Chapter 8

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Cecil's POV
In front of me, Miles ran and leaped over two whole bins and landed at the edge of the skip. I, however, decided to tread lightly across the lids like the dangerous person I am. Miles leaned across the wall, waiting for me to arrive, obviously trying to contain his glee.
"I know what you're thinking, and let me just tell you, slow and steady wins the race!" I called out.

Nevertheless, I tried to speed up and tripped over in the process. I fell face-first onto the bin but managed to shakily get up. "I stand by my previous statement!"
He let out an exhaled laugh and said, "Whatever. Just hurry up and get over here." A few seconds later, I reached the end and stood by Miles' side. He continued, "Next task, climb up that pipe."

He turned around, facing a large industrial pipe leading up to the top floor of the building. He dusted off his gloves and grabbed a ringed clamp which was braced to the wall, using two lower ones as footholds. Then he began to ascend the pipe. Miles gripped onto the clamps one by one, carefully guiding his feet up the tube. I followed closely behind him.

The wind was picking up, blowing my ash blonde hair erratically. Miles seemed to be fine with the sudden change in temperature. I glimpsed his caramel brown hair flapping in the wind. A flurry of leaves threatened to slap me across the face. Bitingly cold shivers ran down my spine and I felt goosebumps beginning to form on my arms despite the jacket I was wearing.

"How much further?" I asked. My lungs burned as if I was breathing in liquid nitrogen. We'd been climbing for a while now, but the roof still seemed like a light year away.
"We-" he began to say, before I suddenly lost my footing and slipped against the smooth metal.

Everything happened so fast after that. I plummeted down the pipe, desperately clawing at every clamp that passed by. I screamed out loud even though I knew it wouldn't help. The roaring wind rushed into my ears, blood pounding through my veins. 'This is is. This is how I'm gonna die.'

I imagined myself splatting against the concrete, waves of stony dust rolling away from the place of impact, a resounding boom running throughout the factory courtyard. And all that would be left - a stain on the ground. I was so scared, I could no longer find the energy to scream. I heard the sound of Miles calling my name resonating down the building, trying to catch up to me.

Just as I was about to come to peace with my untimely death, I heard that voice again - the one that was helping me before. I was able to distinguish the voice from my own now. It was deep and more masculine, like the voice of a leader or protagonist in an action movie. The voice of a very wise person who could persuade you and guide you.

Hey kid, he said calmly, see the clamp with the red outline down there? When I tell you to, you're gonna wrap your legs around the pipe and reach outwards. And hopefully it'll work, or else we're both dead. Ready? I felt the sudden urge to answer, 'No!'
But before I could, the man yelled, NOW! Without hesitation, I closed my eyes, kicked my legs around the pipe, arched my back with my arms stretched, and gripped the first thing I could feel. My muscles were tense but I didn't dare to relax.

Everything was silent. I couldn't feel the wind in my ears, the sound of blood gushing through my veins, the sensation of descending down the side of a building. After my pulse rate slowed down a bit - and I was able to actually breathe - I gingerly peeled open my eyelids and was surprised to find...I was still alive! Although I seemed to be facing the wrong direction.

Being as careful as possible, I checked my surroundings and found myself leaning against the pipe, upside down, Spider-Man style. My hands were clutched around the metal tube and the only reason why I wasn't dead was because I was able to fold my legs on top of the red-lined clamp, which was miraculously large enough to hold me.
"Um, Miles?" My voice broke. "A little help please!"

Miles was already on his way down, clambering down the pipe in dangerously large steps. He reached me in no time and helped me sit back up. I clung to the tube and tried to hide my shaking knees.
"Are you okay?" he asked, with deep worry etched onto his face.
"I'm fine now." I gulped, not making direct eye-contact. "Let's just keep going."

From being Spider-Man to the Incy Wincy Spider, I climbed back up the pipe with Miles following behind me - this time making sure that I was fully concentrated on my task. It didn't take as long to get to the top as I thought it would, which I was very grateful for. After we got to the end of the pipe, the mrest of the journey was simple. We took turns shuffling across the top floor ledge and then hopped onto the roof.

While I waited for Miles to catch up, I decided to do something about the voice in my head. 'Hello?' I said nervously.
'Sup, kiddo. Took you long enough. How long does it take to get a thank-you around here? he answered.
'Sorry. Thanks for helping me. I would've died if it weren't for you.'
You got that right, son, he said cheerily.

'Um, who are you anyway?'
I go by many names such as Amicus, Aspectu, Servatis and more. But you can call me Ace!
'Those don't sound like English names.' I mentioned.
That's 'cause they're Latin names, after the origin of your own name, Cecil. Did you know your name means 'blind'? Such a coincidence!

'Why is that a coincidence? And why are you in my head?'
You'll find out soon, kid. I'll explain it all later. Looks like your friend is here. Gotta go, bye!
'But-' I started to say before I heard the sound of a phone disconnecting. "Well that's just great!" I exclaimed out loud.

Miles lifted himself onto the roof and jogged over to me. "What's great?" he asked, confused.
"The man in my head is ignoring me!" Once again, he gave me his 'what-on-earth-are-you-talking-about?' face and all I could say was, "Trust me, I know as much as you do right now. I'm hoping to get some answers soon so let's find a way to get inside."

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