Alternate Ending:Clockwerk's Final hour

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(A/N There were two ideas I had for the ending. One were Clockwerk is killed, and the other Clockwerk is left alive. In this version, Sly doesn't rip off Clockwerk's wings)

Sly had ripped a hole open in Clockwerk's wing pack, disabling his wings. He then had him at the end of his cane

Clockwerk:Finish me. We both know I'll come back.

Sly was about to drive his cane through his torso, but stopped at the last minute.

Sly:No. I want to see you rot, and suffer. If you ask me, that be a more fitting punishment.

(A/N The next few parts go mostly the same, with Clockwerk pulling Ethan off the cliff. One of the differences is Clockwerk is damaged so he can't escape)

The Interpol boats soon arrived. The made sure Clockwerk had as many officers escorting him as possible escorting him onto the boat.

Clockwerk:I will escape, Cooper. I will never stop tormenting your family. You will never be free of the wrath of Cl-

He was cut off by Sly hitting him in the face with his cane.

Julie:Villains don't know when to shut up, do they?

Sly:Tell me about it

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