15 Things about Me

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So, here it goes

1. I play the piano, I have been playing since I was  5 years old, it's my way to relax.

2. I get addicted very easily to absolutely anything... cigarettes, coffee, video games, shows I watch, songs I like (seriously when I find a song I really like I'm capable of listening to that song for days in loop - the last one was I'm Into You by Chet Faker, before that was Mr. Hurricane by Beast, before that R.I.P. To My Youth by The Neighbourhood... it never ends) and I've been addicted to ff for the last what, 5 years? So far it's the healthiest addiction I've ever had.

3. English is not my first language and I'm actually very insecure about using it.

4. I love The Walking Dead, but you all know that :-), what I love even more are Marvel movies.

5. I'm 38 years old, but I've been told I look younger.

6. I've got a son, he's 12 and he's amazing.

7. I'm not married, and I'm not going to be :-P marriage is overrated!

8. I'm fascinated by human mind, why we do what we do... psychology is a hobby of mine, psychopaths and sociopaths in particular (I know, shocker).

9. I love the Sun and warm weather, but I was born in a country where we have either rain or cold for most of the year. Lucky me, huh?

10. I prefer to have few really good friends than a lot of fake ones. (The fake ones never tell you to go change because you look terrible.... or help you hide a body!!)

11. I am a dog person, I've got two. While I don't have anything against cats, I just prefer when the animal actually listens to me when I tell it to get lost :-D 

12. My favorite color is blue.

13. I wouldn't be able to even try to write a story of my own if I haven't met scriptor412, she's the best!

14. I love to bake, but I am terrible at it. However, my boyfriend always tries it and tells me it's delicious :-D He's that nice.

15. I hate carnivals.

Wow, that was actually quite difficult, 15 cool things?? :-D I'm happy I came up with 15 whatever things :-D

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