Bumpy Road But It's Okay

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There's another M rated scene in this chapter. Feel free to skip the part if it's not your thing (hint : paragraph "Raquel leaned...." — "She heard him...") yes, it's pretty long ; )

Anyway, hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. As always, thank you!

Raquel told Sergio every single things happened on the restaurant earlier, what his mom told her, what Agata told her.


"I didn't know that we — or it's just you — actually invite someone else, Mrs. Marquina" Raquel gazed sharp at her.

"Actually it's me who suggested this gathering" Agata exclaimed as joining the table. "I hope you don't mind it, Raquel"

"Not at all. But I'm pretty sure you came here not just to fill your belly"

"I didn't know that you're a bold person, but I like it. Alright, I'm just gonna get straight to the point. I can't give Sergio up to you"

Just after Agata addressed Raquel for being bold, words she said was way bolder, made Raquel frowning and narrowing her eyes.

"Or what?" She challenged, raised her chin high.

"So apparently you're smart enough to grasp what's happening here" Agata smirked.

"It's cliche, Agata" Raquel didn't back up. "I've been in this kind of situation before, right Mrs. Marquina?" Then she looked at Mrs. Marquina sideway, mocking her about the dirty game she had done to her. To that, Mrs. Marquina could only sighed and rolled her eyes.

Agata didn't say anything but took her phone instead.

"Reporter Cruz, it's me. You've already collected all the proofs, right? Prepare them and launch them to public as soon as I give you the cue" As she hung up, she looked back Raquel and she sense the wicked thing behind Agata's eyes.

"What proofs?" Raquel demanded.

"Raquel, listen to me" Mrs. Marquina went to interrupt them, there's fear on her expression, it's not so typical of her.. "Agata has all the evidences say that Sergio is Paula's biological father, the reason why you left, —which was me, who is the man you said you're gonna marry and the lies you told to media —"

"Basically I can ruin your career and destroy the Marquina family reputation in just a snap of my finger" Agata cut in. "What do you think people would say about an actress who deceived the whole nation with her lies? Or a decent man from a reputable conglomerate family who neglected his own child for almost four years? Or a mother who threatened the lover of his son while she was pregnant? Such a nasty people!"

"Please help us Raquel, this is the first time I'm begging you. At least save Sergio's reputation... Don't let Agata leak those evidences" Mrs. Marquina put down her arrogance and pleaded to Raquel.

It's another mental breakdown moment for Raquel. She was silence for a moment, looking back what had happened in her life and how tired she was to always put in the hard situation. She's just wanted to be happy with Sergio, why was the road so bumpy?

"You called us nasty yet you don't realize how nastier you sound like!" Raquel mocked but Agata didn't triggered at all, she knew she was in the most beneficial place.

"Just think about it, Raquel" Agata warned.


Sergio was in aghast as Raquel explained everything with trembling lips. When she finished, Sergio stood up right away, took his suite jacket in anger as his face turned the shade of blood.

"Where are you going?" Raquel was in puzzled, looking upright to him.

"I cannot let her to take control of our lives, especially if she wants to to hurt you" Sergio murmured through his gritted teeth and kissed her before he left.

Steering the wheel, he called Agata and then furiously stepped on the gear to get into where she was.

Agata was in the wedding gown boutique and quite expecting Sergio to come. As she could, she booked the entire place and didn't let anyone else to come in.

"Welcome..." Agata greeted him, that innocent smile, as he recalled Raquel's words about what happened in the restaurant, made him fed up even before he could talk to her.

"Is this who you really are? You're pathetic, Agata" he grunted, definitely went harsh on her.

"Woah, is this how you greet your wife-to-be? I bet she's complaining to you about me, such a snitch" she was sullenly grunted.

"Wife? What wife?! Listen to me Agata, I always try to be nice to you all this time as my respect to your family. But don't expect me to be nice anymore if you dare to hurt Raquel!"

"Damn her! Don't you understand Sergio, it's not just Raquel, I can ruin your life too, your mother too. It's easy for me to kick you out from the company, my family hold the biggest share, remember?!"

"Do it!" He challenged.

"What? You know the weight of the words you said, right?" She was taken aback by his bold answer.

"I do. If you leak all the evidences, you just gonna wreck my life and my mom's, we deserve that. Raquel is victim in this case so I can ensure you cannot touch her. My life would be ruined anyway if I left Raquel and my daughter, so what's the different?"

Agata who was standing strong and confident started to break down, now she was holding tears for the fact how determined Sergio to sacrifice his life for Raquel.

"Sergio, I love you, you know that. I promise I won't forbid you to meet your daughter, give me a chance to make you love me" she pleaded, shamefully.

"Believe me I've tried to fall in love with you. But there's always pieces of Raquel left in me that made me hard to move on. Here's another problem you don't even realize, you always think about yourself, you just want to have me without really care about me, your selfishness and stubbornness always showing up every time I wanted to open up my heart for you until I realized that I can never fall in love with you"

Sergio said it all what he kept in his mind all this time in the name of respecting her as a nice person whose family was a handful for the company. Now that he knew her true color, he didn't care anymore.

"Woah... You're really going harsh on me" There's a painful behind that smirked.

"You made me do it. I thought you are a genuine person who just in love with me. But you're not. Maybe you're worst than my mother. You lost my respect, Agata"

Agata was so heartbroken and tormented, she knew by now that she lost him already with zero chance to steal his heart, but of course, Agata cannot let Sergio to reject her.

"It's by the end of the month..." getting herself together, she convinced.

"What?" He didn't believe what he heard. After all the ugly truth that he said about her, she's still on it.

"The wedding! Call it off? No. Postponed it? Yes, until you agree to marry me. But if you're keep being so mean to me, insisting to call if off, I'll give you the honor to tell everybody including the media about what you and your mother have done to Raquel and her daughter. Tell them the true reason why you want to cancel the wedding, it's because you left me for Raquel.

While that happens, I'm gonna sit back and watch people put their sympathy on me and put shit on you and your mother. You said it's okay even if your reputation ruined, right?" she bluffed

There's nothing else Agata could say, that's the last weapon she had. She's about to leave Sergio but he forcefully grabbed her wrist and muttered right on her face.

"I'm not gonna marry you, Agata. That's all I want you to know"

"Then you know what to do, Sergio"

Agata escaped, walked away as her tears rolling down her cheeks.

Meanwhile, Sergio knew whether Agata asked Reporter Cruz to leak the news or he himself declared, he was doomed either ways.


Raquel seemed cannot be calm, the anticipation was killing her until her phone finally ringing and it's Sergio who's on the line.

"Get prepared, let's go to Paula's school and pick her up..." Sergio brightly suggested and it made Raquel doubled the worry.

"So how was it?" She asked.

"Let's talk about it later. We need some fun time, don't we? I miss Paula too"

Raquel agreed, the past two days had completely drained most of her energy and thoughts, a little gateway should be proper.

"Where will you take us?"

"Somewhere where there's only the three of us, where we're free to do whatever we want, to love and to care without nobody judging us and nobody can come between us"

Sergio took Raquel and Paula to his villa, a place he believed always bring tranquility whenever things tired or frustrated him. Along the way, Sergio kept teasing Raquel for her boldness to come to his villa alone back then. To that, she would punish him a smack on his forearm but it only made her palm stung.

As expected, Paula was beaming to see her Papa again after the drama happened on their last vacation, and was happier when Sergio told her they're going somewhere.


At the villa...

While watching Paula's playing and having fun, Sergio and Raquel sitting next to each other. Her head rested on his shoulder and his hand clung around her. They couldn't stop smiling while observing Paula being so happy.

"You haven't told me about how was your meeting with Agata turned out"

"Are you probably jealous?" He teased, playfully pinched her nose.

"Sergio... I'm serious" Raquel escaped from his arm as she faced him sternly.

"She's tough and stubborn" he said, reaching her hair to fix it.

"Sounds like me" she let out an awkward smirk.

"But you have a big heart, she doesn't" he emphasized, fingers caressing her lips.

"Well, you have no idea how I wanted to punch her right on her face when we're at the restaurant! And that Reporter Cruz ! I swear I'm gonna make him get the karma" she roared, face turned red.

Sergio bursted into laughter in attempt to lightened up the atmosphere. "Woah you're so scary!" He teased more.

"So what's next?" Raquel worried.

"Good news is, the marriage won't happen by the end of the month. Bad news is, she's not gonna call it off. She wants me to speak up and confess what my mom and I have done to you and Paula, also the reason why I insist to cancel the marriage is because I left her to be with you"

"That's basically the same, either she asks Reporter Cruz or you speak up, both will kill our image"

"That's exactly what she wants"

Raquel shook her head and inhaled sharply. Sergio took her hands until their fingers entwined to each other's.

"Let's wait until your drama finished and released, then I'll speak up, I'll take all the blame. That's the only way we can escape from Agata and then we can make a new chapter — no, a better chapter — for our lives"

Raquel furrowed her brows, seemed to disagree with his point because she knew what the consequences Sergio would get, the social punishment, losing his credibility and everything.

"Sergio, if we take a look at the situation closer, you are just a victim same as me, you know nothing in the first place. I'm sorry but I think your mother —"

Sergio knew what she's about to say and he cut it off.

"Well, my mother is a victim of her past situation too..."

"I don't get it..."

Sergio told Raquel that recently he found out about what his late father did to his mother, how she got traumatized by the heartbreak that shaped her become the cold-hearted woman she was now, the reason why she didn't like Raquel to be around him. He wished Raquel to understand his decision to protect her mother while still put Raquel and Paula as his priority. Told her that his mother was getting old, her health condition was worsening, and the last thing he wanted was her to collapse again.

"She's so lucky to have you as her son"

"As long as I have you and Paula with me, I can through it all" he assured, the smile on his face made Raquel felt and ease and convinced.

Raquel crane out her arms and gave him a big hug.

"We will through it..." she whispered.


They stayed there until the night fell and decided to go back to Madrid, works and Paula's school were waiting for them the next morning.

On their way, when they're passing Guadiana River, Paula got excited. She could tell it was the Guadiana River, knew that it was one of the four longest river in Spain and even asked Sergio whether it's true that people could ride a bike and went on picnic there. It made Sergio proud of her, the kid was excited for almost everything and learned everything.

"Baby... Papa will take you there to ride a bike, have a picnic, or do whatever Paula wants to do" Sergio said and it made Paula roaring her excitement.

"I can ride a bike very well!" Paula exclaimed proudly.

"As expected, Paula's is so good at everything. Well, it means there's only one person who can't ride a bike here, I think we should help her, Paulita.." Sergio let out cheeky smile while glanced at Raquel. She was dumbfounded, whining and frustrated in an adorable way and then they broke into laughter.

"Paulita, actually you can see the view of Guadiana River from Sergio Papa's apartment" Raquel informed him.

"Woah, that's cool! Can we go to Papa's apartment?" Paula pleaded, her eyes were full of expectations.

"Wait, I just realized that I haven't taken Paula to my apartment yet" Sergio surprised himself.

And then, Sergio asked Raquel to take her and Paula to stay overnight at his place. She thought it was a good idea.


At Sergio's apartment...

Raquel went to Sergio's room. Everything was still the same, even it smelled the same. Either he really liked it that way or he's just too lazy to change.

As she walked in, she blushed as she remembered the first time she ended up sleeping on his bed. She opened the curtain and the more vivid memories playing in her mind.

"Oh God!" She gasped as Sergio, out of nowhere, suddenly slipped his arms around her waist and rested his hand on her shoulder.

"Job done perfectly, Paula is sleeping like she hasn't slept for days!" Sergio reported.

"Oh poor little kid, she must be tired"

"Miss this place?" He whispered, brushing his lips on the crook of her neck.

"Hmm... Kind of.." she teased, purposely made herself sounded uninterested but he knew she was.

"You know, most of the time when I opened this curtain, I remembered you, because I knew back in the days you always liked to spend time just looking at the river"

"It looks pretty and somewhat calming"

"And I'd like to watch you immersed on the view because to me you're prettier"

"Oh stop it... But do you know what I remembered the most?"

"What's that?"

Raquel turned around and sneaking his arms around his neck.

"When we made love in one of those summer nights, where there's a lot of stars and we didn't bother to shut the curtain. It was beautiful" she confessed.


"It's romantic!"

"Or, in one of those rainy days, when we spent hours cuddling with the sound of the drizzling water" he continued.

"Or, when the snow was falling and we love to exchange body heat, keeping us warm"

And the list went on as one after the other mentioned the things they did in the past.

"We have a lot of beautiful memories, don't we?" Raquel voiced, run her fingers through his hair.

"Indeed. And I want to make a lot more from now on" he added.

"Plus, we have Paula so I'm looking forward"

Sergio nodded, absolutely agree.

"Raquel, there ain't no stars or rain or snow right now, but don't you miss making love in my bed?"

"Are you flirting with me right now?"

"I'm asking you, perhaps you want to feel that again tonight..."

Their hands were busy grazing each other's skin, almost couldn't get their hands off. Their eyes were consuming each other's face expression until they pulled in for kisses.

"Let the curtain open..." Raquel whispered as tiptoeing to his bed. Her sharp flirty eyes fixated on him as she bit her under lip. Just before she crawling onto the bed, she took off her t-shirt and jeans but let her bra intact and her panties on, she loved watching him to undress her.

Sergio gazed her back like a tiger preying on a rabbit while discarding his clothes. "I will make you sore but plea at the same time" he softly voiced as sliding on top of her.

"I will ride you real hard" she replied, hands welcoming him.

"I will make you scream... But don't wake the baby up" his voice turned husky as he breathed hard.

No more words — for now — when their lips met again, slowly kissing as the beginning of yet another amazing night.


The next morning, Raquel woke up to the wavering ray of sunlight that's peeking through the curtain. As she was stretching her body to the crumpled sheet, feeling the softness of the chilly fabric against her skin, she was greeted by a glimpse of Sergio's beautiful side profile silhouette. His hair was still a mess but she loved it.

She was scanning him who's sitting at his working desk by the giant glass window across the bed, religiously reading Romeo and Juliette. She remembered he started to read that novel about three or four years ago. A hazy smile was playing on her sleepy face as a thought came to her mind, what exactly took him so long just to finish one novel.

Sergio was too drown into the reading to notice that Raquel was glueing eyes on him waiting for his attention. But she didn't bother to let out a voice because she loved to see his solemn face with those glasses on which she thought he was effortlessly attractive that way. And with him wore only his black short from last night, it's just perfect look for her.

As Sergio diligently flipped the page, a small scar that appeared on his plumped up forearm drew her attention. And then she realized, she scratched him a little too hard last night. She felt sorry while looking at him in her most worry expression. When she stretched a little more, she felt sore and frail all over her body which she believed also from last night. He meant it when he said he wanted to make her sore, but she liked it.

Last night, when they fucked each other so hard. On his bed, on the chair he was now sitting, on the ottoman, by the wall, by the edge of the bed, even in his bathroom, marking every corner of his room with their passion. A sex that worth for a couple of months although it's not even that long since the last time they did it.

Raquel then got up, sitting still on his bed while lamely holding the white sheet to cover up her upper body. Her noticeable move made Sergio automatically spun his chair to fully face her while closing the book and tossed it away as if he wasn't interested in it anymore.

"Good morning, love" his husky voice greeted her.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked, giving her the most heart-warming sweet smile with lots of contentment and admiration in his eyes. Just a simple gesture but she loved it because it made her felt loved and desired.

She nodded and they were looking at each other, exchanging meaningful smile when words didn't do justice to explain the love.

Instead of saying good morning back, Raquel casually and quite intentionally removed her fingers from the sheet and let it slid down causing her breast to reveal. "Come back to bed, baby. I miss you" she coaxing him to come.

Her calling was sweet spiced with an inviting tease. What she felt for him was too overwhelmed, love, lust and everything in between until she couldn't help but let herself sink into the feeling to love him more desperately.

As Raquel watched Sergio began to crawl on the bed, at the same time she made herself back to laying position, welcoming him to slide on top of her.

"Do you have to be this pretty in the early morning?"

He got some pokes on his ribs for his cheesy words, made him curled up because of the ticklish sensation and his room was soon filled with laughter.

As her finger accidentally touched his scar, she stopped her laugh. "Is it hurt?"she asked while caressing his scar. "Sorry, babe.." she worried.

"Yes, hurts so much.." he whined and pouty, she was worried even more. But soon she knew he was just put an act when he was giggling away. Soon, he belted when she gave him smack right on the scar but she wouldn't fall for his trap for the second time.

"You were so wild last night..." he whispered to her face that made her blushing.

"I wish you could feel what I feel when I look at you" he confessed.

"Well, I'm curious. How does it feel?"

"It feels like everything that you've ever dared to dream of is granted right before your eyes. I'm not exactly sure that my words do the justice, but I think it's a lot like that..."

"That's beautiful, Sergio..." she was so touched.

Entangled fingers and locking gaze, the sweet atmosphere soon was taken away by excitement as she threw an inviting gaze to him before pushing his body down on bed and began to express what she wanted to do to him.

"I love you..." she whispered.

Raquel leaned on top of him, pressing her naked body on his hefty bare chest, exchanging body heat in the still-cold morning air while her lips tracing every inch of his face.

Sergio shut his eyes close, enjoying her tender lips and she could feel his fainted smile as her mouth captured his. She loved to see him escaping a relief groan when her fingers slowly moved downward and palmed the hard bulge under his pants while gently stroked it, making it even more hardened.

As her body sliding down, her lips made a path from his mouth to his chin, doing butterfly kisses down to his stomach. His breathing was fast and his chest buffing up and down in anticipation when she slowly pulling down his pants and was greeted by his engorged dick that slapped back on his stomach as she fully took his pants off.

As his expectations rose high, she wait no more to grab the base of his length gently and then slowly moved her hand all the way up where she felt the pop up veins throbbing hot against her palm. She glimpsed at him to see how he liked it, and by the way he bite his under lips and wet it with his tongue while kept shutting his eyes close, she knew she's doing it right.

When she reached the tip, his groaning became even more pronounced when she gave it soft rub on his most sensitive spot with her thumb. She kept going on, one hand sliding up and down, the other one softly massaged his balls.

"Oh fuck..!!" he grunted desperately.

His breath got heavier as she speeding up the motion until his pre-cum wet around the tip. She then lower her head to have her tongue licking over it, sucking it clean.

That alone already made him gone wild.

"Feels good? I know you like it, babe... Now let me pleasure you more..." she murmured as put the whole thing inside her mouth.

Sergio whimpered through his gritted teeth and helplessly threading his fingers through her hair and then collecting every strands to make it easier for her. She loved those guttural voices he produced, it just made her wanted to go further until she could feel him began to thrust slowly as she steadily bobbing her head up and down. When she could feel his pre-cum coming out endlessly, of course, she licked and suckled it clean, scrapping his dick with her tongue.

It seemed to him that the warming up was already too much until he couldn't hold it anymore but to take her body, flipped her down and began to kiss her swollen lips.

Raquel mewled the moment his tongue flicked her hard nipples and even moaned louder when he teasingly gave a light bite to it. She was squealing and shrieking but still wanted to push his head sinking into her breasts as she wanted more.

"This is my favorite breakfast in bed" he groaned before slitting his tongue on her intimacy. It send her gasping and whispering out his name. Wanting to feel more of the pleasure, she splayed her legs out to ease him working on her dripping wet labia.

"Please.... Don't stop...." she pleaded and he didn't.

As if her legs weren't spread enough, he liked to spread them more and more, exposing her  pussy entirely to delved in more vigorously until she started to thrust.

The louder she moaned, the harder he went on her until she found herself soaking wet when his tongue was rolling around on her slit and clit, licking all the way up endlessly and slurping her warm juices that kept coming out.

When her loud screaming turned into sobbing and a lot of plea, all she wanted was him to keep going until the ecstatic feeling flooded up her entire body. From her pussy down to her toes, up to her brain until her mind flew high, leaving her body trembling as she reached the overwhelming explosion wave of her climax.

"Feels good, huh?"

Hell yes.." she breathed while smirking.

"It was just a foreplay, babe... Let's get down to the real business. We still got more time until Paula wakes up" he hoarsely said the seductive words behind those sweet smile.

It's just a matter of seconds, he rose up holding both of her thighs and slide his cock right into her pussy all in one forceful stab. She squealed and gasped for some air as it pierced her to the core.

She heard him swore and groaned while rocking her supple body. No matter be it day or night, slow or fast, innocently or fierce, they made every seconds worthy. The thrill of saying 'I love you' into each other while penetrating. Fucking then kissing until her legs went wobbly and squirting all over the place. They would fuck more, kiss more, until she cried and sobbed and smirked again for another round.


After sending Paula to school, Sergio wanted to drop Raquel to her agency office where Alicia was there waiting for her for actress's duty.

"You still remember the plan to officially declare our relationship to your friends, right?" Sergio came up with the topic.

"Of course I do. I was thinking of family style dinner. But as you know, the past two days has been a hell for us, I can't even think of it anymore"

Sergio pressed his lips, feeling bad for what happened to them and then glanced at her while caressing her arms to soothe her. She looked back at him, put a smile on her face as she put her hand on top of his hand, strengthening each other.

At the end of conversation, as his car reached the building, they decided to host a family style dinner at Raquel's home by the weekend. Not only to share their happiness for finally getting back together, but also to tell them the bitter consequences that followed.


So Finally Only Two Chapters remain for the end

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Do give your feedback for just motivating me to write more

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