The Challenger (SOTUS)

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This is a bit different than what I would normally put out there but I'm still hoping you'll like it.

He would be hers.  She was sure of it.  It didn't matter that he was with her brother, he had to be hers.  It's just not right for two men to be together, not when they could be so great. 

She had a plan. She knew it would work. Sure it would hurt her brother but he would get over it. Hell maybe he would finally find a good girl to be with instead of HER man.

Deep down she knew it was wrong but she easily brushed those feeling aside.  She couldn't help how she felt.  She fell as soon as she saw him.  She had visited her brother in college and he had introduced them.  It was love at first sight.  For her at least.

She has fantasized about him for the last two years.  Unfortunately he would be graduating right as she entered college but that can't be helped. Once he became hers that would not be a factor.

Right now she needed to make sure that her plan was flawless.  Sure it was a bit cliché, but it's a sure fire way to catch him.  She would need to get a sedative, lure him to a hotel, then either actually do the deed or make him believe that they had.  Either way, her family would force a marriage between the two, she just knew it.

Later on she could fake a miscarriage or actually get pregnant.  Surely he would sleep with her once they were officially married.

This was going to work.  No matter what she would get what she wanted: Arthit Rojnapat would be hers and hers alone.  Everyone else be damned, especially her brother.

Arthit's POV:

It's been a long day.  I'm tired and cranky.  I've had to deal with too much crap today.  It's my last year, I should be enjoying it but lately I have been swamped with family business.  Even though I have been quite vocal about wanting to go in a different direction they keep dragging me back.

Their latest ploy is acceptance.

"We'll let you marry that boy." They dangle in front of me.

How do I say no to that? They're all but saying that I can live happily with the love of my life.  Of course I agreed.

"Pii.  What are you thinking about?" Kong asks as he irons his uniform.

"My family." I admit.

He stares at me for a moment before continuing.

"And?" He finally asks.

"They said they will accept us being together." I tell him.

"PII! That's great! I never thought this would happen.  I- I thought..." He can't get the words out.

His smile splits his face in half and it's breathtaking.  I hold open my arms and he walks into them after unplugging and putting the iron away.  I was starting to get annoyed waiting for him to be so damned responsible.

"There's a condition right?" I mumbles into my shoulder.

"Yes.  They say you have to be the wife and the bottom from now on." I say.

"They did not!" He laughs out.

"They want me to take over the family business." I admit.

"That's a big condition." He says pulling away.

"It would mean that I, we, would have to leave Bangkok to run the company.  Plus I know your pôr intends for you to take over his business.  Maybe we could merge them and run them both together." I ramble.

"We will have to consider that.  What do you want to do?" He asks.

"I told them yes.  Of course I did, I would do anything to marry you." I confess.

"Marry? They said we could get married? They actually said that? When? When can we?" He asks hurriedly.

"When do you want to?" I ask.

"Right now." He says seriously.

"Shouldn't we ask your parents first?" I ask.

"Nope.  They've already given their blessings.  Let's get married.  Now." He says grasping my hand between his.

"Alright, let's find ourselves a registrar." I say pulling out my phone.

I make a call to my dad who takes care of the rest.  An hour later we're at my parents' house getting officially married.  I have no idea why he's in such a hurry but he is.  Once it's done and we have the marriage certificate in hand he finally slows down.  He keeps looking at it and smiling.

"Did you think they'd change their minds?" I whisper into his ear.

"Something like that." He smiles back.

"Now all we have to do is get you last name officially changed to Suthiluck." He says smiling.

The room goes quiet as my dad walks over to us.  He looks between the two of us and all I can do is close my eyes as I await what inevitably will happen next.

"HAHAHAHA! Did he just say that YOU were changing your name? Does that make you the wife Arthit?" He asks looking way too happy.

I scowl at Kong who simply shrugs his shoulders.

"He would have found out sooner or later." He says trying to cover his laugh.

"No.  No he wouldn't have. If someone had kept their big mouth shut he would never have known our positions." I say nodding vigorously.

He full out laughs now and my father joins him.  I narrow my eyes at them and walk away.

"Oon.  Come back." He calls chasing after me.

"Be happy we're already married because I would have called it off after this!" I say heading for the kitchen then swiftly turn around bumping into him.

"AND I'm not changing my last name.  You are!" I yell poking him in the chest.

Kongpob's POV:

I rushed this.  I know it but I had to stake my claim.  I know someone is after my Pii and I know who.  She thinks she's clever but she isn't.  I see the way she looks at him, the scribblings and the pictures.  She has her sights set on my man and she'll stop at nothing to get him.

My sister, who is actually my cousin, was adopted into my family when she was five.  My parents doted on her because they felt bad about her situation.  The problem is that she turned into this entitled, self-righteous creature who believes she deserves everything she wants.  And she wants what's mine.

Not once have I given into her and I'm not about to start now.  The problem is that I know what kind of person she is.  She plays dirty when things don't work out the way she wants them to.

After the party P'Arthit and I head home.  When we pull up she's waiting at the door.  She looks tipsy.  Why would she be drunk here? I snort as I walk up to her.

"Meg, what are you doing here?" I ask not looking amused at all.

"Oh Pii, I came to you because I'm a little drunk and didn't want to get into trouble with mom and dad." She whisper yells.

"This is P'Arthit's room Meg." I point out.

"What? But I thought it was yours." She says innocently.

Arthit laughs and ruffles her hair.

"Take her to your room Kong.  I'll see you tomorrow." He says smiling.

"Wait! Aren't you going to help him carry me?" She asks with big eyes.

"Why? He can carry me and I'm pretty sure I weigh more than you do.  He can handle it." Arthit answers with a nod.

That's my man!

"Come on Meg, let's go." I say making like I'm going to carry her.

"I don't need your help." She snaps pulling her arm away from mine.

"I didn't think you did." I say. 

"Should I call a cab for you?" I ask.

"Whatever." She mumbles.

Ten minutes later she's sulking in a cab heading home and I go back to my Oon.  It's our wedding night after all.  I unlock the door and walk in.  Arthit whirls around in surprise then relaxes when he recognizes me.

"Kong! You scared the crap out of me! Why are you here?" He asks.

"It's our wedding night babe.  We have things to do." I whisper as I capture his lips with mine.

I walk him back towards the bed as I kiss him lustfully.  My tongue has long since been in his mouth, tangled with his.  My hands under his shirt running along his alabaster skin. I pull away long enough to remove his shirt and mine then fuse our mouths together again.  His hands are steadily working on my pants trying to remove them. 

I push him onto the bed and deftly undo his jeans then slide them and his underwear from his body.  I slowly remove mine trying to drive him crazy.  I tug them over my hips then let them reveal my V line.  Soon my cock is demanding to be noticed as it pushes its way out.  He licks his lips at its reveal.  I let my pant fall to the floor and step out of them.

Arthit is propped up on his elbows chewing on his bottom lip as I stalk towards him.  He falls to his back as I cover him.  His arms wrap around me as I kiss him.  I move down placing kisses down his jawline and his neck.  I reach his already hard nipples and lick at them, flicking them with my tongue.  Sometimes it's frustrating choosing which one to minister to while the other gets pinched and twisted.

I run my tongue down the center of his body letting my tongue dip into his belly button. I lift his penis and drag my bottom lip up the shaft then pop the head into my mouth.  While I suck on it I swirl my tongue around it. I love the feel of the slit so I lightly flick my tongue across it.

His legs are rigid as I tease him.  I know what he wants.  He wants me to take him completely into my mouth. Placing my hand at the base to make it easier, I engulf his length.  I suck as my head moves up and down working his length.  I grab the lube he's smacked my head with.  I have to release him in order to open it which is what he's counting on. AS soon as I remove my hand both of his are in my hair and he's pushing as far as he can into my cavern.

I let him take control as I prepare him for the main event.  I like to call it muscle memory from practicing the same thing over and over again, the way his hole automatically relaxes as soon as my fingers run across the puckered area.  At moments like this prepping isn't really necessary. 

He groans as he cums into my mouth.  Damn if I were just a bit faster I wouldn't have to swallow but now I do so with a big gulp I take it all down.  I don't mind the taste but sometimes I'm not in the mood to swallow cum.

I move up and kiss him making sure that he gets a good taste of what he put into my mouth.  It doesn't faze him at all as he eagerly slurps at my tongue.

I push into him slow and steady.  We kiss the entire time.  His hands are freely roaming my body as mine hold his hips in place.  I separate our mouths and look lovingly into his eyes.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you too." He whispers back.

I pull back slowly.  If feels a bit rough so I pull out and add more lube to both my cock and his hole.  I'm not going to be cheap on such an important item.  Now when I push in I can feel the difference.  The smooth and silky feeling as I glide further into his tunnel.

I move slowly, rocking my hips.  I'm not frantically thrusting, not yet at least.  That comes at the end.  Right now I'm lovingly caressing his prostate.  His moans tell me so.

I'm still not fully thrusting but I start moving a little harder.  He lets out and quick 'Ah' that tells me he likes what I'm doing.  His hand moves to his own thickness and he starts pumping it.  That's my cue.  I start my thrusting now increasing my strokes, making them longer and more powerful. 

He throws his head back as his back arches. His hand still dutifully working on his member while the other has a fistful of sheet.  I increase my efforts again and he yells out.  I pound into him.  I'm getting close so my hips are now on autopilot as they increase speed and pressure.  I'm moaning out his name as I feel his muscles tighten around me.

I spill into him pushing myself as far into him as possible.

He still hasn't cum yet so I relieve him from his work and take over.  My hips slowly move as I stroke him to completion.

After the usual sex cleanup routine we finally lay in bed together completely worn out but satisfied.

"So what's with your sister?" He asks.

"She's making her move." I tell him.

"You should make your move first." He councils.

"I'm not a prize or anyone's to claim ownership of." He starts.

"That's not true.  You're my wife now.  I own you." I correct.

"You're right my lovely husband.  I do indeed belong to you and YOU need to make it known to your family." He says.

"I will.  How about next weekend? We can go have dinner with them and tell them our good news, plus it will give us time to plan how we'll deal with the two companies and Meg." I say.

"Deal." He say as he cuddles into me.

Arthit's POV:

Friday night.  Kong has already gone to his parents' house and left me all alone.  I'll see him tomorrow but I miss him now.  My phone buzzes and I answer it without looking.

"Kong?" I answer hopefully.

"Uh, no.  This is Meg."

"Hey Meg, Kong isn't here." I tell her.

"I know, he's at home.  I thought maybe you and I could go to dinner since you were all alone." She says.

"Sure.  Where do you want to go?" I ask.

"I could always bring something to your dorm." She suggests.

"No.  That's not gonna happen.  There's a restaurant in the mall we can meet at." I tell her plainly.

She sounds disappointed but agrees.

We meet at the restaurant to have dinner.  She's flirty and confident.  I'm sure no one has ever told her no before. 

"So you like spicy?" I ask.

"Yes.  I love spicy unlike Kong who can't even tolerate it. You know what you should try these peppers." She says adding peppers to my bowl.

"I know.  I've been trying to increase his tolerance but no such luck." I say sadly.

I'm pleasantly surprised that I'm having a nice time.  Except for the comment about spicy food she didn't insult Kong at all and hasn't even hit on me.  Maybe she's not after me.  I shake my head trying to chase away the sleepy feeling that came on all of a sudden.

"You know what Meg, I'm starting to feel sleepy.  I think we should call it a night." I tell her.

"Sure Pii.  I can take you home if you like." She offers.

"I'm going to your house anyway, so let's share a cab.  I need to use the toilet first though." I say as I excuse myself.

Once there I force myself to vomit.  That little brat tried to drug me.  I place a quick call to Kong letting him know the situation and that we're heading to their house.  We keep the line connected just in case.

We get into the cab and though I'm still fuzzy I'm not drowsy but I am a damn good actor and I pass out in the car.  I hear her tell the driver to go to a hotel.  I can drag this out because another thing I'm good at is being boneless.  It took her and the cab driver fifteen minutes to get me into the hotel room and on the bed.

"I can't believe this is finally going to happen." She says.

I mumble something and flip over.  I can hear her removing her clothing and I'm starting to panic.  Where are you Kong? Cutting this pretty close aren't you.

"Now to get your clothes off you.  After tonight you'll belong to me.  No way my parents would leave you alone once they thought you deflowered their daughter.  And poor Kong, he'll never forgive you." She says with a laugh that makes me want to punch her.

She manages to get my shirt off, thank goodness she started there.  Now she's working on my pants, I keep batting at her but yelling at Kong 'in my sleep' before rolling over.  She's getting frustrated before she finally yanks my pants off.

"I can't wait to see Kong's face when he sees these pictures." She says devilishly.

Pictures! What the fuck?

"How about if you see it now?" He says as he comes through the door with his parents. I roll and look up at him then point to my pants which he grabs and brings to me.

"You." He says getting in Meg's face.

"If you ever touch my wife again, I will kill you.  I don't mean that I'll hurt you or make you unhappy, I mean I will kill you." He says threateningly.

"Wife?" She says glossing over his threat.

"Yeah, we got married last week." I say sitting up now that I had my pants on.

"You two are married?" She asks again.

Then she screams and starts pulling at her hair. I think she's forgotten that she's completely naked.  Boy is she going to be embarrassed when she realizes it.

"Stop it! What you did is a crime.  Be grateful I don't have you put in jail." He yells slapping her in the face.

She stares at him for a moment then looks to her parents who hold out her clothes.  It registers to her then that she's naked and she scream again.

"Let's go home babe, I need to remove all traces of her from your body." He smirks.

"But she didn't touch me." I protest.

"Are you sure?  She didn't kiss these lips? She didn't touch this chest or this?" He asks palming my dick.

In front of his parents.

"Or this?" He asks grabbing my ass and causing me to squeak.

"We have to go." I say dragging a laughing Kong out of the room.

As we walk out instead of heading for a cab I go in the opposite direction.

"Where are we going?" He asks.

I point across the street to another hotel.

"There.  It'll take too long to get home and I want your cleansing now." I say tugging him to the hotel.

"As you wish." He says as he follows happily along.

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