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Things I have known to be true are that you bring back the energy you're reflecting out to the world and it all falls back in place. Reality is a hard concept to truly grasp without understanding some of the key essentials of life. Life is going to be full of laughter, pain, sorrow, beauty, love, and more. Life will test you if you let it but, it can also help you if you let it speak to you. "How do you do this?" you may be asking yourself. As a wise friend of mine told me is that you stay positive. The best way I can explain it to you is to not let the negative things in life control who you are or who you want to be. The only person who can truly control those things are you. You are responsible for your happiness. The best way to help yourself in this case is to manifest things. It's a new concept to me as well but, I am learning how and I am going to posting more about this. Manifesting things can be very easy or very hard; the only way it will be hard is because your mindset isn't where it's needing to be. That is something that had blocked me from seeing this side of life. When you have been through a lot ,  especially at a young age, it is hard to get out of the negative mindset. This negative mindset can bring negative people and manifest the wrong things if you yourself are negative. You can only manifest good things with a completely positive mindset. You need to think in the present not the past or future, now when I say present I don't mean the bad things. For example: "I am healthy, I am Beautiful, I am loved...." and so on. You are smart and thoughtful. If you keep that positive mindset you will soon begin to attract others with that same mindset. Now I can't say you will never run into those others with a different mindset but, you will be more around of the positive people.

My little rant today! More soon 😁👌🏻

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