Ch.12:Clockwerk's Final Hour

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The group finally confronted the villains.

Rajan:What?! You're still alive?!

Grizz:What happened to the beast?!

Julie:Maybe you should ask Davy Jones.

Jean:You drowned it? Harsh...

Mz.Ruby:You killed my BABY!

The gator lunged at the group. However, they simply moved out of the way, resulting in her hitting a tree.

Dimitri:She did not think that through.

Clockwerk:Don't just stand around, you idiots! GET THEM!

The other villains charged in. Diane was up against General Tsao.

Tsao:Crimson Paw.

Diane:Shall we dance, General?

Tsao:You face death, like a warrior.

He drew his sword and the two fought. Eventually ending with Diane getting a hold of Tsao's katana.

Tsao:You are more formidable than I thought.

Unknown to Diane, El Jefe was beginning to sneak up on her. However, as he was about to strike, she used the katana to block his blades, she then kicked him in the chest, sending him into a tree.

Penelope:Nice shot.

Suddenly, Bentley's chair started flying on it's own.

Grizz:What the?

Then it flew right at him and hit him right in the face. From behind the chair came Tarantula.

Bentley:How did...?

Tarantula:Hacking skills, baby.

Bentley crawled back on his chair.

Tarantula:Do you have any weapons on this thing?

Bentley:I have a taser.

Tarantula:That'll do.

She accessed the taser, and then the two shot Raleigh, then Rajan.

Tarantula:Double kill, baby!

Shark began fighting Muggshot.

Muggshot:Like I'm gonna let some overgrown goldfish beat me.

Shark growled.

Shark:I may not be the group muscle, but I still pack a punch.

He decked Muggshot right in the jaw, making him drop his cigar.

Muggshot:That was a Cuban! Now you've done it!

Shark punched him three more times in the face, and Panda King finished him off with a palm strike to the gut.

Panda King:Impressive.

Shark:Size does have it's perks.

Piranha was fighting Jean Bison

Jean:You think you can take me? You're like the size of my-

He was cut off by Piranha jumping on his face.

Wolf:I love that guy.

Murray grabbed the back of Jean's shirt and punched him in the gut a few times. He fell down, with Piranha jumping off.

Murray:You are feistier then you look.

Piranha:I get that a lot.

Hyena and Penelope were up against Toothpick. He was firing every bullet, resulting in the two being pinned. Meanwhile Julie was going up against Ms.Decibel.

Julie:So what's your gimmick?

Ms.Decibel blew the trumpet in her trunk, and huge waves of sound came at Julie, but she dodged it, but the blast destroyed the rock behind her.

Julie:Okay...that is actually kinda impressive.

But Julie wasn't gonna give up easy. She ran circles around Ms.Decibel, eventually grabbing her trunk.


Julie stuffed a rock in the trumpet, blocking it.

Julie:Dimitri! Little help here.

Dimitri ran into Ms.Decibel and knocked her over, right onto Toothpick.

Penelope:Thanks guys.

However, Marmalade soon arrived as well.

Hyena:Oh yeah...forgot about him.

Hyena managed to sneak up behind grab onto Marmalade, but he began flying off.

Marmalade:You didn't think this through, did ya?

Penelope, with some quick thinking, threw one over spare wrenches and Hyena caught it. She used it to pry off one of the suit's boosters. Marmalade began flying towards the ground. Hyena leapt off just as Marmalade hit Contessa.

Contessa:I think one of legs snapped off.

Marmalade:Oh grow up. It's grow back.

Carmelita was fighting Neyla.

Carmelita:I never forgot how you double crossed us.

Neyla:Yes, seeing your faces was very entertaining. I would gladly do it again if it were possible.

Carmelita growled as she continued to fight her. Until Neyla had her arms tied up in her whip.

Neyla:I am very much looking forward to seeing that little brat of your-

She was cut off by Wolf punching her in the back of her head, knocking her out.

Wolf:Villains don't know when to shut up, do they?

Snake used Neyla's whip to tie her up

Piranha:So what are we going to do with them?

Hyena:I got an idea...

The threw the villains into the tunnel The Beast came from, just as they were regaining consciousness.

Rajan:Don't you dare.

Hyena planted the sticky bombs she brought.

Hyena:Always wanted to say this:FIRE IN THE HOLE!

She pushed the detonator, and rocks covered the entrance.

Hyena:Don't worry about air, Interpol will be here soon to help you guys out.


Bentley:Yeah, we also sent the tracker's location to Interpol as well.


Julie blew a raspberry and the group left.

Julie:We just need to take out Clockwerk, and then we need to get off this island.

As if on cue, Clockwerk swooped in.

Clockwerk:Nobody's going anywhere!

Clockwerk swooped over and began chocking Carmelita. Ethan remember what his Dad told him. "Be strong". He broke off a tree branch and ran up to Clockwerk.

Ethan:Let go of my Mom!

He smashed the branch at the side of Clockwerk's head. Clockwerk reviled in pain as he let go of Carmelita.

Ethan:Mom, are you okay?

Carmelita:I've been worse.

Clockwerk began getting back up.

Sly:Stay back, guys. This is my fight.

Julie was about to go in, but Wolf stopped her.

Wolf:You heard the man. This is personal.

Sly:You've tormented my family for years. Killed hundreds of Coopers and and anyone else in your way, including my parents. But that. Ends. Now.

The two began to fight. Sly using his cane to block Clockwerk's attack

Sly:You left me without parents! My son is not sharing that life!

Clockwerk:Maybe you should have thought of that before taking advantage of Ms.Fox.

The really angered Sly, as he really began wailing on Clockwerk. The two working their way towards a cliff on the edge of the island. Unfortunately, Clockwerk managed to get the upper hand by pinning Sly to the ground, with Sly dropping his cane.

Tarantula:We gotta help him.

Ethan ran in, still had the tree branch in his hand.

Carmelita:Ethan, no!

He ran up to Clockwerk and hit him in the chest with the branch, knocking him off.

Sly:Thanks, bud.

Wolf picked up Sly's cane.

Wolf:I believe this belongs to you.

He tossed Sly the cane. Sly caught it and nodded.

Ethan:Go get him, Dad.

Sly continued to beat Clockwerk, even hooking his cane into one of his wings, then ripping it off.

Sly:This is for every Cooper you've killed! Every child you left orphaned. Every life you ruined

Clockwerk then showed something he hadn't shown in ages...fear.

Sly:Now leave my family ALONE!

Sly impaled Clockwerk right in his chest. Even Clockwerk's artificial heart came out.

Wolf:Huh, so he does have one of those.

The lights in Clockwerk's eyes began fading, and eventually, shot off completely. Sly removed his cane and Clockwerk slumped over.

Sly dropped to his knee in exhaustion.

Sly:That may have been one of the most satisfying things I have ever done...

Diane:So, is it over? Is know...


Unfortunately, Clockwerk was still alive, he then grabbed Ethan's foot.


Clockwerk cackled as he began slipping off the cliff, dragging Ethan off. Sly grabbed his hand. Some of the others joined in. Unfortunately, just as Clockwerk finally died, both he and Ethan fell off the cliff.


Everyone was shocked.

Sly:We need to get down there, asap!

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