Camping Special!

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*First time camping in the school*

- A day before registration day -

Me: Ok! *check his checklist of important stuffs for camping*

My Mum: *go inside my room* Have you got everything here?

Me: Wait. Let me check. *saying all the items on the list*

My Mum: *look at all the stuff compiled in the middle* O-O Are you sure you want to bring ALL of these?

Me: Yup! Why? Is it weird? Or over exaggerating?

My Mum: Its nothing, just that I'm wondering how are you going to bring these to school.

Me: *look at the compiled stuffs* ...... I thinks I could manage.

My Mum: You sure? You could reduce some items if you'd like to. I'm not forcing ya.

Me: Ok, thanks Mum! *smiles*

My Mum: Don't stay up so late ok? You gotta leave early tomorrow morning. *leaves the room*

Me: ....... *screaming internally*

- The next morning, registration day -

Me: *felt his heart skipped a beat*

My Mum: *sweatdrops* Looks like your friends bring all of the items, ey?

Me: Yeah, don't worry Mum. I guess I'll just.... borrow their stuffs?

My Mum: Hmm... Ok then. See you in 2 days! *leaves while waving goodbye*

Me: *waves back while whispering to himself** I'm so embarrassed. =//~//=

Also me: *Look at my stuffs and compared to others' stuffs* And I'm probably gonna get fooled around by my friends. *Sigh*

My first camping trip was a disaster. I only bring my clothes, shoes, pail and towel,which are VERY important. Meanwhile, others are bringing sleeping bag, pillows and plastic bags (for dirty clothes).
I regret EVERYTHING at that time T^T

Well, I'll tell you more on another books! Until the next updates, I'll see you soon! Bye!!


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