Battlezone Part 2 (Mingkwan)

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The next morning P'Kit and I are leaving our apartment.  Just as the elevator is about to close P'Jun comes running at us calling for us to hold the elevator.  I push the button even though P'Kit wants to let it shut.

"Thanks." He says panting.

He turns and looks at me in confusion.  I'm in regular clothes as I am simply handing in my paperwork today.

"Why aren't you dressed nong?" He asks.

"I am dressed Pii." I answer.

"I mean in your college uniform." He amends.

"As if you care." I mumble while P'Kit takes my hand.

"Don't worry Ming. Really, you should have chosen Chulalongkorn all along.  They're program is better than ours and I've heard their faculties actually get along." He says trying to comfort me.

"Hm." I hum.

"Chulalongkorn? What are you talking about?" P'Jun asks.

"Truly, it's none of your business.  So please stop acting like you care." P'Kit says.

When the elevator doors open he all but drags me out of the elevator and to the car.  We have two stops to make, admissions at Kantaphat University to disenroll, then off to Chulalongkorn to see if I can still enroll.  I was accepted into their program so I have that on my side.

When we arrive at school, it only takes moments before fellow classmates start to attack.  They don't even care that P'Kit is with me.  I watch carefully though, I don't want him to get angry.

"You're right nong, this faculty is full of cowards and losers.  I'm happy that you're leaving.  I would hate for you to be part of a group of brainless lemmings." P'Kit says loudly.

I don't even argue or try to defend them.  He's right after all.  I just ignore them and continue on to the admissions office.  I turn in my withdrawal form much to the surprise of the secretary.

"But school hasn't even started yet." She says looking confused.

"Hazing has." P'Kit states.

"Be grateful I'm not having charges brought up against the faculty of Engineering for the abuse they have inflicted upon him." He says angrily.

"I see." She mumbles and processes the form.

Pii is growing impatient at her slowness, but waits as patiently as he can: which involves a lot of loud sighing, foot tapping, and verbal complaints.  When she finishes he all but snatches it from her and pulls me out.

We're greeted by P'Jun and P'Hawk.  P'Kit is clearly not in the mood to deal with them and thankfully he just pulls me around them.

"So you're just giving up then? Not even going to try to fight?" P'Hawk calls out.

P'Kit turns and is in P'Hawk's face faster than anyone could imagine.  Then seemingly out of nowhere, P'Beam and P'Pha appear.

"My Ming was always too good for this school but he stupidly came here for me.  Now he's going to go to a great school with a fantastic Engineering program where the leaders actually act like leaders." He spits out.

"Let's go Ming." He says as he grabs my hand.

"Oh and Jun, don't think that I forgot that I still owe you one for what happened to my man." He says threateningly.

After that we made our way to Chulalongkorn and I was able to enroll.  Quite easily in fact.  I have a feeling that a certain medical student foresaw this and accepted the spot in my place.  We toured the campus and I have to admit that it's really nice.

We come upon the Engineering faculty where they are in the middle of their hazing.  I notice as someone points us out causing two seniors to run towards us.  They're slightly out of breath when they reach us but the first thing I notice is their smiles.

"Are you Mingkwan?" one of them asks.

"Yes. How would you know that?" I ask feeling nervous.

"Well we've been expecting you." He answers.

"You have? I just enrolled today." I tell him.

"That's funny.  You're on our roster." He says looking confused.

"That would be my fault.  I signed him up." P'Kit says.

"P'Kit!" I yell.

"What? I knew what would happen and I couldn't let your education be ruined because of it.  If I had my way you never would have stepped foot on that campus." He complains.

"So who are you two?" P'Kit asks turning his attention to the boys standing in front of us.

"My name is Forth.  I'm the head hazer and this is Lam, he's my second." He introduces.

"Nice to meet you Piis." I say offering a wai.

"Nice to meet you too, now go get in formation, you've already missed a lot.  Tomorrow we'll expect you in uniform." P'Forth says.

"Yes Pii." I respond.

"Bye P'Kit.  I'll see you at home." I say placing a kiss on his cheek.

"I don't know how you run your program here but if he's treated anything like he was at Kantaphat University I will kill you.  And I don't mean figuratively." He warns before walking off.

"I know every inch of that body so don't test me." He calls over his shoulder.

"Wow, he's intense." P'Lam says as he swings his arm over my shoulder.

"Kantaphat huh? What did you do to upset the hazers there?" P'Forth asks.

"I'm dating him." I say pointing at P'Kit who is walking away.

"That's it?" They both say at the same time.

"He's a medical student if that means anything to you." I add.

"I don't understand." P'Lam says.

"Me neither! But apparently it was a big deal there." I say.

"Well don't worry about that here.  And even if we can't stand you, we would never lay a hand on you." P'Forth says.

"But luckily we like you.  By the way, your man looks familiar." P'Lam says.

"P'Kit?" I ask feeling annoyed.

"I don't know his name but he looks familiar." He says.

"Oh right.  He and his friends go to the same club that we do.  He hangs out with that guy you like Forth." P'Lam teases.

"Which one?" I ask as I pull up a picture of the three of them together.

"This one!" He yells tapping on the screen.

"Oh that's P'Beam.  He's a bit of a playboy though Pii." I warn.

"Oh we know." P'Lam says with a wink.

I have to admit that I fit in much better with this group of people.  They accepted me immediately and helped me where I needed it.  And no one cared at all that I was dating a guy from the medical faculty at a different college.

At the end of the day as I'm walking off the field I'm greeted by a somewhat intimidating sight.  It's the engineering faculty from Kantaphat University.  All of them.  I can't believe this is happening.  Why are they here? I left their school.

I send a quick text to P'Kit telling him that I have a ride home.  I don't want him involved in this.  I don't want to be involved in this but I guess I don't have a choice.

"What's going on here nong?" P'Forth asks.

"I really don't know Pii but it's my fight.  It's not fair to involve you.  I'm sorry that they've come here." I say.

"I'm not.  How dare they go after one of ours?" He says.

"Stay here." He says as he and P'Lam walk up and are greeted by P'Jun and P'Hawk.

"What the hell is all of this?" A voice asks. 

I turn and find my classmates here.  I stare dumbly at them.  Didn't they all leave?  Not only that, more are coming onto the field.  I have no idea whose side they're on.  These people don't know me at all, they have no allegiance to me.  However the thing that is most distressing is when P'Kit strolls onto the field.

He's being followed by an overwhelming group of people.  Enough that both engineering faculties look at them in awe. He, P'Pha, and P'Beam walk to the where P'Forth and P'Lam are talking to P'Jun and P'Hawk.

From what I can tell P'Pha is the man in charge here. He's the one who's doing the most talking which ends with him throwing his fist into P'Jun's face.  With a loud roar people everywhere run into the field and start fighting.

It's overwhelming.  It's so loud and the tension is so thick it feels like running into a wall.  I refuse to swing unless they're wearing Kantaphat's engineering uniform.  Then I go all out.  These people harassed me for an entire week, ganging up on me and making things difficult for me.

Somehow I find myself being held by two guys while a P'Jun is hitting me in the face.  I'm tired and still sore from my previous beatings.  I see P'Jun rear back for what looks like will be a powerful punch and I choose to stare at him.  I refuse to close my eyes.

Good thing too or I wouldn't have seen P'Kit fly into action.  Now I've never seen P'Kit fight before, well not street fight.  Of course I've seen him in tournaments and I know how great he is but this is a whole different beast.

The crunch I expected to hear in my face actually came from P'Jun's hand when P'Kit broke it.  When he turns and looks at the boys holding me his stare is frightening.  He slowly walks towards us and I can feel them shaking but refusing to let go.

"Do you think I won't hurt you just because you're holding onto him?" He asks.

"You wouldn't dare." One of them shouts although he didn't sound quite confident.

"Oof." He says as he slumps down and pulls me with him.

"Quick jab to the kidney." P'Beam says as he walks around with a satisfied look on his face.

"Looks like we're about done here Kit." P'Forth says as he and P'Lam stroll over.

"I can't believe they came onto our turf to go after one of our nongs." P'Lam says in disbelief.

"What do we do about these people?" P"Lam says motioning to the mostly unconscious group of people.

"I say we leave them scattered here for security to find them." P'Beam says.

"Sounds like a plan.  Let's collect our people and make an anonymous tip to security." P'Lam suggests.

"Aren't there cameras Pii? Won't they know who was involved?" I ask.

"Oh I'm pretty sure they already know, but those people came onto our property looking for a fight.  They'll forgive us." P'Forth says confidently.

"I'm sorry Pii.  This is my fault." I say feeling pretty awful.

"No.  It's not.  It's theirs and you need to hold them responsible." P'Pha says.

"He's right Ming.  They assaulted you there and then they came here to do the same thing." P'Kit says.

"Thanks for helping him by the way." P'Kit says to P'Forth.

"You don't have to thank me.  He's one of ours." He responds.

"How about P'Kit and I treat you guys to dinner?" I offer.

"That sounds great nong." P'Beam says which of course piqued P'Forth's interest.

We really did leave those students on the campus grounds and went out to dinner.  It was nice and I think I may see a love connection between P'Forth and P'Beam.  Poor P'Lam, he's the odd man out.  At least I thought so until this incredibly hot girl walks in.  She smiles widely before walking over and sitting on his lap.

"Everyone, this is my girlfriend Alice." He introduces.

Turns out she's an engineering student too and was involved in the fight.  Strangely there's not a mark on her. 

"I can't believe I lost a nail." She complains.

"It must have gotten stuck in that girl's hair while I was hitting her face." She says casually.

I simply stare at her as P'Lam kisses her fingers gently.  Whoa, P'Alice is not someone to mess with.  Looking at P'Kit, P'Beam, and P'Pha they're all super impressed with her too.

After dinner we head home.  It makes me nervous that we live next door to P'Jun.  He came after me at my new school, what's to stop him from coming after me at home?

"So I should have talked to you about this sooner but we weren't sure if this would work out.  Now we know it will and we've already taken care of everything." P'Kit says.

"I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about." I say.

"We're moving." He says.

"What?" I ask, perhaps a bit loudly.

"We bought a house, Pha, Beam, and I.  We're going to move in there with N'Yo, and possibly one day that guy Beam seems to have his eye on." He says.

"P'Forth!  That's great because he really likes P'Beam."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, he brought him up today."

"Great! I can't wait to tell Beam." He says picking up his phone.

"Can it wait a bit?" I ask taking his phone and throwing it on the table.

"I need some attention." I tell him and lead him to the bedroom.

"Good thing I'm going to be a doctor.  I'll make sure to check every inch of your body and make sure it's in perfect working order." He whispers.

A shiver shoots through me as I start to fantasize about what he's going to do to my body.  That dream quickly vanishes as soon as I feel his tongue run up the length of my cock.  I let out an 'ah' as he swirls it around, lightly licking at the tip. 

Just as I expect him to swallow me he licks his way back down.  I lift my body and stare at him feeling confused until he sucks one of my balls into his mouth. I drop my head back down and savor the feeling of his warm mouth.

His hands run up and down my legs before moving to my chest. He slowly drags them down my front leaving red trails from the strength he is using.  He releases my balls and shifts his body so that his ass is in my face.  He engulfs my cock this time and I go to work on his hole.

I spread hi cheeks apart and pull him back slightly so that my mouth is in his crack.  I push out my tongue and lick lightly.  I place my hands firmly on his hips and start attacking his hole.  I lick and lap at that opening pushing my tongue into that tight ring.  He's moaning around my cock sending vibrations through it.

I pull away enough to push my fingers into him.  I start with two, stretching that area.  I'm so ready.  I want to be in him right now, but I continue to work diligently.  When I remove my fingers to add a third, he releases me and turns.  He lowers himself onto my cock slowly keeping his eyes closed the entire time. 

My mind goes blank.  I look up at my lover who is sitting on me with his hands resting on my chest.  His eye fly open and he starts bouncing on me.  His head is thrown back as he begins his ride.  I have his hips and guide his movements.

He's so tight.  I only prepped with two fingers.  He's squeezing me and the heat of his body is driving me crazy.  His moaning brings me back as he has now started rolling his hips back and forth instead of bouncing.  He can move much faster this way and he does.

The concentration on his face, the sweat that is glistening on his body, the soft moans that escape his mouth all make him look sexier right now.  His dick is bouncing against my stomach, it's swollen and red.  He needs a release.  I lick the palm of my hand and then wrap it around his length. 

I start stroking it, making sure to swipe the beads of precum that he releases.  He throws back his head as he lets out a long "ahh". I pump him hard.

"FUCK!" He screams as he cums into my hand and on his chest. I wipe my hand on my chest before grabbing him again.  I pull my knees in and thrust powerfully into him.  His moans have become louder and stringing together.  He sounds like he's singing right now, and my tool is the conductor.

He squeezes his tunnels and I squeeze my eyes shut on my last few thrust.  I bite into his shoulder as I cum hard into him.

"What's with you and biting?" He complains while panting.

"I don't know, you bring out the beast in me." I say with a smile.

"At least it wasn't your dick this time." I say which earns a sharp slap to the side of my head.

I deserved that.

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