Chapter Five:Together...Somewhat

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       Hera and Sabine had landed on the Rebellion's new base of operation. Hoping to run into others they knew.
        On the other side of the base, Zeb and Kanan landed with the same hopes.
        As Kanan and Zeb walked toward the center of the base Kanan noticed someone in bright colours: Sabine. He tapped Zeb on the shoulder and they both ran in her direction calling her name.
        Sabine heard her name being called and looked around. It took her only a moment to see both Kanan and Zeb coming her way. She called to Hera and met them halfway.
        They all cried and laughed at the same time. Happy to be reunited with each other. But there was a twinge of sadness because Ezra and Chopper weren't there.
        "You guys don't know where Ezra and Chopper are either," Kanan stated.
        "No. But maybe now that we're together we'll have a better chance of finding him." Hera said.
        "I just found out that the Rebellion needs a volunteer crew to go grab supplies," Sabine informed them.
         "Is it a dangerous pickup?" Hera asked.
         "No. According to Captain Rex, we're just picking up supplies from a drop off spot." Sabine replied.
         "Well, we should probably get going then," Zeb said.
         "What about Ezra and Chopper?" Kanan inquired.
         "The best chance we have of finding them is to continue the fight against the Empire," Hera answered.
         "You're right." Kanan admitted.
~~~~~(Time Skip)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        The Ghost crew were almost to the drop off spot. All of them relieved the others were okay. But there was still some sadness on the air because nobody knew where Ezra and Chopper were.
        The planet where they were picking up supplies was a small remote planet. With little Imperial activity.
         Kanan was in his room meditating when he felt something weird. Familiar but weird. He shook it off as Hera called everyone together.
         Their plan was to go and grab the supplies from the far end of the settlement.
         As they walked down the ramp they noticed that there were no stormtroopers guarding the spaceport.
        "Weird," said Sabine,"you'd think the Empire would have security at least in the spaceport."
        "Not at all actually. There haven't been any troopers around here in a while." A man said.
        "Who are you?" Kanan asked.
        "I'm the one with the supplies I'm giving the rebellion." He said pointing to the crates on the landing deck.
        "Thanks," Hera said.
        "No problem. The rebellion needs these supplies more than I do so I thought I might help out." He said.
         The crew loaded the crates onto the Ghost and after waving goodbye to the man they took off.
         As they were getting ready to take off into hyperspace a huge star destroyer appeared.
(Aboard the huge star destroyer)

        "Lord Morgen, there is a small useless trade ship trying to enter hyperspace. Should we use it as target practice?" One of the commanders said.
        Dev or "Lord Morgen" as he was called glanced out the front window at the ship. It was small compared to his destroyer and yet he felt as if it were bigger.
       "Let it go. Trade must go on if even in the outer rim." He replied.
        The commander nodded in respect.
         What is it about that ship? I've seen it before, but where? Dev thought.
         He had no time to think more of the small trade ship though. He had a planet to inspect. He usually came by every so often to check the planet and to give a report to the Empire of their trade.
(On the Ghost)
      After the star destroyer appeared the crew prepared for a fight. A fight that never came.
      "Is it me, or do you guys think that was weird?" Hera asked.
      "Very weird," Zeb said.
      "We were most definitely on their scanners," Sabine said.
      "Is something wrong, Kanan?" Hera asked.
      "No. Just thought I felt something familiar," Kanan answered.
       It's been a while. Sorry for the lack of updates. I will be aiming to update more often. Keyword aiming.

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