Round Three, Scene Six

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"Let all cats old enough to catch their own- you know what? Just everybody, come here." Sharpstar flicks his tail as his four- no, three- cats dragged out of their dens.
"Echospirit...." Whitespeck's mew is barely a whisper.
" no no!" Fawncloud darts over to her best friend, not really caring if her beautiful pelt is soaked in blood.
Ivytalon gazes around the camp, trying to sniff out the she-cat that had guided her around previously. "Echospirit?" She calls, her voice peaking in distress. "Echospirit?!"
Whitespeck is deep in conversation with Sharpstar, whispering something in a deep tone.
Will they be able to capture the perpetrator? (Fun fact, perpetrator is the word that lost me the 5th grade spelling bee. :,| sad times)

Who done-did it? It's narrowed down to three!...or two, since Ivytalon doesn't really count...:p

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