Chapter 10

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Cecil's POV
After I left the atrium, I followed the rusty signs leading to the Toy Making Room. The hallway was completely black, apart from the light from my torch and the beam of moonlight behind me. I have to admit, I don't like perilous journeys through abandoned factories. And I'm also not a big fan of the dark. I wouldn't say it's a fear, but I definitely don't enjoy being in a tenebrous, unknown place by myself.

It reminded me of a flashback scene in The Flash - ironically - when Barry's mum told him, 'See, you're not afraid of the dark, Barry, you're afraid of being alone in the dark and that goes away when you realise something. You're never really alone.' This then led me to think about the man in my head; if he was a completely different person, it meant I wasn't alone. Right? I thought about how he told me my name means 'blind', and whether my parents knew I'd have this fear, or whether I'd have a knack for seeing things that nobody else could.

My flashlight darted along the corridor as I flicked my wrist in different directions. I briefly saw posters that were advertising toys plastered on the walls and stacks of crates strewn across the floor, but I didn't take much heed to them. I was too busy thinking about what a crazy day I was having.

First, we had to deliver the snake venom to our clients since the delivery man was too scared to do it himself. Then we learnt that many students, including Jacob, had been reported missing after an ambush at their school. And if that wasn't enough, Miles and I saw what happened to those kids in the alleyway, attempted to stop the runaway van and met Sabrina...

Oh, Sabrina. She was absolutely breathtaking. The way her hair fluttered in the wind made my heart do a hundred somersaults. I loved how her warm, honey brown eyes glistened behind her glasses and how her dimples were etched underneath her perfectly defined cheekbones whenever she rambunctiously laughed. Every time she said my name, my pulse rate increased yet my lungs threatened to stop working.

Before I could dwell on her any further, a shrill scream rang in my ears, making me wince in agonising pain. My heart skipped several beats and I stopped in my tracks. I held my hands over my ears to block the noise; it didn't work. A familiar voice shrieked in the highest pitch I had ever heard, Aaaaaaarrrrrgggggghhhhhhh! Watch out, kid! My foot was hovering in the air a few inches from the ground, but I didn't dare to move it. There's a bear trap underneath you! Ace warned, quickly clearing his throat. There's a bear trap underneath you, he said in a deeper tone. Carefully, I lowered the angle of my torch so that the light was shining directly below me. I couldn't allow my gaze to leave the darkness of the corridor ahead of me but I eventually found the courage to look down.

I wish I never did.

Just beneath my right foot was a 24-inch metal snare, its jagged teeth practically grazing the tip of my shoe. My stomach flipped over as if I were on a rollercoaster, and my knee wobbled dangerously in mid-air.
'Help!' I squeaked in a poor attempt to act at least remotely brave.
Alright, just stay calm, he said in a hushed tone.

'Says the guy who literally screamed like a little kid! Your voice went a whole octave higher!' I complained as I tried my hardest not to move around.
I'm sorry. You caught me off-guard. I was in the middle of doing my daily yoga!
'You're daily yo— You know what? We can talk about this later. Can we please focus on the fact that I'm going to be footless any second now! What do I do?!' I silently begged.

One sec, he said, just as a long beep replaced his voice.
I cried out to myself, 'He put me on hold!' My leg was starting to feel heavy now and I didn't know how much longer I could keep it above the ground. 'Uh, Ace? Hurry up, please!' A few worrisome moments passed. I attempted to find a way around the trap but I soon realised anything I decided to do would trigger the snare.

Half a second later, I heard the beep again, signalling that Ace was back on the line.
Sorry I took so long. It's hard to get out of the scorpion pose. Anyway, I've been assessing your situation, he explained, and the only way to avoid losing a limb is to throw your torch into its mouth.
'Okay, sounds easy enough.' I said.

Actually, it's more dangerous than you think. You'll have to move your foot away at the right moment, or else it will be pulled into the trap along with the flashlight. And if you manage to survive, you'll be even more darkness but- Ace mentioned before I interrupted him.
'If? Jee, thanks for the confidence.'
Did I say 'if'? Obviously I meant 'when you survive'. I will be able to guide you through the factory after that.

Ace told me to aim at the platform in the middle. When I had mustered enough courage, I closed one eye and threw the torch into the cage's mouth. I heard the clang of the object slamming into the metal plate; I immediately kicked my leg away and leaped back five feet, just in time to hear the jaws closing in on each other.
I knew you could do it, kiddo!

I ignored him and felt my lungs were burning. I realised I hadn't been breathing this whole time. Exhaling, I continued through the never-ending corridor as Ace guided me. In spite of his great navigation skills, I still found myself slamming into walls and half-tripping over my own feet.

Eventually we made it to the main factory room. There should be a working light switch somewhere on the right. Ace mentioned. After much difficulty, I managed to find the switch and soon the whole room was flooded with illuminating lights.

As I set about, looking for clues, I decided to pass the time by learning more about Ace.
'So, Ace, what are you? And why are you in my head?' I queried. I tiptoed along the side of the room and made my way towards the out-of-use machines.
I am your guide and your companion. I am a manifestation of a part of your mind - the part that allows you to see things that are hidden in plain sight. You could say I am your conscience, but I can only direct your attention towards something if you have the incentive and the drive to do so. Your powers give me the ability to become a different voice inside your head, giving you another perspective of the world.
I slipped a hand into my pocket to check if Sabrina's bracelet was still there. I found myself wrapping my fingers around a scratched pendant. I was certain now that it was radiating heat, but why? That, I could not comprehend.

Inspecting the stuffing station, I tried to find anything that could help me find the location of the kidnapped children. Maybe someone had written a secret note, requesting for immediate help. Alas, there was nothing useful over here. I moved onto the next machine. 'My... powers?'
Yes, indeed.  You and your friend, Miles, are not regular teens.  You're very special. You both have the Gift, and you must learn to use these powers for the greater good.

'I don't know what you're talking about. I don't have any powers, I don't have a "Gift" and I'm not special. At least, that's what my parents think...'
You have got it wrong, you're parents adore you very much. You, my friend, are much stronger than you realise. And soon enough, your powers can develop until they're as strong as your mother's - if not, more.
I was so confused. 'My mother has these powers too?!'
It is very difficult to explain right now, but yes, she does. The people who have the Gift of Observation are always born with the power and have their own, unique companion for life. This was too much to take in.

The next apparatus was an exploded version of a sewing machine, with complex gears and pieces that probably worked together to manufacture the outer skin of stuffed toys. 'So you've been with me since I was born?' I asked, walking behind the row of contraptions. I crawled on all fours, twisted my head from side to side in search for a hint.
That's right. I couldn't fully manifest as a part of your mind until recently, which is why you may only recall me giving you vague pieces of advice from time to time. I was merely a whisper at the back of your mind until you gained full access to your powers.

Stopping in my tracks, I got onto my knees and gestured the sign of my mind blowing, against my the sides of my head. 'Poof!' I whispered to myself, utterly amazed. I continued to crawl across the floor. 'I've gotta tell Miles about this!'
That can wait until later. Ace replied, I have a strange feeling about this place, it's giving me the heebie jeebies. I think— WAIT!

His sudden command knocked the wind out of me. Panic-stricken, I exclaimed, 'What happened?!'
Go back! I think there's something over there. I shuffled back a couple of feet and found the clue I was looking for. Before I could take a closer look at it, Miles burst in through the double doors and called for me.

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