Chapter 4

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We are getting so close to la lemon, I can hear some of y'all screaming
Akefia-* making symbolic signs in the sands with a stick*

It was midday, you were stuck doing more of Nala's wonderful tasks, this time it was fill in for here while she wondered to Ra knows where, and the fact Akefia was to come around tonight, your mind was drifting elsewhere. Atems words pulled you from your thoughts " y/n you will tell Nala what was said here?" Atem asked as you wrote down the last of the meetings message," yes, I'll be sure it gets to her as soon as she returns," good, it's nice to know that my dear twin has a fateful servant" he said kindly, little did poor Atem know that you were conspiring with the enemy, and wanting the enemy in many more ways than one," I do try my best" you politely excused yourself as you went to continue the long list Nala had given you, it was mostly collecting items she needed for one of her potions, sighing you got to work.

Akefia pov

I walked across the dessert sands, The blazing sun was making everything unbearable. I was traveling to a village closer to the palace, the only risk was Nala, she frequented this village often, but it would give me more access to Y/n, I was to check in on her tonight , perhaps, I could take her away for a moment, my thoughts turned dark, chuckling i twitched a ear as I headed to one of my hideouts, I was proud to say I had multiple scattered around, it would keep Nala looking while I rested. Nearing the village I put my hood up, I couldn't risk others seeing me, my red coat was a tell tale sign enough, darting into a alley way I made my way around, I saw Nala buying herbs, for her cruel experiments no doubt, my mind drifted to y/n, I hoped Nala left her alone; I shook my head, why the hell was I so concerned, y/n was a leverage, a fling, I didn't need to care. I sneaked past vendors of various items, stealing an apple, something of substance. Walking into a crumble of rocks I opened the trap door that hid my temporary home. It was exactly how I left it, a pile of soft pillows and blankets in a corner, a few gold coins on the table, along with a few daggers. " this will do " I muttered to myself laying on the pile of pillows.

Back to normal pov ( that was the hardest pov I have ever written)

Walking into Nala's room with the items she asked for that morning, placing them on the table. You took the time to go through a few scrolls, Akefia would probably want to know what she was making, it soon turned into you organizing everything by letter" oh y/n you did as I asked," Nala's voice was unexpected, causing you to jump," Nala please don't sneak up on me, " you said as you continued to organize," how kind of you to sort my scrolls, it's been hell finding what i need" Nala casually said as she looked over the ingredients you collected, " you did well, I know I asked for some nightshade but I looked at the shops myself, it must be out of season, strangely, nightshade normally is abundant, no matter, the hemlock here will do" she said binding the herbs and other things," your free to go, I'll finish up organizing, go do what you wish with yourself, I'll be needing no help for the next few days, between meeting and making my trade, I'll be set, just don't get too comfortable with the freedom" she stated. Thinking to yourself this was bad, Nala could do anything in that time period, you needed to think of something,Akefia needed information" shoo now, you can tell me your plans tomorrow, I'd like to know how you intend to stay busy, I'll provide gold if need be " she sighed as you left the room.  You had not idea what to tell Akefia

Little short but it's filler, the next chapter will be better.

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