Nearly Set The House On Fire

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*Me as 10 years old trying to impress my 7 years old neighbour with fire*

Me: *waves my hand* Hey!

My Neighbour: *waves back* Hi!

Me: *takes out a lighter* Look what I got here!

My Neighbour: Ooo~

Me: *lights up the lighter* Watch closely. *wet my thumb with liquid and put the fire out* Tadaa~!

My Neighbour: Wow! (✪ω✪)

Me: Now, look at this one. *set some kind of cloth materials on fire and blow it out* Tadaa~!

My Neighbour: ...... *speechless*

Me: I know I know I'm amazing

My Neighbour: Uhh.. it is still on fire.. *points at the fire*

Me: What do you mea- *face towards the fire* OH GOSH! IT'S ON FIRE!!! *starts to panicking and gets water to put it out*

-Several minutes later-

Me: *breathing hardly*

My Neighbour: *already left*

Me: ..... *walks away*

Don't play with fire (;一_一)


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