my bushy waves, I left it be whilst I applied my makeup.

I think most people already have their perception of Geordie's; Foul mouthed, false eyelashes, boozers, you know... the whole shabang.

But not all of us are like that, just for your information.

Adding my cat liner, I applied my mascara and then moved onto my eyebrows. Once finishing that, I flung all of my hair over my shoulder and stood in the mirror.

I wore my light blue skinny jeans, and a black sweater with a pocket on the front. Throwing on a wooly hat, I grabbed my coat, phone, scarf and bag, and made my way downstairs to the kitchen.

Grabbing a bowl and some cereal and milk, I scooped into a seat silently around the table with everyone else.

My dad was reading the daily newspaper, and my mum was dressed in her usual go to work clothes, with her pda securely in her hand. She was a doctor, like one of the bigdogs in the hospital. Everyone morning she would seem so bright eyes and bushy tailed.

Tanner on the other hand seemed to be half asleep on his piece of toast.

"You want a drop to school?" My mum asked with a monotone voice, still not looking up from her PDA.

She had calmed down alot more since I told her the full story about what happened last night. Infact, she was pretty sympathetic afterwards.

"Nah, I might just walk with Cameron if he's awake" getting up from my seat, I put my bowl in the sink and waved them all good bye.

Walking out of the door, I gritted my teeth as I saw Carter pull out of his drive way in his car.

"Oi, ya little shit" Pointing my finger in his direction, he stopped backing up and stared at me with an uninterested expression.

"Yes?" He yawned.

Skipping down my steps, I ran a hand through my mess of hair, and walked over to him with fury clear in my eyes.

"What was that, huh?" Rolling his eyes, he leaned out of the window and had a smile that leaked sarcasm.

Oh, once I chop off his balls and shove them up his arse, I'm sure he won't smile ever again.

"Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about?" He sang sweetly.

I ignored the inner me that was screaming that he looked super hot today, because I was way to mad to even acknowledge his attractiveness.

"Yesterday, ya' absolute wanker" Kicking his car wheel, he mocked hurt.

"Though I love listening to people rage on and insult me...oh wait" He laughed. I suddenly jumped back as his wheels screeched. Driving off down the street, I screamed an insult that wasn't worth repeating.

"Woah" Spinning around to the familiar voice? I smiled and began walking closer.

"Who looks dapper today?" I teased. Looking down at his outfit; he was wearing jet black jeans, black nikes,a white button up shirt, with a burgundy sweater over the top. He was wearing his hair in his usual unbrushed mess.

"You gonna say that every time I wear a button up underneath something?" Slinging his heavy arm over my shoulder, we started to walk in the direction of our school.

"Probably" As we began to laugh, our coversation drifted off into something else about how Mr Rodgers (our neighbor) , and before we knew it we were at school.

Walking to my locker, I rolled my eyes as I saw Harry leaning upon the one next to mine, looking like he hadn't got any sleep for days.

"Don't hit him" Cameron whispered in my ear.

Scoffing, I walked up to my locker and ignored him as best as I could.

"Hazel?" He pleaded. Grabbing my books for family relation studies, and my art homework, I flinched back as I felt fingers try to sweep my hair out of my face.

"Don't you dare touch me, you fuckin' mug" I seethed through my gritted teeth. Hearing the bell ring, I slammed my locker shut and left Cameron and Harry by themselves.

Strolling to my art class, I stopped as I saw Carter wandering around the halls, glancing at the piece of paper in one hand, and trying to balance his books in the other.

I contemplated just walking away, but I had an even better idea.

Running up to him, I grabbed his books from his hand and smiled. As he looked up from his piece of paper, he furrowed his eyebrows in my direction.

"What're you doing? " He questioned with his pencil still in his mouth.

Taking his pencil out of his mouth, my fingers slight brushed over his lips, making a smirk quickly rise to his mouth.

Don't you dare jab him in the eye, dont you dare do it.

"Im helping ya" Giving him back his books, I took his schedule out of his hand and clenched my jaw.

"Whats wrong?" Looking back into his dark eyes, I looked back down at the piece of paper and un clenched my jaw.

"Nothin" I lied.

He was in every single one of my classes, not 1, not 2, but 4. I had to spend hours upon hours with this guy.

"You've got art now, so you're gonna have to go to the second building down the road. You'll see it" Giving him back the piece of paper, I pointed in the direction that he 'had' to walk, and went in the opposite direction.



Sharpening my pencil, I zoned in and out of the conversation between Sophia and Blessing.

"He's totally topped Harry" Blessing poorly whispered so I couldn't here.

"Oh my god, really? what does he look like?" Sophia shrieked.

Blessing was about to speak but paused as the art room door sung open

Looking towards it, I smacked my hand over my mouth to block my laughter, but failed miserably.

Carter stood there soaking wet from the pooring rain outside, wearing a scowl directed at me.

"You fucking bitch!" He shouted.

Mrs Rhy's automatically got up from her seat and stood infront of him with her hands on her curvaceous hips.

"Young man-" Moving around her, he stormed up to me and flared his nostrils.

"So I went to that second building down the street, and it started to rain, heavy. I walked for half a fucking hour and nearly got kidnapped by a bunch of shemales-"

"So ya met Brenda and her bitches then?-" I interrupted with a laugh.

"So I finally asked someone, and found out the fucking building got knocked down in 2001." His face was now so close I could feel his minty breath fan my face.

"Oops. must of slipped my mind." Placing my head in my 2 palms, I peered up at him through my eyelashes and gave him an award winning smile.

Shaking his head with a small smirk on his lips, he continued to ignore the shouts from the teacher behind him.

Mirroring my actions, he slightly bent over so he was now at eye level with me.

"You got a school girl crush on me or something?" His grin widened as Blessing and sophia began to talk about this situation like it was equivalent to someone solving world hunger.

"Oh of course, who could resist the charm of a bipolar moron?" Running a tongue over his teeth, before I knew it his lips had stolen a subtle kiss from mine.

Backing away, he shot me a wink before skipping out of the class room with Mrs Rhys closely behind him.

I was left gawking at the door with my mouth in the form of an O. Brushing over my lips, I fought down the smile that was trying to creep its way onto my face.

He was such a cocky bastard, but unlike most guys he embraced it, and even went OTT with it.


Being smacked on my arm, I winced an ow, and narrowed my eyes at the dead man to be.

I watched blessing flip her pastel pink hair over one shoulder, and eased closer to me with Sophia mirroring her actions.

"Which one of you sluts touched m-" Blessing shrieked while clapping her hands together like some sort of exasperated seal.

I never understood why girls would do that. They thought that by acting like some annoying lass from the movies, it emphasized their character, and/or made other females jealous.

"What were his lips like, did his breath smell like cinnamon like all american boys in the books?" Blessing said in a hush tone. Chewing down on her cherry stained lips, she made a sound that sounded oddly sexual.

Scooting away from her, I grabbed my sketchbook and pencils before getting to my feet

"He tasted like battery acid" I said shortly.

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