Chapter 1

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The wind brushed gently against the trees making small quiet sounds. Kiba sat on an old log crossing his arms as he ran his fingers gently through his brown hair. His slit eyes looked up. A smile curled up on his lips making the red upside down triangles on his cheeks stretch out a bit as he saw his friend Akumaru run up to him. "Ay boy where've ya been? I've been looking all over for you!" He chuckled as the big white dog jumped on him licking his master's cheek leaving it wet after words. Kiba ruffled Akumaru's fur getting up,"wanna get something to eat bud?" The big dog barked in agreement hearing back from the direction he came from. "Ay! Wait for me!" Kiba shouted running after his friend, his smile widened as his canine teeth grew more visible. "Man you've gotten quicker huh?but you're still a slow poke compared to me!" He shouted sprinting past his friend. Akumaru barked in joy as he chased after his master. Once the two made it to Konhona, Kiba was beat. He panted like a dog trying to catch his breath, "man i'm out of shape" Akumaru stood beside him barking at him. Kiba snorted,"whatever, i'm still faster than you." The white dog shook his head beginning to walk again. Kiba growled his nose cringing as his slit eyes thinned,"shut up akumaru! You know i'm right!" He caught up with his friend crossing his arms pouting like a child. Him and akumaru have been together since they were pups, he had a strong relationship with him. Much like his clan, they're basically like dogs, but not in a bad way. The Inuzuka clan was known for their relationships with beasts, hence forth their ability to talk to dogs and pretty much everything you see in a dog. It's pretty simple once you understand. "Kiba", A stern calm voice called out to him. Kiba turned around and smiled seeing his friend Shino."ay shino! What's up?" Shino have been friends for two years now, since they became partners for the academy and both became chuinn together. Kiba waited for shino to catch up with him and akumaru,"what'd do you need Shino?" Shino pulled a small scroll from his pocket handing it to him,"Lady Hokage wants to see you" Kiba look the scroll and grinned wildly,"hell yea! You hear that Akumaru?! We finally might get a mission to ourselves!" Akumaru barked happily wagging his tail excitedly. Shino let out a silent sigh and walked away. Kiba shoved the scroll in his pocket,"what are we waiting for?! Let's go!", He excitedly exclaimed like a puppy who just came out of the bath and headed off running to the Hokage's building, akumaru followed close behind his master.

  Once they both made it, they entered Lady Tsunade's office. Kiba bowed slightly at the blonde woman and smiled while Akumaru barked. "Hello Lady Hokage, Shino sent me here, he said you wanted to see me?" Tsunade nodded with a faint smile folding her arms beneath her big chest," i have an assignment for you and Akumaru." Kiba's smile widened his canine teeth more visible than before,"really?! Aw man this is great! What's the assignment?" Tsunade sighed and smiled, " i want you to head over to the village Hidden in the Sand to held the Kazekage." Kiba blinked, "you mean Gaara? But why?" Tsunade's smile disappeared," because the Kazekage wants one of my best chunin to help him and i chose you, so you should be honored." Kiba sighed and nodded," yes lady hokage." Kiba turned around but Tsunade stopped him," wait Kiba" Kiba turned around and sniffed looking at her," yes?" Tsunade smiled," you won't be doing this alone, I also have a joinin that will assist you, he is also from Suna I'm sure you know him." Kiba tilted his head, who could she possibly be talking about? Kiba's nose twitched and he heard Akumaru let out a low growl as his eyes trailed at the door behind him a figure walking in. The figure was tall and wore all black, a hood with cat like ears, a large bandage wrapped bag on their back. Kiba looked up at the slightly taller figure his eyes widening seeing the painted face he recognized completely," Kankuro?!" Kankuro looked at the dog ninja and weakly smirked," well ain't it the mutt, how've ya been" Kiba snarled at the word mutt," I'm not a mutt ok?" He looked at lady Tsunade," why does he have to help me? I can handle it myself with Akumau at my side!" Tsuande sighed," because he is the brother of the Kazekage"
Kankuro scoffed,"yeah idiot plus I didn't ask for this so don't push me" Kankuro said walking off," let's get going, it's a pretty long trip from Konhona to Suna" his painted lips twisted into a smirk," mutt"

Kiba finished packing the things he needed and sighed leaving his house with Akumaru at his side. The big white dog barked up at his master," I know boy, I'm pretty disappointed too...ugh why did it have to be him out of all people" Kiba sighed looking at the ground," he saved my life once, I'm grateful for that but I didn't expect to see that bastard again" Akumaru yipped in agreement running off ahead of him after seeing Kankuro. Kankuro was seated on the floor petting a stray cat but it soon ran off after seeing Akumaru. Kankuro glared slightly and got up,"I still can't believe that small mutt is this big" Kiba snorted and kneeled down ruffling his companion's fur," he sure did but you know things don't always stay the same" The sand ninja just shrugged."well you didn't, you're the same brat I remember saving" the dog ninja snarled defensively," no I'm not , im not the same geninn I used to be." Kankuro grinned," so what you're a chuninn now? I'm a shinobi a high ranked ninja of the village hidden in the sand." Kiba got up and started walking crossing his arms closing his eyes snorting," whatever stop showing off, you're not that great." Kiba growled as both ninja reached the entrance of Konhna. "Aw is someone mad? Did I get the little runt mad?" Kankuro smirked reaching out grabbing Kiba by the waist running his hand up the side of his waist resting his chin on Kiba's shoulder a seductive smirk spreading across his slightly parted lips. A chill shot up Kiba's spine feeling the heat from the others body. He felt heat rushing up to his face as he pulled himself away quickly walking a bit faster," s-shut up, let's just get going I don't want your Kazekage to get mad if we're late" Kiba barely managed to say walking quicker; he hated stuttering but he couldn't help himself at this point. Kankuro slid his hands in his pockets agusting crow, his puppet, on his back catching up to Kiba. A smirk still placed in his lips.

Two days past of arguing, babbling and training. Kiba felt a hot breeze brush against his body as Akumaru and he entered Suna, The Village Hidden in the Sand. "Holly crap! Ive never been to Suna! Its hot, and windy. And cool!" If kiba had a tail he'd be wagging it.

Kankuro just strugged walking past Kiba and his friend entering the Village's entrance,"its a desert, nothing special, but it is really really different from Konhna, like environmental wise-" Kankuro was cut off by Kiba screaming. The puppeteer panicked and gave Kiba a worried look, " what!? Did something happen?!" Kiba whimpered like a puppy that didn't get a treat," i got sand in my eye." Kankuro glared sighing, he's such an idiot i swear...

Kankuro just ignored the crying kiba as the tree of them headed to the Kazekage's office. It wasn't much different than the Hokage's office, both were simple and plan. Boring. "At least its not sandy in here.." Kiba mumbled as he bowed to Gaara. He hadn't really changed since the last time he saw him. Gaara had blood red hair, dark lines around his eyes like he wears eyeliner, pale skin and piercing aqua eyes. Kiba shivered, scary...

"Hey Gaara" Kankuro said to break the silence in the room,"here's the ninja the Hokage assigned to you,"

"Kiba Inzuka, Long time no see"

Kiba perked up, "ah yes, hello Gaara" Kiba smiled showing his sharp canines. "How can i be of servus?" Gaara got up and walked over to Kiba handing him a file of papers, " i want you to help Kankuro here in our academy to help train some of our future generation of shinobi."

Kankuro's eyes widened," what? Uh Gaara i'm fine! I don't need help. My students are perfectly fine with just me. Plus i don't need any help nor will Kiba even want to to help-"
"Sure, we love kids" Kiba smiled looking down at Akumaru," don't we boy?" Akumaru barked in agreement thumping his tail against the floor. Gaara smiled faintly and nodded, " then it is done, thank you, you will start tomorrow as for now you will be staying at Kankuro's house as a guest. You three are dismissed." Kiba smiled brightly and ruffled his pal's fur,"you hear that bud? Are you excited?" Akumaru licked Kiba's cheek wagging his tail. Kankuro snorted as grabbed the dog ninja by the back of the collar dragging him out of the Kazekage's office,"thank you Gaara, I'll make sure I'll be gentle with him~" Kiba's eyes widened struggling," noooooo! Let go i can walk! Come on! Don't be like this! AKUMARU!" Gaara watched them leave and looked down at Akumaru kneeling down gently scratching the top of his head, "i'd keep an eye on them if i were you" Akumaru barked and nodded getting up running after the two.

Kiba was thrown into a room as he slid against the floor hitting his back against the wall letting out a grunt, "ow... what the hell man...that hurt" The dog ninja whined as he slowly picked himself off the ground. Kankuro closed the door behind himself setting his bag down shrugging." sorry i guess" He smiled as sat on the edge of his bed unwrapping his puppet fixing the arms. Kiba scoffed and looked up hearing scratching on the door as he crawled to it opening it his best friend jumping on him. The dog ninja laughed and ruffled Akumaru's fur nuzzling him," did the mean puppet man lock you out?" The white dog barked in response.
"Don't worry he won't do it again."
"Shut have a big day tomorrow" Kankuro blankly stated putting his puppet away grabbing taking his hat off and walking to the bathroom," I don't have any other beds so we're sharing one" Kiba froze, sharing? A bed? What the hell! I ain't sharing a bed with him! But...I don't want him thinking anything if I don't...ugh!! Man I hate him I just wanna go back to the leaf's just one month...just'll live...I hope...Kiba sighed and slightly smiled," sure, I'm ok with that, just warning you I'm a fussy sleeper. Kankuro yelled from the bathroom," fine by me"

After Kankuro finished bathing both ninja dressed themselves into their sleeping clothes and joined into the bed. Kiba felt a little awkward but didn't show it, and Kankuro...? Nah he just didn't really care. Kiba turned to the side his back faced to Kankuro," alright, good night" Kiba yawned and purred closing his eyes. "Ya...good night..." Kankuro turned off the candle and laid in his side facing Kiba's back. He fought off the urge to hug him...

( well that was chapter one
Sorry if it's bad I tried
Anyway I'll try and keep on writing more chapters as soon as I can because i have a habit of procrastinating hehe

So if you guys like it I'll really make me happy ^^ anyway hope you enjoyed this, bye~!

*edit* oof I just reread this and fixed a few small things
Probably gunna fix it a bit more and man
I was fangirling so much? I forgot I wrote this?
This is the best thing I've ever written
Anyway thank you all for the sweet comments I promise I'll be updating soon
And I probably (I will) he posting the next chapter on November 19th (my birthday >w< )
It's gunna be a long chapter!
Hopefully my mind wants to make a good solid chapter like this one?
Can someone in the comments give me a few ideas?
Cuz XD I suck..
Anyway thank're all so kind
Goodnight/ Goodmorning/ Afternoon

-DJ )

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